Pro Black but Equal Oppurtunity Dater


All Star
Jul 25, 2012
Recently I've heard comments on the Coli to the effect of "You can't be pro-black and date white women."

As for me, I discuss the dangers of white supremacy and self hatred and the disenfranchisement of black people that continues to this day. I spend time, on here and IRL, debunking the myth of reverse racism and protesting the unjust cruel treatment of black people.

I also have no problem dating a white woman, or any other race of woman for that matter (including my own). Why?

Well for one, I am not a black supremacist. I dont believe that black people are better or worse than any other race of people. My enemies are white supremacists (and white supremacists come in many colors, including black). I see nothing to gain by adopting the ignorant mindsets of my enemies. I am all about equality for all races.

I believe there are beautiful women in every race. Some of the most beautiful women I've seen have been black. So I do not exclusively date one race of female. Black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Indian...I am open to dating them all. I am not Eurocentric as some black men admittedly are, so I don't chase white women. But I have no objection to being in a relationship with one if we have chemistry.

My past serious relationships have been with black, Hispanic, and biracial girls. I see no reason to limit my options to just one race of women, whatever that race may be.

The only reason for "black pride" and "pro black" is to raise up our people who have been trodden down, to build self esteem, to remove the physical, mental, and economic chains that have been placed upon us. If we had our fair share and a fair shake, racial pride would not be necessary (in fact, it would be ignorant, just like "white pride"). Then we would be able to focus more on taking pride in who we are as individual human beings.

Despite claims to the contrary, we do not live in a post racial society. Black people still suffer because of the color of their skin. It's a hard battle to fight, but it's never been easy. But while acknowledging that the concept of race dominates the minds of people, affecting society at large, I still hold fast to the virtue of equality. Not white supremacy. Not black supremacy. And so while realizing the obstacles set before me as a black man, and trying to avoid the pitfalls of ignorance and inaction, I also live my personal life in a way that reflects my ideal of equality.

I just couldn't waste my life doing it any other way. :yeshrug:


I gave her D she got mad
Jul 9, 2014

That makes sense. And i would agree if we lived in some perfect utopia where everyone didn't have a superiority complex, but we don't. We live in america (at least i do) where most people are under the impression that black= bottom barrel and they act accordingly. Thats why i feel like no matter how close you get to a women who isn't black, she'll always see you as this stereotype deep down. And i can't lie i see white people as walking stereotypes anyway so i can't really judge them for judging me.

Personally i'm not looking to settle down so i have no problem being an equal opportunity dater for the moment. But when i'm ready to have kids i think it will be with a black lady. White supremacy isn't ever gonna change unless western civilization is literally torn down and rebuilt. Modern world has been like built on the idea that white = better. No matter how much the younger generations try to mask it the truth remains the same. And its only natural that people of the same race stick together, so as long as white boys own america they're never gonna just let us eat. Or let us become equal. Tensions will always be there.

Basically what i'm tryna get at is that black people SHOULD believe in black supremacy. Our ancestors tried that friendly shyt, remember what happened after that? Not saying we need to outright attack cacs or disrespect them. But we need to unify. That means not marrying out and allowing our money and resources to go towards building up the white community. That means teaching the children that they ARE better than people of other races, and will always be be better.

Its the only way we can advance as a community and build the kind of empires that white people have now. We're better than them. Only way to show them that is to unite and claim our rightful place in the order. And tbh the world is never going to be a utopia. Majority of people are just ignorant and evil. We always have been. We always will be. Therefore we'll always find any reason to hate and oppress. Marrying out won't do anything but weaken the black community and help white people to continue the oppression.

El negrito de tejas

Fukk the govt I got my own Deficit
Jun 12, 2014
The country of myself
I see it like this...
Im a young single black man with a college degree, no kids, my own car, and on the path to a career job.

What I look like sharing my success with a woman who isn't black?

Yeah ive seen beautiful women of all races... but I believe in black love. and the only woman that I could truly relate to no matter if I did grow up in a 2 parent middle class neighborhood is a black woman.
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Jun 14, 2012
Underdeveloped Minds Research Institute
My seeds are coming out of Black wombs. If you think you're having Black children coming out of non-Black wombs, you're probably a c00n.

Be carried inside a cac woman's body for nine months and claim to be Black, brehs.

Have a cac woman carry your seed for nine months and claim to have Black children, brehs.


Aug 18, 2014
My seeds are coming out of Black wombs. If you think you're having Black children coming out of non-Black wombs, you're probably a c00n.

Be carried inside a cac woman's body for nine months and claim to be Black, brehs.

Have a cac woman carry your seed for nine months and claim to have Black children, brehs.

Pretty much this, commit mas genocide brehs and brehettes because of your love for Becky and Steve and that white skin.:troll:


Jun 5, 2014
The Land of The North
At the end of the day, you're attracted to what you're attracted to. Why should you worry what people on the internet say about how you should feel and try to dictate who you should fall for? In the grand scheme of things, you can't live for other people, you have to live for you. And not everyone wants their relationship to be part of a bigger movement. Now, it's one thing if you date out your race cause you're interested in different things along with your own. Cool, let that boy/girl cook. But if you specifically decide not to date within your race and shyt on the people who are just like you, naw... I'm not okay with that. That's self-hate. Just because you're with someone of another color or ethnicity, doesn't mean you have to tap-dance for them while distancing yourself from your own people.

Now, would it be easier on your family to date within your race? Yes, most likely. And if you married within your own race, would that strengthen your bloodline? Yes. Black and Black, Asian and Asian, they'll naturally be able to connect on certain levels a Black Man/Asian Woman may not be able to, like culture for instance. And people who are much older than you may not be enthusiastic that you've dated out, same as your partner. That's just how things are. But just because someone's the same skin color as you, doesn't automatically mean they're the best partner for you.

There's more than one way to fight white supremacy. If you date or marry out, yes, your partner may not truly understand and be on board. But who's to say you couldn't step up and educate them? Let's be honest.. People tend to listen to people who look like them. So if you married a White person or an Asian, you can pass off proper knowledge off to your spouse. That's one person who you've influenced, and that's a big thing. Because not only do they know better, they do better. And part of that could be fighting for your cause. That's IF you married someone who truly cares about you and is willing to listen and to be taught stuff like this, among other things. Of course, if you married within your own race, you wouldn't have to go through great lengths to do this, but.. not every person in your race is informed, and even if you marry out, that doesn't mean you can't fight for your people still. You just have to go about it in a different way.

But, then again, I might just be too idealistic. :yeshrug:


May 3, 2012
Unless the person is a member of your family you shouldn't be so concerned who someone who shares your skin tone is dating.

Unless she dimepiece black chick with a no nikka policy :mjcry:


May 29, 2014
@FrederickDouglas then you are not pro black. You care about black people, sure.
But problack you are not. I don't even know why y'alll want the label so bad. Why saying that you are interested in your own on the level of black supremacy?
People date and marry within their own race and culture all the time and have done so for thousands of years only now is it considered extremist. Just like blacks can date who they want they can also choose to date their owm exclusively without being forcefed that post racial/kumbaya/we are all equal bs when we all know that isn't the case.
I think the issue is some of y'all fake militants want to reconcile your black activism and the fact that you find women of other races attractive. Cause if the latter was not the case then many wouldnt have issue dating and marrying exclusively within their race. I think problack is too extreme a term to define yourself by if you have such liberal views.
I think sone blacks want to be considered problack for the novelty of it rather than upholding the actual expectations. I have never come across a truly problack person. Even the most black person has been ok with marrying/dating white people despite claiming they are devils.
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Jul 24, 2014
The Other Side of Town
In my very honest opinion i don't think i could respect someone who claims to be pro-black but is dating a non black woman :yeshrug:

You can't play the fence in this world... You are either pro-black or pro-integration there is no middle ground

Pro-black means you want to re-build the black community and in order to build a black community you would have to reproduce with a black woman.