Origins of MODERN Europeans

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
This is quite interesting...It appears Europe was populated the same way Indian subcontinent was. With different populations migrating in and out. And it also appears that modern day Europeans may have roots in Central Asia. The latter sentence is really just my theory, but some have noted it.


"DNA recovered from ancient skeletons reveals that the genetic makeup of modern Europe was established around 4,500 B.C. in the mid-Neolithic—or 6,500 years ago—and not by the first farmers who arrived in the area around 7,500 years ago or by earlier hunter-gatherer groups.(Read about Europe's oldest known town.)"

""The genetics show that something around that point caused the genetic signatures of previous populations to disappear," said Alan Cooper, director of the Australian Centre for Ancient DNA at the University of Adelaide, where the research was performed."

"Furthermore, the origins of the mid-Neolithic populations that did form the basis of modern Europe are also unknown."

""This population moves in around 4,000 to 5,000 [B.C.], but where it came from remains a mystery, as we can't see anything like it in the areas surrounding Europe," Cooper said."

"The study shows that "relatively recent migrations seem to have had a significant genetic impact on the population of Central Europe," said study co-author Spencer Wells, who leads National Geographic's Genographic Project."

"Cooper and his colleagues focused on haplogroup H because previous studies have indicated the mutations might have been present in Europeans' genetic makeup for several thousand years.

It's unclear how this haplogroup became dominant in Europe. Some scientists have proposed that it spread across the continent following a population boom after the end of the last ice age about 12,000 years ago.

But the new data paint a different picture of the genetic foundation of modern Europe: Rather than a single or a few migration events, Europe was occupied several times, in waves, by different groups, from different directions and at different times."

"The first modern humans to reach Europe arrived from Africa 35,000 to 40,000 years ago. By about 30,000 years ago, they were widespread throughout the area while their close cousins, the Neanderthals, disappeared. Hardly any of these early hunter-gatherers carried the H haplogroup in their DNA.

About 7,500 years ago during the early Neolithic period, another wave of humans expanded into Europe, this time from the Middle East. They carried in their genes a variant of the H haplogroup, and in their minds knowledge of how to grow and raise crops. (Related: "Egypt's Earliest Farming Village Found.")

Archeologists call these first Central European farmers the linear pottery culture (LBK)—so named because their pottery often had linear decorations.

The genetic evidence shows that the appearance of the LBK farmers and their unique H haplogroups coincided with a dramatic reduction of the U haplogroup—the dominant haplogroup among the hunter-gatherers living in Europe at that time."

"In this study we show that changes in the European archaeological record are accompanied by genetic changes, suggesting that cultural shifts were accompanied by the migration of people and their DNA."

"The LBK group and its descendants were very successful and spread quickly across Europe. "They became the first pan-European culture, if you like," Cooper said.

"Given their success, it would be natural to assume that members of the LBK culture were significant genetic ancestors of many modern Europeans.

"But the team's genetic analysis revealed a surprise: About 6,500 years ago in the mid-Neolithic, the LBK culture was itself displaced. Their haplogroup H types suddenly became very rare, and they were subsequently replaced by populations bearing a different set of haplogroup H variations."


Read more in link:


Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
But it gets more interesting...

"Whether they are a Serb and a Swiss, or a Finn and a Frenchman, any two Europeans are likely to have many common ancestors who lived around 1,000 years ago. A genomic survey of 2,257 people from 40 populations finds that people of European ancestry are more closely related to one another than previously thought, and could help to bring about new insights into European history."

"The work also uncovered genetic signatures for key events in European history, such as the migration of the Huns into Eastern Europe in the fourth century, and the later rise of Slavic-speaking people there. Present-day inhabitants of Eastern European countries share many ancestors who lived around 1,500 years ago, Ralph and Coop found. Italians, meanwhile, are connected to other European populations mainly through individuals who lived more than 2,000 years ago, perhaps as a result of the country's geographic isolation."
Read more here:
Most Europeans share recent ancestors : Nature News & Comment

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Italian Cavalli Sforza seems to note this.


Basically Europeans are essentially 2/3 Asian and 1/3 African..:ohhh:
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Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Yet we have white nationalist like this who think whites are dying due to racial mixing...And Europe is being taken over...:snoop:

When in fact Modern Europeans are actually a mixed group of people themselves and actually have origins outside from Europe.
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Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
And to support the articles. Past craniofacial studies correlates with them.
"Many human craniofacial dimensions are largely of neutral adaptive significance, and an analysis of their variation can serve as an indication of the extent to which any given population is genetically related to or differs from any other. When 24 craniofacial measurements of a series of human populations are used to generate neighbor-joining dendrograms, it is no surprise that all modern European groups, ranging all of the way from Scandinavia to eastern Europe and throughout the Mediterranean to the Middle East, show that they are closely related to each other. The surprise is that the Neolithic peoples of Europe and their Bronze Age successors are NOT CLOSELY RELATED to the MODERN inhabitants, although the prehistoric/modern ties are somewhat more apparent in southern Europe. It is a further surprise that the Epipalaeolithic Natufian of Israel from whom the Neolithic realm was assumed to arise has a CLEAR LINK to Sub-Saharan Africa. Basques and Canary Islanders are clearly associated with modern Europeans. When canonical variates are plotted, NEITHER sample ties in with Cro-Magnon as was once suggested. The data treated here support the idea that the Neolithic moved out of the Near East into the circum-Mediterranean areas and Europe by a process of demic diffusion but that subsequently the in situ residents of those areas, derived from the Late Pleistocene inhabitants, absorbed both the agricultural life way and the people who had brought it."

The questionable contribution of the Neolithic and the Bronze Age to European craniofacial form


Psalm 149:5-9
May 19, 2012
House of Yasharahla
Esau is their origin. After they left the middle east, they lived in the Caucasus Mountains in caves, which is why they lost pigmentation in their skin and eyes because they were away from adequate sun in the cloudy damp mountain ranges.. Their smaller noses and lips came from living in high altitudes in the mountain... cold air needs restrictive nasal passages to allow the ( cold and dry) air to warm up and absorb moisture so it is right for the lungs. From there they populated the rest of Europe. Hence in modern time, they gave themselves the name....Caucasians.
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