Super liking Sistas on Tinder in my area

Menelik II

I wanna see receipts!
Dec 4, 2016
:mjpls: I haven't got any matches from any black women even the ones I superliked even a self proclaimed BLM activist.

There aren't many black people around where I live you'd think scarce availability of educated good looking Black men would prompt me to get more matches from my female counterparts.
Bare in mind brehs I mostly see interracial couples If I see a Black man or Woman with someone where I live Swirling. Alot of biracial cats out here too.

I have however got PAWGs matching with me.:francis: One Desi chick too.

Now sure I want to smash because they are semi attractive females who have exhibited some form of interest in me but damn if they ain't hard to talk to they like hiking and travelling or they're into Techno or Alternative rock. I find it alot easier to talk to black women because a lot of the time we share the same interests and music tastes.

I may have to hang up the boots and call it quits on this failed experiment.
youre not got get any choice cuts on tinder, thats just the reality. you're going to have problems as its a cac app, so the only chicks on there will be swirlers in birkenstocks who like aternative rock and get smutted out easily. i don't know of any normal black girl who's on tinder :francis:, my friends sister is on these dating sites and a veteran championship swirler.

you should only use it as a last resort insurance. you'd be better off on some black based app/website much less weirdos, there are some in the UK someone told me about but i cant remember.

EDIT: i just read online "Don't superlike" bishes, idoesnt improve your chances, and sets you up as a needy simp. You should only superlike normal chicks, not 7s and up fwiw.
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