The Historic and Cultural Impact of Marcus Garvey and the UNIA


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
First off shout out to @3Rivers the banner images

Marcus Garvey is in my opinion the greatest African leader and visionary of the 20th century. What he and the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League was able to accomplish affected not only black people in the United States, but his movement was felt in every country where there was a population of people of African descent. Despite what he was able to accomplish, his history and legacy receives almost no mainstream attention because of his message of race first and self reliance. In this thread I'd like to shine light on what he was able to accomplish while he was here, and what he did to unite Africans globally to directly challenge white supremacy.


Any leadership that teaches you to depend upon another race is a leadership that will enslave you! Let me say that again, any leadership that teaches you to depend upon another race is a leadership that will enslave you!

Garvey believed that African Americans were universally oppressed and any program of emancipation would have to be built around the question of race. In his mind, African Americans would aspire to positions of influence if they had educational opportunities, and this would bring them into direct competition with the white power structure. However, he believed that within 100 years, such a position would lead to racial strife which would be disastrous for them.

The urgency that he felt for racial independence and self-reliance existed because he believed African Americans suffered in the face of enormous economic superiority and power of the white world. He thought that they should strive to first build a solid industrial foundation and the consequential success would allow African Americans to shape their own destiny. Garvey said "the acme of American Negro enterprise is not yet reached. You have still a far way to go. You want more stores, more banks, and bigger enterprises." Garvey believed the white race would cease its aggressiveness toward the black race when it was met by an independent black power of a magnitude equal to its own. He believe we prejudice existed not because of a difference in race, but a difference in power.

With that belief, Garvey went to work.

The Black Star Line
Garvey created the Black Star Line company in 1919 and purchased its first ship, the SS Yarmouth. In total 4 ships were purchased under the Black Star Line banner. Yarmouth, Shadyside, Kanawha, and the Phyllis Wheatley. The UNIA raised the money to purchase the ships by issuing stock in the Black Star Line shipping company. The Black Star Line did business in the US, Caribbean, Central and Latin America.








Negro Factories Corporation
After launching the Black Star Line, Garvey started the Negro Factory Corporations. Garvey believed that everything the black people needed, black people had to create. Under the Negro Factories Corporation umbrella was the following companies: Universal Laundries, Universal Restaurants (2 eateries), Universal Grocery Store (3 stores), Phyllis Wheatley Hotel, Beehive Printing Plant, a doll factory, tailor, Universal Millinery Store, and the Black Cross Navigation and Trading company. The UNIA also owned 3 buildings, a lot, 2 trucks, and was planning to purchase a large bank. The UNIA had 1,000 employees in US alone by 1924. The UNIA economic impact was so great that in may 1922 alone 40 business went to UNIA for bailouts.



UNIA Doll Factory

Universal Millernary Store


Liberty Hall


Black Cross Navigation and Trading company


If you haven't confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started.
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At the time of Garvey, the entire African world was under European control. When Garvey traveled throughout the USA, South America and the Caribbean he saw black people on the bottom and whites on the top. Garvey focused on the need to restore the pride in Africans across the diaspora. His believe in self reliance was so strong that when white philanthropist came to invest money, he said "We do not want their money, this is a black man's movement."

Red Black and Green Flag
Because Africans globally was oppressed Garvey created the RBG flag to unite black people under a single political and ideological banner. The UNIA acted as the provisional government of black people globally and the RBG flag was the international symbol of black autonomy and independence.

Show me the race or the nation without a flag, and I will show you a race of people without any pride. Aye! In song and mimicry they have said, "Every race has a flag but the c00n." How true! Aye! But that was said of us four years ago. They can't say it now....
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The Negro Doll factory created black dolls for black children to instill racial pride at a young age. The UNIA sponsored beauty pageants and published pictures of beautiful black women. Garvey also held parades that were attended by the thousands.




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I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012

Marcus Garvey was considered the most dangerous man on the planet by not only the US government, but European powers globally. Garvey and members of the UNIA were routinely banned from entering the US and Canada, the Caribbean, South America, Europe, and Africa. The Negro World (Garvey's newspaper) was also banned in multiple countries and having a copy of it could lead to imprisonment.

Garvey was such a threat, that the FBI monitored UNIA activity in the US, Europe, Canada, Caribbean, and the Americas. The first black FBI agent (agent 800) was hired to infiltrate the Garvey movement and spy on them. Garvey believed that up to 20% of the people who surrounded him worked secret service agents. The FBI targeted the black star line steamship company and sabotaged the engines on their boat and denied them entry into numerous ports causing the goods on board to spoil, costing the Black Star Line to lose massive amounts of money. The UNIA/ACL was to represent the government of African people globally. Garvey's main focus was on nationhood. The UNIA was to be the provisional government of African people until Africa became liberated. Garvey believed that within 50 years, while W. E. B. Dubois and the NAACP "will be sending up petitions to Congress asking them to introduce another anti-lynching legislation Garvey and the UNIA will be coming up Hudson Bay with a flotilla of battleships, dreadnoughts, and cruisers to land our first ambassadors from the Great African Republic. And let me tell you, they will hear us then!"

Over the next five years, largely under Hoover's direction, Bureau of Investigation officers would report on U.N.I.A. activities in over two dozen cities and pursuit of Garvey would broaden to seven other federal agencies. "They were going to find some way of getting rid of Garvey because they feared his influence," Kornweibel says of Hoover and his government colleagues. "They feared the hundreds of thousands, the masses of blacks under his influence. Garvey rejected America, and they could no more agree to and accept a militant rejection of America by blacks than they could accept a militant demand for full inclusion by blacks." Hoover's determination led him to take extreme measures to counter Garvey's growing influence.

UNIA branches were raided in NY, TN, Baltimore, Charleston, New Orleans, and Detroit and a regular basis and shoot outs with local police and federal officials were common. Many ranking UNIA leaders were also arrested and prosecuted. Garvey had created a security force, the African Legion which was to protect UNIA members and Garvey himself. Garvey and the UNIA also had numerous clashes with KKK.



The UNIA was the largest black organization in history. UNIA membership was reported to be in the millions globally. The UNIA had 814 branches in the USA, 215 foreign branches, and 25 pending charters. Every area with a significant black population had UNIA branches, including Europe and Canada and Australia. There were 74 branches in Louisiana alone and 52 branches in Cuba.

Garvey was influential on notable political leaders and activist like Ida B Wells, Kwame Nkrumah, Jomo Kenyatta, George Padmore, Patrice Lamumba, Steve Biko, Nelson Mandela, to and many others. He had political ties with leaders in Central Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, Liberia, and Sierra Leon. Both Malcolm X's father and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad were members of the UNIA. Martin Luther King upon visiting the grave of Marcus Garvey in Jamaica King gave a speech saying "Garvey was the first man of color to lead and develop a mass movement. He was the first man on a mass scale and level to give millions of Negroes a sense of dignity and destiny, and make the Negro feel he was somebody." Malcolm X went to UNIA meetings as a child with his father and always spoke highly of Garvey

When Garvey was arrested, 150k people marched to protest his deportation and 5000 showed up for his firewall speech in New Orleans.

The Negro World was also widely popular and successful and had global reach and impact. The newspaper was said to be the cause of riots throughout the West Indies. It was eventually banned in the Caribbean, the Ameicas, Europe, and Africa.

Garvey claim 8/31 as an international holiday for black people, created the Negro Political Union which focused on voting and politics, and opened up 2 Universities (Booker T. Washington University and Liberty University)




If I die in Atlanta my work shall then only begin, but I shall live, in the physical or spiritual to see the day of Africa's glory. When I am dead wrap the mantle of the Red, Black and Green around me, for in the new life I shall rise with God's grace and blessing to lead the millions up the heights of triumph with the colors that you well know. Look for me in the whirlwind or the storm, look for me all around you, for, with God's grace, I shall come and bring with me countless millions of black slaves who have died in America and the West Indies and the millions in Africa to aid you in the fight for Liberty, Freedom and Life.

After my enemies are satisfied, in life or death I shall come back to you to serve even as I have served before. In life I shall be the same; in death I shall be a terror to the foes of Negro liberty.
Garvey's impact can still be seen and felt almost a century later. After the Charleston shooting Howard University put the RBG flag at half mast


Ghana placed a black star in their flag to symbolize Garvey's black star line.

The RBG flag also inspired the flags of Biafra, Malawi, Kenya, Libya, and Saint Kitts. The African American flag also dons the red black and green
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May 16, 2012
We learned about The Honorable Marcus Garvey as soon as we started school in Jamaica, It was amazing coming to America & meeting black people who never even heard his name. It's like someone saying they love West Coast hip hop & never heard of Dr. Dre. My people perish from lack of knowledge.....smh.....


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
We learned about The Honorable Marcus Garvey as soon as we started school in Jamaica, It was amazing coming to America & meeting black people who never even heard his name. It's like someone saying they love West Coast hip hop & never heard of Dr. Dre. My people perish from lack of knowledge.....smh.....

It's not shocking when you realize the how afraid the European powers were of Garvey. Garvey was their greatest fear. A black man that was able to unite black people globally around one cause.


Jan 31, 2014
Great post @bdizzle Some of this I didn't know about Garvey :salute: He was active during the time of Black Wall Street too. I didn't know they had all of those ships. They were doing it big back then. That racist Hoover interfering again which shouldn't surprise anyone.


Nov 17, 2017
Excellent post. I already knew about the man, his intentions, but i didn't know about many of his BLACK businesses. Only knew the shipping company and the black doll company.



Jun 26, 2015
i bought some of the old negro world newspapers online a few years back. they were pretty expensive, but it was worth it