Movie making thread

May 15, 2012
I know a lot of guys have asked to share with what I now, but this is the best to my knowledge

Some of you want to make your own films, because its multiple ways to go about it

me personally, I'm going for the gusto, so some of the challengers I have, won't apply to an independent film maker who has equipment and staff.

My point of view is a producer, which people give me executive summaries
and I shop them to investors.

Now I could easily create my own executive summaries with the scripts I've written myself, but the missing piece of the puzzle for me is getting name talent, because I'm trying to get millions of dollars and the investors I deal with do the distribution and marketing themselves so I need at least a recognizable name attached to the project for them to fund.

But there are different investors for different projects, some only good small 100,000-500,000k

so it's a different scenario depending on who you're asking to invest

@SpeaktotheMods had these questions in post so I will address this first before I move on

1. Getting A Script.

You can easily find a writer who already has a script done, or hire one to write on for you

or better yet write it yourself.

I learned how to write scripts simply from surfing the net and reading other scripts to movies I thought were good, so I can see what good script looks versus how it's translated to film.

If you just want to be a producer, and are just interested in owner ship of the film

you can put an add up on craigslist, or search the web screenwriters aren't hard to find, even if you have an idea you can hire a writer to make a script out of it for like 200 bucks, a lot of guys are just happy getting paid to write. The quality might not be there, but unless you know a talented writer personally you're going have to settle for what you can get.

2. finding actors and actresses

This all depends on what level you're talking about. If you're just a guy trying make your own film and do everything 100 percent independent, you can find actors and actresses who will work for free

Just put flyers up around college campus, or film schools, and have a casting call. Also put ads on craiglist and shyt like that

In my case, the actors I need a big names representing by agencies, so I either have to know them personally or the agent in order to get to them, which is something I'm still working on.

3. Filming/Editing

Keep in my mind I'm not a film maker, I don't know how to direct movies, I just write

so if I wanted to produce my own script, I would hire a Director, and go from there

First you need to create a budget sheet, this budget will also be apart of your executive summary, which you will need to show to investors.

You need a complete break down of all the cost for supplies and labor you will need

this book has all the rates for industry potentials for everything associated with films

now keep in mind you can get free labor too

all you have to do is go to a Film School and have the students work on your film, a lot of them also let you use the school's equipment, so you will have top notch stuff to work with all for free. I don't know why more people don't do this, but students are the ultimate source for free labor.

So I'm not the best to ask about the physical making of a film because I'm not a film maker, as a producer I wouldn't be doing anything other than getting the financing for the film and will leave the rest of the stuff to the work for hires.

4. Marketing/Distibution

you finally have your film done. I can give some names and numbers of people I've met being out in LA, but it will do you know good.

It's in your best interest to invest Money and attend events like the American Film Market, you will find distributors there, and also there easy to find online, and on places like linkedin

but it's important you build these relationships yourself,


Jun 24, 2013
@Master Teacher I really appreciate you taking the time to write all this...+ rep. I have a question about the Marketing Distribution...there are different forms of promotion (radio, tv, internet, gorilla, ect.) What are the most effective ways and what are some techniques that can be used.

For example, I see what Tim Story does with his Kevin Hart films and I think its genious but it wont be as affective with small name/no name actors.

What they do is send Marketing money to send Kevin Hart around to different venues, restaurants, ect and provide services for free...take pictures...interact with the crowd ect. I think its genius because it creates an online (some what viral) presence instantly because everyone is video taping Kevin Hart, the pictures are posted online and this is done by everyday people so I imagine the friends of those people are more receptive to that than a random ad on a website. I don't think that would work as effectively if a no name college actor was to do this. So are there any techniques for people on a smaller scale to generate conversation about their movie?

@bdizzle might be interested in this.

@N.Y. State of Mind
@Cabbage Patch
@Big Boss
@Wenzel Dashington
May 15, 2012
@Master Teacher I really appreciate you taking the time to write all this...+ rep. I have a question about the Marketing Distribution...there are different forms of promotion (radio, tv, internet, gorilla, ect.) What are the most effective ways and what are some techniques that can be used.

For example, I see what Tim Story does with his Kevin Hart films and I think its genious but it wont be as affective with small name/no name actors.

What they do is send Marketing money to send Kevin Hart around to different venues, restaurants, ect and provide services for free...take pictures...interact with the crowd ect. I think its genius because it creates an online (some what viral) presence instantly because everyone is video taping Kevin Hart, the pictures are posted online and this is done by everyday people so I imagine the friends of those people are more receptive to that than a random ad on a website. I don't think that would work as effectively if a no name college actor was to do this. So are there any techniques for people on a smaller scale to generate conversation about their movie?

@bdizzle might be interested in this.

@N.Y. State of Mind
@Cabbage Patch
@Big Boss
@Wenzel Dashington

I haven't to figured out the marketing aspect of yet, because the projects I have in productions already had a marketing plan put together by the producers who brought them to me, I'm merely getting a co producer credit for providing financing

however, after I go through the process I'll report what I've learned

Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
I'm a kickstarter person. I'm not comfortable with guerilla marketing. But what you need done, just let us know.