jay has re-invented himself every album.
jay is the popular gymshoe rapper.
plus, the best pr'd rapper in history.
which is really is only title:
duke is a master of pr,...
i wish i had his publicist contact list, and who worked him up over the years.
that is where he is brilliant,...
i would like to ask him what and whom saw that as his advantage.
every album jay has a new steez, that he has lifted from what is current and so-called in style.
or, he has provided a change of direction and character.
when, the past change was outdated and obsolete, based on the popularity of what was current in pop culture for an urban to a world artist.
his entire discography is also based on using the hottest producers he could afford or gain direction from sonically.
jay discography directionwise
jaz association = simply tried to be the offshoot of a will smith biter.
miscellaneous feature = tries to use an association based feature and get a one feature to a record deal, like k solo to nas and fails.
original flavor = tries to capitalize on the styles scattergories based era of rap, and fails skillwise and does not materialize into a record deal.
mic geronmio feature = gets outrapped and outshined by dmx. in a ploy to garner a record deal from a feature. when his skill were not converted to the new technical skill based era. plus he was never nice like that in the styles based era. one of the worst features and failures for that time, ever.
i can't get with that = another styles based era record that failed to garner a deal.
when the move from styles to technical closed bar skills era was ushered in by nas.
skills morphs off of:
big l
camp lo
sauce money
nas : even admits it on his never released solo material mid verse
never released solo material :
to money obsessed and materialistic to permeate.
yet, it showed a good submission of his ramped up skill by morphing off of the aforementioned in the technically savy wordsmith era.
in my life time maxi single = tries to outdo the rap world with independant record label and sheer money based economics. [for some odd reason always reminded me of cool c] to garner a distribution deal like master p, and other southern based draw artist at the time and fails.
rd = the same type of content direction and scope as every nas biter, from fat joe to lauren hill.
distribution deal is mired in poor administration and execution from the distributor.
allows him to one and done and get signed to defjam as a distributor and uses the retirement angle to bring light and gain sympathy. yet, garners film money for his first single. nobody is retiring after that type of connection, ever.
streets is watching = tries to capitalize on masta p's dominance in video and rap from i'm bout it.
xxl cover = pays for the debut xxl cover, along with master p when he is a nowhere near the draw or permeation of master p. which fails and later xxl tries to spin job as being visionary.
volume I = first foray into trying to use sentamentalism to make wack jiggy records like puff did on nwo.
million and one twelve = uses the boom of wax to gain cult sentimentalism from obscure wax collectors
HA remix = tries and fails to capitalize on the boom of southern rap from cmb.
volume II = jiggy direction with wannabe credible for the time urban bangers.
that utilizes the gateway launch formula of the russell/rund dmc and rush management based movie, to gain blockbuster mainstream permeation. to relaunch the direction of rocafella after his failures in the jiggy movement so he is not pigeonholed like the failed puff albums after nwo.
this was smart,...one of the best moves in rap history to relaunch a failed label.
just use what worked for the most dominant rap label in history with a documentary style twist
Sheer brilliance and the beginning of his first dominant pr and marketing era.
that would easily make him the best pr'd rapper in history.
volume iii = a mixture of that era's current what producer and features are blockbuster draws.
moves away from the jiggy movement to more hardcore image to not get lost in the death of the boom of dmx as a large draw.
finally capitalizes on the sentimentalism and loss of biggie/pac, in record sales
roc la = rocafella makes a westcoast dogpound album where jay channels snoop
bp = latches onto the emo movement
sean carter mixtape = mixtape boom
bp ii = tries to capitalize on the boom of beyounce in goldmember, and dr evil/austin powers.
tries to re-juvenate his career after ether and fails.
caters to the pac fans, because of the continued draw of pac still being prevalent.
black album = makes a more hardcore direct based album and uses gw like the rest of the industry to keep up with the quality and direction of the commercial boom of aftermath associated artist.
uses another retirement angle like a wrassler, to cover up his failure in the marketplace to the dominant draw, fiddy. who sold the same and had a higher quality group album than his solo at the time.
kingdom come = tries to make a commercial based produced album that capitalizes on the lower skilled submission of other ceo's turned rappers, and the boom of emo/wanna be u2 ripoff style recordings. fails at this foray critically, and also gets smashed trying to battle cam'ron.
blackballs all the other dj old guard artist, with better material in a conflict of interest to create a fake placeholder legacy wise.
one of his best albums intangible based wise on performance reel to reel, though.
he sounded good, vocally.
yet, lyrically suffers from using to many cliche and outdated rhymes to be given any credit for the level of emcee'n he is known for.
plus, this is when he lost all detail of any of the street based content he is known for.
american gangsta = first foray into trying to attach himself to a larger drawing entity to entice a sponsorship to go public on payola bought albums and fails. the foreshadow to the marketing run success of mchg.
this album also, featured a d-boi marketing run like the emerging blockbuster direction of the trap scene.
yet, lacks the umph in detailed content to be given the props he sought.
bp iii = world music direction album, based on the boom and permeation of rihianna's world music success and other large imported urban acts worldwide. a success when it comes to attaining sentimentalism and permeation in the pop world market. a failure of a skill showcase, as he skills morphs on the popular rap artist for that time period. the first album to attempt to directly mirror the new gen skillwise via hook, with outdated and poor technical skills and stylings.
mchg : the newest foray that succeeded in making public the payola involved in his career and the music business via marketing companies and corporations.
latches onto the urban trap southern street pop world market draw and lack of actual rap skills for an entire album.
his worst album to this date and feature the worst showcase of skill in his entire discography since original flavor.
the personification of his dumbs his flow down for dollar based direction in the pop marketplace.
art barr