The Official Cold Approach thread/challenge


Sep 24, 2015
First of all, I never really done a thread this "big", so if the structure is a bit off, sorry brehs. :to:
So I read that thread bout how your game is, and I saw negative answers too often :ufdup:
I thought I'd do a thread to get a lil "push" going for all the brehs thats struggling but also for the people that do like to approach and do it often. That way everyone can profit from everybody, share experiences, get tips etc. etc.

So if you dont know what "cold approaching" is, I suggest you read this :

Why Cold Approach Works Better Than Anything Else | Girls Chase

To make it short, cold approaching means that if you see a good looking girl (doesnt matter where) you just shoot your sho, walk up to her & get the conversation goin.

Of course this sounds a lot easier than it actually is. Most people have an "irrational" fear of getting rejected when they talk to a girl. The only way to overcome this fear is to "jump into cold water" and approach one girl after another until your fear dissappears because you'll realize that theres nothing that can happen to you.
Its also clear that you have to develop a certain communication skill, confidence in yourself and a decent look.
The look is something you can easily improve by getting a fresh haircut, some fitting clothes, and a good cologne. The "talking" & "confidence" part are gonna improve with the time.
I can share a lot more details & info on all this as soon as my laptop is nothing running slow as fukking hell, but for now Im tryna get this thread goin and see how it develops.

This is why I'll get to the "challenge" part now

As i said you'll have to jump into cold water, no way around that. So in order for the brehs here to improve their game & skills, or to just report some new accomplishments & share tips for "beginners", everyone thats gonna sign up himself here is gonna try and approach every attractive/interesting woman they come across and report back in this thread to share their experience, success or also their fails.
This way you can get some feedback, tips & encouragement which will be very helpful & give you an extra push in order to keep on going.

Im hoping on a good group dynamic here and counting on all the brehs to get in this

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May 3, 2012
I commend dudes who can pull it off but I've witnessed too many dudes get hit with the 'do i know you :scust:' to say that shyt ain't for me.
Other than being at a social event , i'm sure most women want to be left alone to go about their business unless they giving clear eye contact or approach directly sadly that's yet to happen to me apart from being asked for directions :mjcry:


All Star
Mar 8, 2014
Atlanta, GA

We stay losing:mjgrin:

I don't know if you just clownin, but breh the only thing that's holding you back is you. Everything that you think is holding you back in the game, is actually filtering out subpar females personality-wise. The only setback is that you're going to have less random hookups, it just comes with the territory, but with all these STDs out here I wouldn't look at it as a negative.

The only thing you're going to need to work on is your mouth piece, your confidence, and possibly your style. There are a ton of YouTube channels on Style so you can upgrade your wardrobe. Once you work on that, no matter how unattractive you are, you'll attract the most wifey material.

Furthermore, look at the sticky on dealing with women on this site. They drop a lot of really good gems on surface level game. Good luck out there fam.