Racial Whitening - Solution To The Negro Problem


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth



The white elite in the United States and in Brazil faced the same problem at the end of the 19th century. Both had a large African population as slavery ended. They worried about what to do with these Africans. The two elites created two different approaches to their "problem."

The United States chose to get rid of the "negro problems" by segregation, overt segregation. Brazil (and other "Latin" American countries) chose absorption or assimilation of the African into the European population, with certain limits. Neither could conceive of the notion of cultural or ethnic democracy. Neither recognized or respected African people of African culture as legitimate.

In 1914, Theodore Roosevelt wrote an article in a popular magazine describing what he had seen and heard in Brazil.

He was told the following by one observer, "Of course the presence of the Negro is the real problem, and a very serious problem, both in your country, the United States, and in mine, Brazil. Slavery was an intolerable method of solving the problem, and had to be abolished. But the problem itself remained, in the presence of the Negro...

"Now come the necessity to devise some method of dealing with it. You of the United States are keeping the blacks as an entirely separate element, and you are not treating them in a way that fosters their self-respect. They will remain a menacing element in your civilization, permanent, and perhaps even after a while a growing element. With us the question tends to disappear and become absorbed.
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Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
By absorption, Roosevelt referred to the white Brazilian elite's whitening policy of both cultural and genetic absorption, or put another way, cultural and physical genocide. His observation on the physical absorption is interesting.

"In Brazil ... the idea looked forward to is the disappearance of the Negro question through the disappearance of the Negro himself—that is through his gradual absorption into the white race.

"This does not mean the Brazilians are or will become the "mongrel" people that they have been asserted to be by certain writers, not only French and English, but American.

The Brazilians are a white people, belonging to the Mediterranean race, and differing from the northern stocks only as such great and civilized old races as the Spaniards and Italians, with their splendid historic past, differ from those northern stocks. The evident Indian admixture has added a good, and not a bad, element.

The very large European immigration of itself ends, decade by decade, to make the Negro build a smaller element of the blood of the whole community. The Brazilian of the future will be in blood more European than in the past, and he will differ in culture only as the Americans of the North differ."


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
Whitening as Virtual Reality: the Latin American Example

In Latin America and the Cape Verdean Islands, the battle against assimilation has been a constant struggle for people of African ancestry.

Although on the surface these nations appear to have no racial conflicts, and although most propagandized to the effect that racial oppression is absent, such is not the case when one examines closely the languages, with dozens of terms used to describe African physical characteristics, and the treatment of people who move closer to the black end of the color spectrum, the findings reveal conflicting problems that work against those who would attempt to hold on to their African heritage and who are obviously of African descent phenotypically. In the following discussion, examples of anti-African sentiments and attempts to eliminate all vestiges that identify these nations with Africa will be given.

To some Africans, the fusion of "European blood" with Africans was viewed as a form of cultural rape.

Others welcomed the push to amalgamate, and especially "whiten," the race. The dictum, "advanzar la raza" (advancing the race), was coined to mean to decrease what is viewed as the "inferior black blood" by mixing it with the more desired "European or white blood" through intermarriage.

Since black blood was and is looked upon as a mark of degradation, it is the responsibility of its bearers to improve the race by mating with someone of a fairer complexion.

In her commentary on the experiences of Puerto Rican women of African ancestry, Angela Jorge posits, "When she begins to seek companionship with others who look like her (that is, black Americans), with those who will not reject her, she will hear !Conesa no juengues?(Literally, "Don't play with that one!") but it conveys a meaning of not getting involved...

She quickly understands that any intimacy with a black American male is absolutely taboo, and that to engage in such a relationship is to be forced to assimilate socially into that group, essentially giving up her identity as a Puerto Rican."

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Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
However, the opposite is often said of a light skinned woman who has a child with a darker man. The term used in Cape Verde to describe this union is "mixing up the race."

In her study of race relations in Cape Verde, Meintel demonstrates how light skinned Cape Verde girls avoid intimacy with darker skinned boys.

According to Meintel, "when the boys from the clubs deemed 'just anybody' arrived, they are met with pleas of fatigue and headaches (as to excuses not to dance), and they are made to make an early exit. Once the 'better' clubs arrived, they were persuaded to stay well past the usual time limit, blocking the entrance of less desirable groups."

Similar demands were placed upon Antillean girls to marry white were revealed by Franz Fanon in Black Skin White Mask. While away at college, Antillean women were encouraged to seek to marry white or someone very light in order to gain family approval.

When asked as to whether they would consider marrying a person of African ancestry, these women strongly state their refusal to consider a black man as a possible suitor by stating, "get out of that and then deliberately go back to it? Thank you, no besides," they added, "it is not that we deny that blacks have any good qualities, but you know it is so much better to be white."

Extreme examples of the pathological effects on the minds of a racially insecure people, are demonstrated is a play entitled, Mascara Puertoriqueno, by Francisco Arrivi.

The experiences are familiar to many African-Americans from both the past and the present. Film maker Spike Lee opens up the topic for a wider audience in his film, School Daze.

The discussion of the whitening process is a natural lead into the discussion of the nature of African education. Ultimately, the issue that must be faced is the right of an ethnic group to exist. Any environment within which one may find one's self; this must be based on one's true heritage and not on that of others. Any design of education must start at this point.

Any group, in the struggles for this existence, must draw upon its past and upon its way of life as a cultural stream in its history on the earth. Beginning thousands of years ago, Africans created culture. The evolution of Africa's cultural creativity can be documented and studied. It not only exists, it reflects a way of life that is positive, beyond the mere material. African metaphysics is spiritually centered, all over the continent.

In order for African education and civilization to proceed, systematic study of the history and culture of African people worldwide is a fundamental requirement.

Within the history and culture, we will find purposes of education. Philosophy and theory are both explicit and implicit in the history and culture of African people. Many of these ideas have been well recorded from ancient times to the present.
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Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
These were unilaterally decreed solutions. No African was consulted. As Skidmore shows in Black Into White, the strategy is rooted in an ideology of white supremacy. In the case of Brazil and many other Latin American countries, the white supremacy is masked by a propaganda of a "raceless" society. The "color blind" societies produced "invisible white supremacy." In some, the final solution was complete.

"Negroes in Buenos Aires no Hay'—there are no blacks in Buenos Aries so the natives of the city, the Portenos, tell their visitors, and so it appears.... The process of vanishing was rather abrupt one, not really starting to take effect until the 1950's."

Andrews in The Afro-Argentines of Buenos Aires, goes on to show that in the one hundred year period, the African population of Buenos Aires declined from nearly 30% to virtually zero. The story of this decline is instructive, given the current elite thinking about what to do with the Africa.

So we can see, that the liberals (Latin American assimilationist/integrationist s) and the conservatives (segregation/apartheid thinkers) were both in agreement. The African had to go. Both liberal and conservative elitists were white supremacists and were cultural totalitarians. African culture, and African people as an ethnic group were not recognized or respected then. The same is true today.

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Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
The new census categories of "mixed" and "other" have already started some Africans to reframe their identities, identities based solely on their pigment, or "races."

These matters are important to any discussion about the education of the African, especially since there has been a relatively recent shift in the U. S. positions, a "melting pot" shift. Still, certain powerful segments of the white elite are still determined that the African has to go.

"The "escapism" goal(erasing of their evil acts) of whites of a "humanity without color" leads simply to the endorsement of ethnic alienation by black people unto themselves, which are perpetuated consistently by the ideas and progression of eurocentric supremacy through "mixing".

Abdias Do Nascimento In

Brazil: Mixture Or Massacre, Essays In The Genocide Of Black People


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
"The process of sexual exploitation of black women resulted in simple GENOCIDE. With the growth of the mulatto population, the Black Race began to dissapear.

This development was turned into an explicit and intentional policy of the GOVERNING strata.

Additionally, maltreatment and abuse of africans and their descendants, including torture, starvation, and overwork, resulted in an extremely high rate of infant mortality.

The decimation of the African people in brazil can be clearly seen."

Abdias Do Nacimento:
Brazil: Mixture Or Massacre, essays In the Genocide Of A Black People

^^Same thing that's happening to our people now here in Amerikkka


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
"The fear of possible takeover by blacks has been a nightmare frightening whites the entire course of our history. This is a fundamental aspect in the conception of a tecnique to "mix" out blacks in white dominated lands....i.e Amerikkka, and Brazil.

In fact it became evident that it would be much more effective to deny that RACISM exists, despite reams of writings which believe it, and therefore create a NEW fictitious history in which Brazil and Amerikkka could use as the "NEW BLACK" to create the notion of racial harmony between the white population and the "NEW BLACK" half-breeds.

But Denial Does Not Change History Or The Actions Of Whites"

Abdias Do Nascimento In:

Brazil: Mixture Or Massacre, Essays In A Genocide Of Black People


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
"Racial diversity in the world is a wondrous thing, but when practiced within a nation it suppresses man's instinctive urge to be a part of his own people, and through that, his connection to eternity, and that is a crime against humanity.

"Another crime is the fact that those who support forced or coerced racial diversity are knowingly or unknowingly supporting racial genocide. When different races occupy the same land, a small percentage of each race will breed out of their group, and over time a complete mixing will be achieved, and there will be no recognition of the once separate races that lived there. The racial diversity that this regime and its useful idiots are supporting is leading to the exact opposite of what they say they want - racial diversity.

Racial mixing leads to racial extinction, not diversity, and eventually all that will be left is one mongrelized, hybrid type of man. There is nothing noble or beautiful about this, it really is a crime against humanity." - Frosty Wooldridge


May 2, 2012
No. The fear is the black male. The target is the black woman.
i dont know why i have to go through this with you. you should just gracefully bow out of these topics. you're too prime of an example of what NOT to do as a BM. if you're marrying out, you cant point your finger at BW and say they shouldnt. the end result is the same for both genders.