So...Jeremy Corbyn was recruited by Czech communist intelligence?!?!

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The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State


If this is true, let his career be immediately over :pacspit:

Jeremy Corbyn met a Communist spy during the Cold War and ‘briefed’ evil regime of clampdown by British intelligence
By Jake Ryan
JEREMY Corbyn met a communist spy at the height of the Cold War and warned him of a clampdown by British intelligence, according to secret files obtained by The Sun.

Mr Corbyn was vetted by Czech agents in 1986 and met one at least three times — twice in the Commons, it was claimed.


UPP:Universal Pictorial Press and Agency

Jeremy Corbyn held meetings with Soviet-backed spies at the height of the Cold War

Czech State Security Archive

Jeremy Corbyn mentioned as a source as part of a spy file
Earlier today a spokesman for the Labour leader said he met a diplomat, but never knowingly talked to a spy.

But expert Prof Anthony Glees said: “It shows breathtaking naivety from someone who wants to head the British Government.”

The Soviet-backed spies had a simple code-word for their new-found comrade Jeremy Corbyn: COB.

According to secret files, he passed on material about the arrest of an East German and was allegedly put on a list of Czechoslovakian state security team’s agents and sources.


Files detail the a House of Commons meet with comrade 'COB'
Reports noted in 1986 he was: “Negative towards USA, as well as the current politics of the Conservative Government.”

His attitude towards Eastern Bloc countries was “positive” and he was “supporting the Soviet peace initiative”.

And he was “very well informed” of people in contact with “anti-communist agencies”, according to the files.

The files obtained by The Sun are also likely to be in the hands of Vladimir Putin’s Secret Service.


News Group Newspapers Ltd

It is claimed Jeremy Corbyn met one Czech spy at least three times — twice in the Commons during the height of the Cold War

Czech State Security Archive

Secret files reveal meet-ups in 1986
He dismissed as a smear any claims he was an informant and said he had never “offered any privileged information to this or any other diplomat”.

But Cold War expert Professor Anthony Glees, of the Oxford Intelligence Group, said: “These files show Jeremy Corbyn had been targeted by Czech intelligence services.

“Mr Corbyn says he didn’t know, but it shows breathtaking naivete from someone who wants to head the British government.

“These files show there was contact between Corbyn and a Czech intelligence official, even if he did not know it.


Czech State Security Archive

A file report notes 'Jeremy Corbyn - contact established'
“At the time dissidents were under attack and being imprisoned in Czechoslovakia. In the struggle between the dissidents who were trying to overthrow the communist government and the Czech government, Corbyn is working on the side of the Czech government.

“The Czechs were interested in anti-communists and they are using Corbyn for immediate operational information useful to them.”

Czechoslovakia, then a puppet state of the Soviet Union, relied on a secret police force known as the Statni Bezpecnost or StB.

Mr Corbyn was allegedly sought out because they believed he was well informed about “persons who are in contact with the anti-communist agencies” — potentially other politicians understood to be working for MI5 and MI6.


Rex Features

According to secret files Corbyn was put on a list of Czechoslovakian state security team’s agents and sources
The papers claim he was vetted by agents and met one, Lieutenant Jan Dymic, at least three times including twice in the Commons.

The files, unearthed from the StB archive in Prague, indicate he was initially approached in 1986 through activists Tony Gilbert and Sandra Hodgson of the ultra-left wing Liberation movement.

The four are said to have met on November 25 in the Commons.

In his report, Lt Dymic states Corbyn “showed interest in further meetings”.

An assessment of the first contact including the heading: “Interests, hobbies, behaviours, pres-entation, personality traits”. The note reads: “Owns dogs and fish.

“Behaviour is reserved and courteous, however, occasionally explosive (when speaking in defence of human rights), though the performance is calm and collected.”

'Tell all' call

JEREMY Corbyn should make public his links to people who could have been working for Soviet intelligence agencies, an expert said earlier today.

Prof Anthony Glees, of the Oxford Intelligence Group, said: “I would ask Corbyn, ‘Did he think people working in the Czech embassy might be working for the Czech intelligence agency’?

“It is a criminal offence to knowingly engage with a hostile foreign state’s intelligence agency. No doubt he didn’t know. But even if he thought they were just government embassy staff, this was a repressive communist state — it’s despicable to be meeting with them.

“Jeremy Corbyn should insist any archival material held on him in the East German or Czech archives be made public.

“He needs to do this so he can be seen as a fit and proper person to be Prime Minister.”


Rex Features

Czechoslovakia was a puppet state of the Soviet Union and relied on a secret police force
Spies noted his phone number and home address, then Finsbury Park, North London.

A memo marked “Top Secret” and dated December 9 is titled: “Jeremy Corbyn — Contact established.”

The files say in January 1987 agents in Prague authorised his vetting and he was signed off by the head of department in the Czech Ministry of Interior. Two months later he was given the codename COB.

A second meeting was said to have been held on July 3 in the MP’s constituency office alongside a member of the Czech Communist party’s central committee.

More Commons talks with Lt Dymic on October 24 were dclaimed to have followed “to strengthen mutual recognition and the deepening of trust”.

Powerful cop force spied for regime

COMMUNIST Czechoslovakia relied on a web of security services to crush all opposition to socialism — chief among them the hated secret police.

The Statni Bezpecnost or StB kept hundreds of thousands of files on agents, informers, and targets of surveillance.

Its spies monitored millions of Czechs and Slovaks daily, reporting to the communist regime.

Thousands of ordinary Czechs were murdered by the regime, aided by the StB. Dissidents calling for freedom were rounded up and thrown in jail.

The StB was so powerful it even stole babies from ordinary families to give to agents’ childless wives. The agency was dissolved in 1990 after the collapse of communism.

The Czech is then said to have raised concerns in the 90minute meeting over British intelligence actions against their own agents and allied East German spies in the UK.

Mr Corbyn allegedly provided a copy of a Sunday People article about a bungled MI5 investigation into suspected Stasi spy Ulrich Kempf — and warned of possible increased British security measures.

At the end of the meeting, according to the files, Dymic proposed to carry on with Corbyn and focus “on issues along foreign counter-intelligence and the so-called high-risk areas”.

At this point the StB archive breaks off and there is no further material recording contact with Mr Corbyn.

Hammer 'not a pal'

MR Corbyn has previously denied knowing a top Czech spy linked to the Labour Party.

Brit Cynthia Roberts, code name Agent Hammer, ran the Labour Action for Peace (LAP) group from a Commons office.

She stood as a Labour parliamentary candidate before moving to Prague in 1985. She wrote dossiers for her Czech State Security spymasters and went on special missions.

Mr Corbyn went on to become LAP president. When Roberts was exposed as a spy in 2008, he said: “I don’t know Cynthia Roberts at all.”

But the files claim he was the 326th coded source listed in Operation Obrana — meaning “defence”.

Prof Glees said: “It’s one thing for people to be naive and go to a cocktail party and drink too much.

But to have a series of meetings at which hot political topics are discussed including persons who are in ‘contact with anti-communist agencies’ is naive.”

Former Czech Republic military intelligence chief Andor Sandor, who joined the Czech army in 1986 and served as a military attache in the UK in the 90s, said: “These kinds of operation are typical.

“The Russians had first deployed their SS-21 missiles in Europe during the 80s and America deployed Cruise missiles in the UK.

“These officers would be working undercover in the Czech embassy in the UK and would approach left-wing politicians who supported the peace movement. They tried to establish contacts with left-wing politicians and Labour was a very left-wing party in the 80s.”


PA:Press Association

A Labour spokesman said Jeremy Corbyn has met a diplomat but never knowingly talked to a spy
Tory grandee Malcolm Rifkind, a former chair of Parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee, said: “If these documents are genuine, which they appear to be, then there is a serious case for Mr Corbyn to answer.”

However a spokesman for Mr Corbyn insisted: “The claim that he was an agent, asset or informer for any intelligence agency is entirely false and a ridiculous smear.

“Like other MPs, Jeremy has met diplomats from many countries. In the 1980s he met a Czech diplomat, who did not go by the name of Jan Dymic, for a cup of tea in the House of Commons.

Fear over Stasi file

AN EAST German secret police file on Jeremy Corbyn is being kept under lock and key.

It was drawn up when he was granted access by the state in the 1970s.

The Stasi archives office can release records on important figures of “contemporary history”.

But it has refused a request on Mr Corbyn, saying he does not meet that criteria.

Experts called on the Labour leader to officially ask for his file and reveal its contents. They fear he could otherwise be vulnerable to blackmail.

“Jeremy neither had nor offered any privileged information to this or any other diplomat.

“During the Cold War, intelligence officers notoriously claimed to superiors to have recruited people they had merely met. The existence of these bogus claims does not make them in any way true.”

The Sun told in October how a secret file on Mr Corbyn was held by East Germany’s Stasi secret police.

Jeremy Corbyn boasts he once snuck a drill past a policeman into Parliament to put up plaque to suffragette


@DonKnock @dza @88m3 @wire28 @smitty22 @fact @Hood Critic @ExodusNirvana @Blessed Is the Man @dtownreppin214 @JKFrazier @tmonster @BigMoneyGrip @Soymuscle Mike @.r. @Dorian Breh @Dameon Farrow @TheNig @VR Tripper @re'up @Blackfyre_Berserker @Cali_livin
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Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
No one cares. Jeremy Corbyn has the Labour Party on lock. They tried to smear him before the elections with other commie BS and guess what? It didn't work.

The Sun is one of the worst papers in Britain. It's a Tory piece of trash.

The more stupid stories about Corbyn coming out show that the weak Theresa May Tory government is on the rocks.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
he sat back and let Brexit happen he is weak and pathetic and needs to go for that alone

if he was playing spy games with Russians during the cold war he also has to go



Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
he sat back and let Brexit happen he is weak and pathetic and needs to go for that alone

if he was playing spy games with Russians during the cold war he also has to go



Weak and pathetic? He won Labour leader election twice. Had the best Labour showing in an election in 20 years.


Fast Money & Foreign Objects
May 21, 2012
Weak and pathetic? He won Labour leader election twice. Had the best Labour showing in an election in 20 years.

He didn't do enough to prevent Brexit and really distanced himself from the issue. It's left a bad taste in a lot of peoples mouths.

Corbyn failed people when the left needed him the most. A lot of my EU friends have left Britain now because of this and you read horror stories about how EU and UK minorities are being treated due to Brexit.


Mar 10, 2017
Corbyn is a G he lives two roads down from literally he is in the hood (ish) part of London

I spoke to him about not being able to sleep at night because of noise pollution
A few months later he got me new insulated windows installed throughout my apartment

Further more eff the Sun
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