The Devils Chord: Conspiracy to open the portal of consciousness

May 22, 2012
RENO, Nevada
The classical image of the devil with his pitchfork might actually be a visual allegory of an acoustic resonating tuning fork which can be used to emit a pure musical tone, key or pitch. For use in the opening of a ‘Portal’?

The Mystery of the Octave - The Ultimate Secret of Lincoln Cathedral by DAN GREEN

It is known that cathedrals, like old churches were built to serve as vibrationary chambers, holding undetected acoustic and sonic properties, and if one were to make the right sounds within them the effect can be Mind expanding. Aware of the octave connection and the window through the I-Ching, I was interested in taking a closer look at what is known as the ‘Liturgical Octaves’. In Christian liturgical useage, octave is the 8th day after a feast, sometimes called ‘Octave Day’ as well as the entire period of these days during observance of certain major feasts. In 2000, author of ‘Music and the Earth Spirit’, musician Bob dikkinson, conducted research on particular acoustic properties of Lincoln Cathedral which he focussed on some ‘ringing pillars,’ an octave and a fifth apart, which connected with certain intervallic relationships of the harmonic series.

The secret I discovered is called the 'comma of Pythagoras' in music theory but it contains a much more profound meaning -- one dealing with noncommutative mathematics and consciousness, something rediscovered in quantum physics as nonlocal entanglement. So normally the Perfect Fifth in music theory is measured as a closed circle but this is based on false mathematics -- logarithmic geometry in an attempt to contain infinity! The real harmonics are not logarithmic but instead are complementary opposites or asymmetric -- infinite resonate. This is called the "spiral of fifths."

Scottish author Brian Allan is a firm believer that the musical notation given the title ‘The Devil’s Chord’ by the Catholic church in the 12thC, and banned throughout Christendom, this the musical interval of the augmented fourth, could be the frequency and harmonic chord that holds the key (pun intended) to the ultimate mystery of Rosslyn Chapel, perhaps precipitating the opening of a portal of consciousness. In a prior article on the world wide web ‘Lincoln Cathedral – Battleground of Light and Dark?’, I explained in length the numerous ‘Devil’ connections, and so it might not be unlikely to consider an involvement with the ‘Devil’s Chord’ here.

May 22, 2012
RENO, Nevada
O.K. so actually the "Devil's Chord" which is the tritone interval is literally the square root of two. Or to put it the other way around -- the square root of two, called the Power Axiom Set in mathematics, is literally derived from the Devil's Chord. Western mathematics is a conspiracy arising from the wrong harmonics of music, a materialist Freemasonic attempt to "contain" infinity using logarithmic geometry. I actually wrote a masters thesis on this topic but even that did not get into the core truth. Then I discovered the Actual Matrix Plan conspiracy based on the same conspiracy -- corroborating my discovery -- only supporting it.

actual matrix conspiracy
The Actual Plan for the Matrix: Incommensurability, Harmonic Resonance, and the Religion of Technology

The classical image of the devil with his pitchfork might actually be a visual allegory of an acoustic resonating tuning fork which can be used to emit a pure musical tone, key or pitch. For use in the opening of a ‘Portal’?

O.K. so then I discovered that the secret to Pythagorean philosophy is actually this infinite spiral of fifths as alchemy and it is the ultimate secret of Freemasonry as well. Professor Hugh B. Urban states that the highest level of Freemasonry is to sit in full lotus yoga position as pyramid power to create the All-Seeing Eye.
The tetrahedron is the simplest form of this complementary opposite harmonics in action which then resonates into infinity as alchemy -- sound turns into ultrasound which ionizes electrochemicals to create sonofusion light alchemy, the transformation of matter. Viewzone Magazine: A look at life and human culture from different angles....

"Jenny Hogan and Barry Fox's article, Sony patent takes first step towards real-life Matrix, New Scientist, April 7, 2005, details plans for total sensory mind-machine interface relying on ultrasound pulses. 'The technique suggested in the patent is entirely non- invasive. It describes a device that fires pulses of ultrasound at the head to modify firing patterns in targeted parts of the brain, creating sensory experiences ranging from moving images to tastes and sounds. This could give blind or deaf people the chance to see or hear, the patent claims.' Magnetic fields can not be finely focused whereas ultrasound can be. That is the key difference for ultrasound. This ultrasound heard as the highest external tone ionizes our electrochemicals. Ultrasound also creates cavitation which turns into light! This cavitation has extremely high temperature which then enables alchemical results -- the transformation of matter! This cavitation of ultrasound into light is known in science as piezonuclear fusion or sonofusion -- 'cold fusion.'
May 22, 2012
RENO, Nevada
So as Western technology develops the whole planet is being transformed into the actual Matrix and it's all based on the Devil's Chord. The only way out is to do the opposite -- to rely on the complementary opposite harmonics of Pythagorean philosophy through nonwestern music. The BioMusic Conspiracy: Secrets of the Rainbow Serpent Flute Goddess So this goes way back to the original humans -- the Bushmen of Africa who are the original humans for 90% of human history -- from 100,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE. There has been not only a conspiracy about the truth of Pythagoras -- Plato and Archytas lied about the true Pythagorean teachings -- but there has been a conspiracy about the original human culture that relied on shamanic "spiral of fifths" trance dance alchemical healing. There's a book about this with 725 scholarly footnotes that gives more details - free download.The Alchemy of Rainbow Heart Music: How Paranormal Sonofusion Subverts the Matrix Conspiracy The Golden Ratio of Freemasonry is the major third and minor sixth music intervals as complementary opposites. So the minor sixth is 8:5, the Fibonacci ratio as the Golden Ratio and the major third music is 5/4 as the cube root of two which ushered in the Renassiance for three dimensional geometry. These secret harmonics are the focus of chapter two in the book I linked -- which has its research corroborated by math professors Luigi Borzacchini in Italy and Joe Mazur in the U.S. So the Perfect Fifth is 3:2 as C to G and the Perfect Fourth is G to C as 3:4 but this is noncommutative mathematics! For Western symmetric logic C to G is 2:3 and G to C is 3:2. So the secret of the Devil's Chord -- the Tritone -- is that 3:2 as the Perfect Fifth is squared using Freemasonic geometry -- to 9:4 halved to 9:8 then cubed to the square root of 2

May 16, 2012
So u tellin me theres a special note u can play to control peoples minds & Sony has a patent for it?...should I buy stock in Sony? and does this w:jawalrusork on b!tches too?

Double Burger With Cheese

May 6, 2012


Where's Suikoden VI??????
May 4, 2012
So, are you gonna post some links to the music we SHOULD be listening to or what


May 19, 2012
O.K. so actually the "Devil's Chord" which is the tritone interval is literally the square root of two. Or to put it the other way around -- the square root of two, called the Power Axiom Set in mathematics, is literally derived from the Devil's Chord. Western mathematics is a conspiracy arising from the wrong harmonics of music, a materialist Freemasonic attempt to "contain" infinity using logarithmic geometry. I actually wrote a masters thesis on this topic but even that did not get into the core truth. Then I discovered the Actual Matrix Plan conspiracy based on the same conspiracy -- corroborating my discovery -- only supporting it.

actual matrix conspiracy
The Actual Plan for the Matrix: Incommensurability, Harmonic Resonance, and the Religion of Technology

The classical image of the devil with his pitchfork might actually be a visual allegory of an acoustic resonating tuning fork which can be used to emit a pure musical tone, key or pitch. For use in the opening of a ‘Portal’?

O.K. so then I discovered that the secret to Pythagorean philosophy is actually this infinite spiral of fifths as alchemy and it is the ultimate secret of Freemasonry as well. Professor Hugh B. Urban states that the highest level of Freemasonry is to sit in full lotus yoga position as pyramid power to create the All-Seeing Eye.
The tetrahedron is the simplest form of this complementary opposite harmonics in action which then resonates into infinity as alchemy -- sound turns into ultrasound which ionizes electrochemicals to create sonofusion light alchemy, the transformation of matter. Viewzone Magazine: A look at life and human culture from different angles....

"Jenny Hogan and Barry Fox's article, Sony patent takes first step towards real-life Matrix, New Scientist, April 7, 2005, details plans for total sensory mind-machine interface relying on ultrasound pulses. 'The technique suggested in the patent is entirely non- invasive. It describes a device that fires pulses of ultrasound at the head to modify firing patterns in targeted parts of the brain, creating sensory experiences ranging from moving images to tastes and sounds. This could give blind or deaf people the chance to see or hear, the patent claims.' Magnetic fields can not be finely focused whereas ultrasound can be. That is the key difference for ultrasound. This ultrasound heard as the highest external tone ionizes our electrochemicals. Ultrasound also creates cavitation which turns into light! This cavitation has extremely high temperature which then enables alchemical results -- the transformation of matter! This cavitation of ultrasound into light is known in science as piezonuclear fusion or sonofusion -- 'cold fusion.'

Cold fusion is the ability to bond chemicals at the atomic level at cold temperatures. It has nothing to do with sound you dumb f*ck. What is this babble?