For once in his pathetic, non-p*ssy fukking existence this bytchmade fakkit The Rhyme Queen aka The Pedophile Crime King is right about something cuz both them infinitely inferior to the GOAT our Flow Lord and Lyrical Savior Hova Da Gawd ass, flabby & sick ass, wack ass, better off dead and serving as maggot food ass, sonic abominations masquerading as songs making ass, wanksta ass fakkits are guilty of spitting god awful struggle lyrics, rapping shytty ass smart dumb nikka 16's, having the WOAT wordplay/punchlines/metaphors/etc., and being the epitome of the depths of lyrical WOATness
2Fraud Scamkur aka 2Ray Shaluv aka Makavelli Vanilli aka 2Flop Brickhur aka Tutupac aka Too Wong Foopac Shimkur aka Rupac Paulkur aka Wackavelli The WOAT aka Wankstavelli The Fraud aka Cacavelli The c00n aka Capeavelli The Simp aka Hackavelli The Thief aka Suge's bytchmade sugar booty semen dumpster and Nas Lost aka Diet Rakim Lite Zero aka c00nsir aka Nasir Jonesing-to-be-one-billionth-as-talented-as-Hov aka Lostradamus aka the Duke of L'sington aka Destiny's abortion sponsor aka Carmen's babyseat Camel juice janitor aka Kelis alimony victim aka ELLen DeGenerous-with-allowing-L's-in-his-presence aka the Gordon Gecko of L's acquisitions aka the Last L'sbender lost