Professor who donates sperm in city bathrooms has sired 22 kids

Mr Uncle Leroy

All Star
May 19, 2012
On a busy night last week at the Target on Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn, Ari Nagel, 40, emerged from the men’s bathroom looking a little flushed and quite pleased with himself.

“It’s better when it’s fresh,” he told them.

“It” is Nagel’s semen, and it’s in demand. The 6-foot-2 CUNY Kingsborough math professor has served as a sperm donor for dozens of locals, siring 22 kids over the past 12 years with 18 women of various backgrounds.

For lesbian couples and single ladies looking to have a baby without the expense of going through a sperm bank (which can run in the thousands of dollars), he’s the No. 1 dad.

“This isn’t time-consuming, and I’m doing it anyway,” he says of his hand-on hobby. “It’s very easy for me to do.”

His oldest child, now 12, was conceived with a woman he was in a committed relationship with, but all of his offspring since, he says, have resulted from his donations.

About half the time, he provides his seed the old-fashioned way. Sometimes, a lesbian looking to conceive will have her partner in the bed for moral support while she and Nagel engage in intercourse.

“She’s never slept with a guy before, so the partner’s in bed, holding her hand,” Nagel explains. “Sometimes, it could be a little painful, then after a few times, they’re comfortable to do it on their own.”

Other times, he supplies his goods in a cup, which he prefers.

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Ari Nagel with one of the children he sired, Zoe Harrison.

Professor who donates sperm in city bathrooms has sired 22 kids