Official Game of Thrones Season 6 Thread


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
12/3/15 Update:
Teaser trailer just dropped:

Original post:
Game of Thrones/ASOIAF backstory:

A 35 minute documentary on the history of Game of Thrones house Stark.
2nd Edition 2014
Version II: (2014) This version has been updated and combined from 2 parts to reflect more relevant information.

This documentary details the founding, major events, and lineage of House Baratheon before the start of Game of Thrones. We go over the first Storm King, the building of Storm's End, the founding of House Baratheon by Orys Baratheon, the lives of Robert, Stannis, and Renly Baratheon, the War of the Usurper, the Greyjoy Rebellion, Robert's b*stards, Melisandra the Red Woman, and Ser Davos the Onion Knight.

The Long back history of House Targaryen is dramatically explained and how it led up to the events of Game of Thrones Season one and two. This video should help you understand the events of GOT in better context as it details historic events not featured in the show.

SPOILER ALERT...This video is intended for those who have already seen season 1 and 2.

Additionally this video acts as a refresher course for GOT viewers to get primed for season Three. This video also features some information from the book that is not included in the show.

EPIC HISTORY: Part 1 of 4. The Targaryens.

Part 1 of 2 covers the lineage of House Lannister focusing on Tytos and Tywin Lannister. Part 2 focuses on Jamie, Cersie, Tyrion, and Joffrey. (coming soon).
This video should help you understand the events of GOT in better context as it details historic events not featured in the show.

The Continuation of the back History of House Lannister is explained. Part 2 covers Cersei, Jaime, and Tyrion Lannister and also Jofferry Baratheon.
This video should help you understand the events of GOT in better context as it details historic events not featured in the show.
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Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
Casting call info for Season 6:

From 3 weeks ago:

Game of Thrones Season 6 Casting Rumors and Speculation


Casting calls for Game of Thrones Season 6 have surfaced online, courtesy of the fine people over at Watchers on the Wall. We’ve reached out to HBO, which could neither confirm nor deny whether the casting calls were legitimate, so take them as you will. Also, there will be speculation as to which characters from A Song of Ice and Fire these casting calls are for, so watch out for potential spoilers.

The first role called for is:

  • Pirate, man in his 40’s to late 50’s. He’s “an infamous pirate who has terrorized seas all around the world. Cunning, ruthless, with a touch of madness.” He’s a dangerous-looking man. A very good part this season.
One of the biggest complaints from book readers about Game of Thrones Season 5 is that there’s been no Greyjoy/Iron Islands story arc, something that took up a lot of ink in A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons. The description above reminds me of Euron Greyjoy, aka Crow’s Eye, so it’s possible the show has just been holding off on this plot until next year. Euron is second in line to the Seastone Chair (the throne on the Iron Islands), behind his brother Balon, who is father to Theon and Yara (Asha on the show). Euron is a swaggering pirate in the books, who claims to have sailed through the Smoking Sea to Asshai on his ship Silence, so named because Euron removed the tongues of everyone else on board. He plays a large part in the novels, so whoever plays him will have to possess a lot of gravitas.

Next up is:

  • Father. Aged 50’s to 60’s, he’s one of the greatest soldiers in Westeros- a humorless martinet, severe and intimidating. He demands martial discipline in the field and in his home. It’s described as “a very good part” for next year and that he’s “centrally involved” in a protagonist’s storyline.
There is no doubt in my mind that we are seeing the casting for Sam’s father, Randyll Tarly. We’ve even heard his name mentioned this season by Stannis when he confronted Sam about the younger Tarly’s research into how to defeat the White Walkers. Randyll Tarly could serve any number of purposes next season. We could see Sam take Gilly to visit his family, as he thought about doing during A Feast for Crows. However, I believe we will see Lord Tarly in connection with Brienne, and then possibly involved in some sort of siege of King’s Landing. As a Bannerman to House Tyrell, Lord Tarly may be called to encamp the Tyrell armies around King’s Landing, especially if Loras or Margaery’s trial goes awry. Also, Lord Tarly carries a Valyrian two-handed greatsword called Heartsbane, and I am excited to see that in action.

In connection to Father casting, we have:

  • Mother, in her 50’s. She’s a sweet, plump, and adoring mother, and has a soft spot for one of her children who benefits from her decency.
  • Sister, in her early 20s. She’s a kind, friendly and unpretentious woman.
  • Brother, in his early to mid-20’s . Athletic, a good hunter, an excellent swordsman, manly, not particularly bright but the favourite child of the father.
To me, this seems to be the casting call for Sam’s family back home at Horn Hill. Sam’s mother is described as a loving and doting woman who coddled her son, Sam. Also, Sam had a very good relationship with his sisters, much to the great chagrin of his father Randyll who though the relationship was making Sam soft. We may see these characters in a flashback, or if Sam brings Gilly and her babe to Horn Hill to become a maid in the service of Sam’s mother. If you were paying attention to Maester Aemon before he passed away in “The Gift,” he specifically told Gilly to go south…Horn Hill lies south of the Wall…WAY south of the Wall.

The brother may be Sam’s younger brother, dikkon. dikkon is everything that Sam is not. In fact, when Lord Tarly learned that his wife had borne another son, Lord Tarly gave Sam two options: take the black and join the Night’s Watch, or die in a mysterious hunting accident. Yeah, Randyll Tarly is a real dikk.

Next up is a character that many were hoping for this season, but with the exclusion of the Riverlands, he was all but forgotten:

  • Priest, in his 40’s or 50’s. A gruff ex-soldier who found religion. Now a no-nonsense rural priest who ministers to the poor of the countryside. He’s salt-of-the-earth man who has weathered many battles.
This sounds like the wandering missionary of the Faith of the Seven, Septon Meribald. Much like the High Sparrow, Septon Meribald wanders the earth barefoot, ministering to the smallfolk of the war-torn Riverlands. He is joined by his dog, who is appropriately named Dog. Brienne and Pod come across him during their travels in A Feast for Crows, and decide to accompany him for a time.

There are some nondescript roles here:

  • Leading Actress, in her early 40’s, she’s an elegant actress with a traveling theatre company. Fun, charismatic, rum-drinking actress in the troupe.
I believe this actress to be part of a troupe of mummers who Arya has dealings with in Braavos.

  • Priestess. Mid-20’s to early 30’s. Any ethnicity- she’s beautiful, intense, and magnetic.
Possibly another Red Priestess of R’hllor?

  • Fierce Warrior, a tall man in 30’s or 40’s with a powerful physique. They’re looking for someone with “mixed ethnicity” for the role.
This one’s a mystery to me, but I’m thinking this might be describing either Khal Jhaqo, whom Dany will interact with if Season 5 ends in the same way A Dance with Dragons did, or Gerold Dayne, who is called Darkstar (word is that he’s of the night). Dayne is central to the Dornish plotline in A Feast for Crows, but he seems to have been cut out of show this season.

The last bit of this casting call is pretty interesting.

  • A large boy, with an actor who is 10-12 but playing 7 or 8. He’s described as “a clever boy” who seems too large for his age. He’s big and tall but not fat. “Characterful squat features” are a plus for this part. it’s specified that this is a one-time appearance.
A one-time appearance may mean we will see this boy in a flashback. Perhaps a young Robert Baratheon? Or maybe he is meant to be young Hodor? How about young Brandon Stark (Bran’s uncle)?

  • 12 year old boy, with brown hair and blue eyes. He needs to use a Northern accent. He has scenes where he has to spar with a wooden sword.
    The length of the role isn’t specified.
I believe this character to be either young Brandon Stark (Ned’s older brother), or Ned himself.

  • 7 year old boy with dark brown hair, a narrow face and green eyes. He also has a Northern accent. He also spars with the wooden sword, so it’s safe to assume it’s the same scene. This role is similarly open-ended, the description only stating that the character is being ‘introduced.’
And, I think this is either Ned (Sean Bean has green eyes), or Benjen Stark, Ned’s younger brother. My reasoning is simple: Bran is now in the cave with the Three-eyed crow, and he is learning to use his powers as a greenseer. In A Dance with Dragons, these power include the ability to peer into the past by looking through the eyes of weirwood trees, so ubiquitous in the North, although he is unable to interact with the people he sees. In one particular vision, Bran sees a boy and a girl play fighting with branches. Now, we know the show tends to take liberties with certain book scenes, so it would not be outside the realm of possibility to see the girl (assumed to be Lyanna Stark), replaced by one of Ned’s brothers.

So what do you all think about these casting calls? Are we seeing the casting of some very exciting and long-awaited characters? Let the wild rumpus speculation begin!
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Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
More casting news from yesterday:
Here are some more casting rumors for Game of Thrones Season 6


Season 5 is over, and the long wait for Game of Thrones Season 6 has begun. A few weeks ago, casting calls surfaced for some major characters who are apparently going to appear on the show next year. While nothing is confirmed, the descriptions made it sound like we’re going to see the likes of Euron Greyjoy and Septon Meribald, characters seemingly left out of Season 5, as well as Randyll Tarly, Sam’s father, and his immediate family. Now, the fine Thrones fans over at Watchers on the Wall have published more casting calls obtained via a “reliable source.”

Accoding to Watchers, the producers are looking specifically for residents of Ireland or Northern Ireland to fill these rolls, which could imply that the North is going to be of particular interest in Season 6. As always when dealing with these kinds of stories, it is encouraged that you take the news with a grain of salt. Having established that, let’s get into it.


Qhogo and Akrat: Possibly an exception to the request that actors be from Ireland or Northern Ireland, HBO is looking for performers of mixed ethnicity for these roles. Qhogo and Akrat are tall, confident young warriors who speak a fictional language. They’re all but guaranteed to be members of the Dothraki khalasar that came upon Daenerys in the fifth season finale.

Also, because this seems as good a time as any to mention it, why didn’t any of Dany’s Dothraki bloodriders join Jorah and Daario on their hunt for the Dragon Queen? They’re still around, right?

Lachlan: Lachlan is the leader of a renegade band who are extorting poor, vulnerable citizens even though they’ve been charged with protecting the land where those citizens live. He appears in two episodes next year.

There’re a lot of possibilities for this character. I can’t think of any direct analogue from the books, but that’s probably going to be the case a lot going forward, since the show has pretty much caught up with the novels at this point. Lachlan could be a Northerner disobeying the orders of House Bolton, a criminal who’s stampeding through the Riverlands, or even someone tormenting the citizens around Meereen. A puzzle, this man.

Flynn: This guy is part of an outlaw band, possibly part of Lachlan’s outlaw band. His group is using religion to justify extorting the citizenry. Like Lachlan, he’ll appears in two episodes.

The bit about religion is interesting, because one of the complaints I had about the Sparrows in Season 5 was that they seemed to come out of nowhere. If we see how brigands are using religion inappropriately to terrify people in the countryside, it’ll provide some context for the Sparrows, who are a reaction to all the senseless post-war violence.

Japeth: Here’s another member of an outlaw band. That Lachlan inspires loyalty, apparently. He’s a “rough-and-ready type” with a strong physical presence.

Bower: Whoever plays Bower is required to have a Northern or Midland English accent. His filming schedule overlaps with those of the outlaw band members described above, so he’s probably another member. Unlike the “rough-and-ready” Japeth, Bower is “a powerless servant, numb to the horror he serves.”

The more I read about Lachlan’s band (which I think we should all start calling “The Lachlan Group”), the more I think that they’re a bunch of brigands running around the Riverlands. Perhaps Season 6 will see Jaime head to the Riverlands to put down any remaining pockets of rebellion, as he did in A Feast for Crows.

Legendary Fighter: Moving away from outlaws, probably, this mysterious figure is in his thirties or forties and is described as “a paragon of knighthood.” Also, he carries a famous sword. Maybe he’s got a Valyrian steel sword and Sam is trying to send him to the Wall to stand against the oncoming White Walkers?

Predictably, HBO wants someone who’s good at sword fighting for the role. This knight of indeterminate race and ethnicity will spend a week filming fight scenes.

Lord of Noble Northern House:This lord is a savage warrior who rules a house in the very far North. HBO is looking for someone with a Northern English accent and a powerful physique who can tower over other cast members. He must be at least 180 cm tall, which is around 5 feet 11 inches, which isn’t ridiculously tall, but maybe all the other cast members are short. He’s also described as having a beard and a violent temper.

To me, this sounds like Lord Jon Umber, aka the Greatjon. True, that character has already appeared on the show, but he hasn’t been seen in a while, so maybe they’re recasting him. It all seems to fit. The Umbers control a house in the “very far North,” and we know they’re currently harboring Rickon, who Sansa found out was still alive back in “Hardhome.” Might Sansa somehow find out Rickon’s location and head north to start the resistance?

Lord of Northern Stronghold: This northern lord is “ruthless and calculating” and will appear in three episodes. Running with the whole “Northern resistance” theme, might this be Lord Wyman Manderly? He certainly had several moments of ruthlessness and cunning in “A Dance of Dragons.” There’s nothing here about him being grotesquely overweight, but the show doesn’t seem to have heeded George R.R. Martin when it comes to obese characters. Just look at who they cast as Yezzan zo Qaggaz this past season.


Hunter: Next, we have Hunter. That’s probably his profession, not his name. He’ll appear in an action scene with the main cast. Also, and I’m just guessing here, he’s probably going to die.

Green Recruit: This nondescript young man will have one line. Maybe he and Hunter will kill each other in that action scene.

Submissive Maester: This timid young Maester is in his twenties. He has trouble standing up to others and appears in one episode. This sounds like Maester Kerwin to me, the unfortunate young man who ran afoul of Victarion Greyjoy in A Dance with Dragons. Look for Euron (who I’m guessing the show is going to combine with Victarion) to murder Kerwin early in the season to demonstrate what a badass he is.

Housemaid: For this character, HBO wants someone between the ages of 45-65 with a Northern English accent. She runs a large household, and is motherly but stern when she needs to be.

Here’s yet another Northern character. It’s looking like we’re going to spend some quality time in some Northern house. I’m thinking it’ll be House Umber.

Father: This patriarch is tough, old, has an Northern English accent, and gets two lines.

Sympathiser 1, 2 & 3: These people are rough military types. With what are they sympathizing? The Northern resistance?

Alright, so that gives us quite a bit to chew over. It’s curious that the producers seem to be adapting the whole Northern resistance storyline, if that is indeed what they’re doing, after Sansa and Theon have fled Winterfell. It seems to me that having all of these characters in the mix inside Winterfell could have been a lot of fun, but I guess it would have required them to slow the pace down. More likely, we’ll be getting into things we wouldn’t be able to guess anyway.
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Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
'Game of Thrones' Season 6: What Might Happen?

June 15, 2015 2:08pm PT by Aaron Couch


Daenerys, Tyrion and Arya have their work cut out for them next year.

[Warning: Spoilers ahead for Sunday's Game of Thrones season finale, "Mother's Mercy."]

Game of Thrones' season five finale shook up the game in a big way.

The field of contenders for the Iron Throne has been whittled down, and fan favorite Jon Snow's (Kit Harington) watch has ended. The series is known for major shakeups, from Eddard Stark's (Sean Bean) death in season one to last year's finale murder of Tywin (Charles Dance). Sunday's finale leaves the field of contenders in more disarray than ever — and presents many key questions for season six.

Who is still competing for the throne?

Stannis (Stephen Dillane) is dead. Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) is captured and effectively sidelined for the time being.

That leaves Roose (Michael McElhatton) and Ramsay Bolton (Iwan Rheon) as frontrunners. They have just won a great victory over Stannis, the latest victory in the sadistic father-son duo's rise. The Lannisters remain power, but with Cersei (Lena Headey) on trial and Tommen (Dean-Charles Chapman) a green boy-king on the throne, things are not looking good for them. They've also lost their princess Myrcella (Nell Tiger Free) and will have to deal with the fallout from that tragedy, which could potentially spark war with Dorne. Things have never looked worse for the Lannisters.

There's also the Tyrells. While members of the younger generation Margaery (Natalie Dormer) and Loras (Finn Jones) are imprisoned, savvy grandmother Olenna (Diana Rigg) has formed an alliance with Littlefinger (Aidan Gillen), who helped her get Cersei imprisoned. The wealthy Tyrells, whose homeland, High Garden, is already providing King's Landing with most of its food, makes them popular among the people. They could make a legitimate run for the Iron Throne.

Who will defend against the Night's King?

With Jon gone, there are few people alive who know what the Night's King is capable of. The Night's Watch does not subscribe to Jon's idea that allying itself with the Wildlings is a good idea. And so the battle against the White Walkers seems more hopeless than ever with both Stannis and Jon gone, as they were the only non-Wildlings who really understood the threat. Perhaps Sam (John Bradley) can pick up the anti-White Walker mantle.


Where will Sansa and Theon go?

It's difficult to predict what will happen to Sansa (Sophie Turner) and Theon (Alfie Allen). In excerpts from George R.R. Martin's upcoming Winds of Winter, Theon and Jeyne Poole, who (instead of Sansa had posed as Arya and married married Ramsay) escaped together and made it to Stannis' camp. Stannis sent Jeyne to The Wall to be reunited with her "brother" Jon. Could the series see Sansa and Theon head to The Wall? It seems that would be the logical place to go, unless they could travel to Theon's homeland, The Iron Islands. Sansa now knows her brothers are alive, so she would likely attempt to find them, if she learns they went north of The Wall.

Will Daenerys be rescued?

It would be such a pity if Daenerys went the way of Jon Snow and didn't survive long enough to ride her dragons into Westeros. But fans also assumed the mystery of Jon Snow's true mother meant that he would survive until that revelation happened. Is it possible Jorah (Iain Glen) and Daario (Michiel Huisman) could use Daenerys remaining dragons to track her?

Is Meereen in good hands?

Grey Worm (Jacob Anderson), Missandei (Nathalie Emmanuel) and Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) are now in charge of Meereen while the Mother of Dragons is away. This storyline has a lot of potential, as Grey Worm and Missandei are two of the series legitimate "good guys." Tyrion has real acumen for ruling. The question is ... will the terrorist-infested city accept them?


What's next for Arya?

Arya is now blind, after ignoring the training of the Faceless Men and killing Meryn Trant (Ian Beattie) for personal reasons. With nowhere else to go, she will presumably complete her training. If that's the case, she would truly need to let go of her identity (no more vowing to kill Cersei and her other enemies).

Don't forget about Bran

Bran (Isaac Hempstead Wright) and Hodor (Kristian Nairn) sat out season five, but are expected to return for season six. When viewers last saw them, they met a member of The Children, an ancient race who live beyond the Wall. They also finally made it to the three-eyed crow, and presumably have spent the last year training. When Bran returns to the show, he might have some even more impressive powers with him.


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
Game of Thrones team on that fatal Jaime twist: Does this mean war in season 6?

by James Hibberd


Posted June 15 2015 — 12:01 PM EDT

The Game of Thrones season 5 finale was so packed with major upheavals and shocking deaths that perhaps the most crucial moment of all may have been largely overlooked: The tragic death of Myrcella Baratheon, Cersie and Jaimie’s daughter, poisoned by Prince Oberyn’s lover Ellaria Sand with a fatal kiss.

We asked showrunners Dan Weiss and David Benioff whether this will constitute an act of war by Dorne against the Lannisters.

“It’s an act of war by the person who perpetrated it,” Weiss said. “But I don’t think Cersei is going to be particularly interested in whose fault it was that this happened to her daughter—it happened in Dorne. She might be in a more bellicose frame of mind than usual when she finds out.”

Benioff opined that Myrcella’s murder is also certain to boost Cersei’s hatred of her fugitive brother Tyrion, who has now joined forces with Daenerys: “In her mind, Myrcella was taken away from her by Tyrion; she still blames him for Joffrey’s death, and he is directly responsible for Myrcella going to Dorne. So in her worldview, both of her children’s deaths are to be laid at his doorstep. This is one more thing to motivate her homicidal hatred of him.”

Actor Nikolaj Coster-Waldau—who notes he doesn’t have any idea what’s to come next season—speculated that Jaime is going to have a pretty tough time explaining this one to his beloved sister. “It’s not going to be easy, is it?” the actor mused. “She’s already gone through one hell. It’s like: ‘Do you want the good or the bad news first?’ But after this whole religious thing that’s happened [with the Faith Militant taking power in King’s Landing], the whole political balance has shifted. It’s not clear what’s going to happen.”

The actor also pointed out he’s returning to King’s Landing with Myrcella’s betrothed, Trystane Martell. Coster-Waldau noted that Trystane could find himself in the same situation as Myrcella in Dorne after Prince Oberyn was murdered—except Cersei is far less likely to show mercy than Prince Doran.

“Cersei has someone she could enact revenge on—Trystane,” Coster-Waldu said. “He’s supposed to take his father’s seat on the council. I think maybe Jaime should just ask the captain, ‘Just drop me off—I’ll build a little house over there!’”

In the meantime, Coster-Waldu hopes fans were moved by his final scene with his ill-fated daughter, a moment he particularly found touching. “The beauty of the scene is she says, ‘I’m glad that you’re my dad,’” Coster-Waldau said. “He’s so moved by emotions he didn’t even know he had. And it’s such a brief, brief, brief moment.”

Game of Thrones: Maisie Williams reveals her season 6 concern

Arya actress: 'I’m worried about next year'

by James Hibberd

Posted June 19 2015 — 12:10 PM EDT

Fans have been warning Maisie Williams about her season 5 finale twist for years [finale spoiler alert]. “Somebody on the street will go, ‘Oh, you’re going blind,’” the Game of Thrones actress told EW. “And I wanted to keep them guessing. I love keeping everything a surprise. So I’m always like, ‘Am I? Oh my God! Did I not get the memo?’”

And now that Arya Stark has indeed lost her vision as an apparent punishment by Jaqen H’ghar and The House of Black and White for her murderous rebelliousness, Williams is fretting about what this means for next season. “I don’t want to wear these crazy contacts for the rest of my time on Thrones!” she says. “I don’t know how … that will impede her life. She’s going to become very vulnerable thanks to that. It’s exciting and scary. So I’m worried about next year.”

Williams isn’t alone in feeling that anxiety. Now that the storylines in HBO’s hit series have more-or-less reached the end of George R.R. Martin’s published novels, the entire cast is anxiously in the dark about what’s next for their characters. In theory, a longtime Thrones cast member could be killed off in the very first episode of season 6 and wouldn’t even know yet since production doesn’t start until July. ”[Showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss] treated me to a pizza and I just sat there asking questions and they won’t answer anything,” Williams says. “It’s heartbreaking, it’s petrifying.”

Previously, Benioff noted: “Everybody’s curious [about their fate]. Some actors don’t want to know. Some want to know everything. If the character knows they’re going to die at a certain time, we don’t want them playing like that’s going to be their fate.”

Williams’ screen-sister Sophie Turner says she’s in the camp of actors who don’t want to know what’s coming, but she has been theorizing about next season with Aflie Allen, who plays Sansa Stark’s unlikely new companion, Theon Greyjoy. “I don’t want to know, but Alfie and I have been talking about it a lot,” Turner says. “We reckon Theon and Sansa will get away, but then Sansa will sell Theon out and be like, ‘Screw you,’ and go out on her own. Or Ramsay will come and chase them down. But I don’t think the two of them will stay together as buddies, though that would be kind of cool.” Of course, all that assumes both characters survive their leap from Winterfell’s wall into the distant snow below.

Thrones recently concluded its most-watched season ever, with Sunday’s finale delivering a record 8.1 million viewers for HBO. The series returns next year. For more on Williams, check out our recent Ultimate Arya Interview.


Feb 20, 2013
mark my words, my S6 prediction will come true:

Stannis the kinslayer may be spared by brienne because his words reminds her of her duty to protect Sansa. I bet we'll see episode 1 next season starting with that swing of the sword, but the sword just hitting the tree Stannis is sitting against. She'll say "You don't deserve a swift death" or some shyt, and then leave to find Sansa (which she will, after which point she'll probably want to take her to the Wall to see Jon.) Stannis will be wounded, but he will survive, and will travel incognito to the wall. He realizes that there's nothing left for him in the Seven Kingdoms, and so he decides to take the black - from king, to stable boy :mjlol:

Dany is captured by the Khalasar, because they recognize her as a widow of Khal Drogo. It is the duty of all widows to retreat to the only standing city of Dothraki. Daario and Jorah tracks her down, as does her dragon. The Dothraki won't give a shyt about Daario/Jorah, and will capture them, and see that Jorah has gray scale - which will lead to him being killed before Dany. Then Drogon pops up and the dothraki are scared shytless, because a dragon is like a god horse to them. They see how Drogon yields to Dany, and so they all vow to serve Dany because of the ancient prophecies or some shyt that foretells about this :yeshrug:

Jaime captures Tristane and brings him back to King's Landing to be executed as retribution for the death of his daughter. When Cersei finds about, she hesitates to carry on the execution. She's finally realized that she doesn't have as much power as she thought she had, and that a war on two fronts (versus Dorne, and versus WesterISIS) will bring ruin to them. She holds Tristaine captive for the moment while she tries to remove the hold the High Sparrow has on King's Landing. Oh, and she stumbles on her son fukking Margery :dead:

Eventually, there'll be a trial held anyway, accusing Tristane of the murder of Myrcella, and he'll ask for a trial of combat. Cersei sends out ZombieMountain, but to everyone's surprise - the Hound pops out of nowhere, scarred and disfigured, wishing to fight for Tristane :ooh:

Mellisandrey stumbles upon Jon's body in the snow (the watch left him there as a warning to the others), and while shaken in her faith she tries to ressurect him. Surprise, surprise, he's ressurected! But something is wrong... the colour of his eyes has changed to blue. Something else ressurected Jon rather than the Lord of Light. Anyway, we won't find out what ressurected him, but Mellisandrey tells Jon that he's not safe there at the wall, and that he should go to his Wildling friends. She tells him to take the Wildling Army south to Winterfell, as she realizes that it must have been Jon in her dreams that caused the burning bolton flags

Arya turns blind, and spends another season in Braavos.
Bran returns as a tree god and does nothing wortwhile.
Tyrion takes charge of Mereen until Dany returns with her Dothraki horde and says its time to leave for Westeros :salute: