Spin Thread: fukk Egypt for a minute can we talk about West Africa and South Africa for a minute


The Picasso of the Ghetto
Aug 30, 2015
South Central Los Angeles
:what: give love to our west and south african empires

The Songhai Empire :wow:
Songhai Empire (ca. 1375-1591) | The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed

The Songhai Empire was the largest and last of the three major pre-colonial empires to emerge in West Africa. From its capital at Gao on the Niger River, Songhai expanded in all directions until it stretched from the Atlantic Ocean (modern Senegal and Gambia) to what is now Northwest Nigeria and central Niger. Gao, Songhai’s capital, which remains to this day a small Niger River trading center, was home to the famous Goa Mosque and the Tomb of Askia, the most important of the Songhai emperors. The cities of Timbuktu and Djenne were the other major cultural and commercial centers of the empire.

The Songhai people founded Gao around 800 A.D. and established it as their capital in the 11th century during the reign of Dia Kossoi. As the city and region grew in importance, the Malian Empire incorporated both as it expanded across the West African savanna.

Mali’s power however was eventually weakened by palace intrigue that interrupted the orderly succession of emperors. Recognizing the weakness at the center of Mali, Gao rebelled in 1375. Songhai then began its own imperial expansion at the expense of Mali, conquering Mema in 1465 and three years later siezing Timbuktu, the largest city in the region, from the Taureg who had recently taken it from Mali.

Sunni Ali Ber, the military commander responsible for these victories, is widely considered the first great ruler of the Songhai Empire. He continued to enlarge the empire, taking control of important Trans-Saharan trade routes as well as other cities and provinces of Mali.

After Sunni Ali Ber’s death in 1492, his son, Sonni Baru, became emperor but soon lost the throne to Askia (Emperor) Muhammad Toure one year later. The new ruler, a devout Muslim, was responsible for few additional conquests. Instead he centalized the bureaucracy, appointing virtually all of the mayors and provincial governors, established Sharia law throughout the empire, expanded Sankore University in Timbuktu and built numerous schools through Songhai. Askia Muhammad Toure also strengthened political and cultural ties with the rest of the Muslim world, encouraging the immigration of scholars and skilled workers from Arabia, Egypt, Morocco and Muslim Spain. He was the first West African ruler to allow the exchange of ambassadors with these and other Muslim states.

King Shaka :mjcry:


his military skills :blessed:

The expanding Zulu power inevitably clashed with European hegemony in the decades after Shaka's death. In fact, European travellers to Shaka's kingdom demonstrated advanced technology such as firearms and writing, but the Zulu monarch was less than convinced. There was no need to record messages, he held, since his messengers stood under penalty of death should they bear inaccurate tidings. As for firearms, Shaka acknowledged their utility as missile weapons after seeing muzzle-loaders demonstrated, but argued that in the time a gunman took to reload, he would be swamped by charging spear-wielding warriors.

The first major clash after Shaka's death took place under his successor Dingane, against expanding European Voortrekkers from the Cape. Initial Zulu success rested on fast-moving surprise attacks and ambushes, but the Voortrekkers recovered and dealt the Zulu a severe defeat from their fortified wagon laager at the Battle of Blood River. The second major clash was against the British during 1879. Once again, most Zulu successes rested on their mobility, ability to screen their forces and to close when their opponents were unfavourably deployed. Their major victory at the Battle of Isandlwana is well known, but they also forced back a British column at the Battle of Hlobane mountain, by deploying fast-moving regiments over a wide area of rugged ravines and gullies, and attacking the British who were forced into a rapid disorderly fighting retreat, back to the town of Kambula.

Shaka as the creator of a revolutionary warfare style[edit]
A number of historians argue that Shaka 'changed the nature of warfare in Southern Africa' from 'a ritualised exchange of taunts with minimal loss of life into a true method of subjugation by wholesale slaughter'. Others dispute this characterization (see Scholarship section below). A number of writers focus on Shaka's military innovations such as the iklwa – the Zulu thrusting spear, and the "buffalo horns" formation. This combination has been compared to the standardization implemented by the reorganised Roman legions under Marius.

Combined with Shaka's "buffalo horns" attack formation for surrounding and annihilating enemy forces, the Zulu combination of iklwa and shield—similar to the Roman legionaries' use of gladius and scutum—was devastating. By the time of Shaka's assassination in 1828, it had made the Zulu kingdom the greatest power in southern Africa and a force to be reckoned with, even against Britain's modern army in 1879.
Much controversy still surrounds the character, methods and activities of the Zulu king. From a military standpoint, historian John Keegan notes exaggerations and myths that surround Shaka, but nevertheless maintains:

Fanciful commentators called him Shaka, the Black Napoleon, and allowing for different societies and customs, the comparison is apt. Shaka is without doubt the greatest commander to come out of Africa.


All Star
Oct 10, 2015
Goddamn I always think about this shyt when people put so much spotlight on us being "true Egyptians" and "Moors" sound like total c00n shyt to me. :camby:
Focus on the true motherland, where we really originated from and have been living for thousands of years.


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
A lot of cats ignore the entire continent and only focus on Egypt because that's what a lot of white folks focus on the most on the entire continent when it comes to history. It's usually just the hoteps though. A lot of cats don't even know about the mali empire, Mansa Musa . Another one of my favorites is Queen Nzinga who fought off the Europeans.


The Picasso of the Ghetto
Aug 30, 2015
South Central Los Angeles
A lot of cats ignore the entire continent and only focus on Egypt because that's what a lot of white folks focus on the most on the entire continent when it comes to history. It's usually just the hoteps though. A lot of cats don't even know about the mali empire, Mansa Musa . Another one of my favorites is Queen Nzinga who fought off the Europeans.

epitome of a queen :banderas:


May 18, 2015
Naw brotha we was kings and queens in Egypt descended from the black Gods ain't that right brotha pharoh Alla hotep. White supremacy got yall believing that we wasn't Gods in Egypt .


Vasectomy Gang
Mar 22, 2015
Here's some medieval Ethiopian architecture. It's east africa but still a worthy contribution.

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