So...Rob Lowe had a sextape with an underaged girl in the 90s?


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Wonder why we never hear about this :sas1:

'My sex tape scandal was the greatest thing that happened to me,' admits Rob Lowe
By Daily Mail Reporter
Updated: 16:24 EST, 29 April 2011


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It may not have seemed it at the time, but Hollywood star Rob Lowe now insists his sex tape scandal was the 'greatest thing' to have happened to him.

Lowe was just 22 in 1989 when he was caught in a sex tape where it emerged that one of two girls he was with was underage at 16.

'Let me just say this - sometimes being a trailblazer is highly overrated,' Lowe quipped of what was the first celebrity sex tape.


Opening up: Rob Lowe appeared on Oprah Winfrey's show yesterday

Insisting he was convinced she was at least 21, asked when he realized she was only 16 he laughed: 'Ha! A little too late!'

But Lowe says that looking back he is now able to see that the nightmare ultimately lead to the beautiful life he now has - in part because it made him hit an all-time low he had to crawl back up from.

'It ends up being the greatest thing that ever happened to me,' he told Oprah Winfrey.

'Because what it ends up doing is accelerating my alcohol [addiction] to where I finally get sober. I have been able to have the rest of my life that I'm so blessed with, which is now 20 years of sobriety.'


Emotional: The star became tearful as he spoke about his love for his family

He says the most amazing moment as a 'news junky' was to see the evening news lead with a story 'about my foolish life' over the tape.

And he added: 'It's almost quaint to think about now, because now people do sex tapes to HELP their careers,' he said, joking about how stars now make them and then pretend to be 'shocked! shocked!'

Of going through rehab, Lowe says: 'The charade was over - now I would be forced into being who i really was, for better or for worse. I knew who I wasn't - I wasn't that guy.'

He then stressed: 'Oh my God I love rehab! I highly recommend it.'


Home sweet home: The actor opened the doors of his Santa Barbara residence to Oprah's cameras

Lowe admits that it is the biggest difference he has with his life-long best friend - Charlie Sheen.


Brat pack: The actor in the late Eighties

'You have to understand - Charlie, I've known him since I was 13. He is my homeboy.

'I love him. But he and I agree to disagree on sobriety. I'm like, 'Dude we have a chair for you, we're ready over here in the anonymous group that we go to that has saved my life'.

'He doesn't want anything to do with it.'

But even so, knowing Charlie so well, Lowe did not seem overly concerned for his friend's latest behavior.

'Honestly? It really is Charlie being Charlie, in an obviously more advanced, hopped-up version,' he said of Sheen's headline-grabbing behavior.

'He's always been an iconoclast and a true character full of charisma and wild, and this is - he's letting it all loose.

'He's like, 'You know what? I'm really going to go full throttle with what I've been keeping inside my whole life.' That's really where it's at.'

He recalled growing up with the Sheens.

'Everybody in their childhood has that family where you know you're going to be there on Christmas Eve,' he told Oprah.

'And on any given weekend, you're going to be maybe spending the night in the guest bedroom. That was the Sheens' house for me growing up.


Loving life: Rob with his two teenage sons John Owen and Matthew

'Emilio Charlie and I - and Martin - were like a true extended family. And Tom was bunking there,' he said of Tom Cruise, who had 'just moved from New Jersey and had nowhere to stay'.

'We were all competitive but really, really friendly.'

There was also someone growing up who had admits to having a huge crush on - Demi Moore.

'Who didn't?!' he said, getting tongue-tied when asked if they were serious. 'And talk about looking better than ever, right? She's an amazing woman.'


Surf's up: The star larks around in the sea with his son

Now, it seems clear that he has a crush on just woman - his wife of almost 20 years, Sheryl.

'I'm no genius, but I'm real smart in one area - I picked the right mate.
'Sheryl's my best friend and she's as sexy as hell.

'We're besties. We're always about how can we spend more time together, not less.'

Oprah, however, appears to have a crush on her interviewee - admitting Lowe's topless cover on Vanity Fair left her breathless, and excitedly telling her audience: 'May I just say I saw him naked in the green room. YES I SAW ROB LOWE NAKED!!'


Happy couple: Rob and his wife Sheryl have been married for almost 20 years

Admitting that he used to find it hard being taken seriously because he was 'so damn pretty', he insists he is not worried about losing his looks as he gets older.

'My issue isn't about physical aging, my issue is about wanting to remain vigorous and youthful in my spirit.

'Because I think there's a fork in the road where it becomes work - you have t work at staying young.

'You can give up, or fight-fight-fight-fight. I'm fighting.'



Aug 16, 2014
Great to know. I feel better About R Kelly molesting and raping and assaulting black girls.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Great to know. I feel better About R Kelly molesting and raping and assaulting black girls.
R Kelly went to court over this :sas1:

Do you know the outcome of that court case? :sas1:

All i'm saying is that either everyone gets brought up, or no one gets brought up