Suge is the business model of what has been practiced long before he became a presence in the industry and even before the "RAP GAME" itself.....
MORRIS LEVY considered the "father of the publishing hustle' made Suge Knight look like Mother Teresa.........Sam Wasserman wasn't exactly a saint either...and let's not talk about Tommy Mottola or Clive "Coke Boy" Davis....
Suge, Diddy , J Prince, Birdman just followed the business practices that have long been established, it just seems more "sinister" cause it's a BROTHERMAN instead of the OTHERMAN
but at the end of the day the biggest THREAT to the ARTIST, is the ARTIST themselves whom not only fail to educate themselves about THE BUSINESS OF MUSIC, but are to lazy and lack the heart to become enterprising in regards to the "art" they create...........if you go SEEKING A "DADDY" to take care of you...don't start crying like a byatch...when "DADDY BEATS YOU"...