All Star
It is no secret that the N.B.A. is especially popular among black Americans. About 45 percent of people who watched N.B.A. games during the 2012-2013 regular season were black, even though African-Americans make up 13 percent of the country’s population.
In addition to being numerous, African-American fans also seem to have different patterns to their N.B.A. rooting. Hometown basketball teams tend to earn a lower share of Facebook “likes” in heavily black areas. Many black fans instead seem to gravitate to teams with national followings, like the Heat and the Lakers, over the local team.
Lower levels of support for the hometown team are especially obvious in some of the nation’s most racially divided cities. In Cleveland and Milwaukee, geographic lines of segregation neatly trace the areas where the hometown team has a smaller share of fans, according to the Facebook data. Similar patterns are also visible in Memphis, Atlanta and Chicago.
The pattern doesn’t hold for every city. Black areas in Houston, Dallas, Philadelphia and Washington seem to support the local team at the same rate as other areas. But it also exists in some places where it is not evident at first glance, like in Detroit, where support for the Pistons often drops by 10 percentage points on the south side of 8 Mile Road.
None of this means that hometown teams lack black fans. Given how many N.B.A. fans are African-American, teams like the Pistons, the Hawks and the Bulls clearly have large numbers of black fans. In fact, a larger percentage of black Chicagoans than white Chicagoans probably consider themselves Bulls fans. But the pattern does suggest that an even larger share of Lakers and Heat fans may be African-American.