so expectations wasn't met this time. Life goes on
Oh so your expectations was met when they did the reveal that revealed no console
It did debut Knack and that puppet game they realized they should NEVER SHOW AGAIN
They also touted some facebook integration that nobody will use like that. But hey, doesn't that sound
E3 comes and goes and just like this gen, all the PS2/3 exclusives from 3rd parties is now multiplat while you guys are left hoping XB1 exclusives one day make it to your shytty console
They take away the PSeye, they deliver lackluster games that don't win any awards for being FUN
Was that the over achievement you was hoping for?
Gamescon comes and goes, now your ready to admit defeat. Todays show, Xbox won, but it didn't dominate like it already has. Its time to give it up bruh. I already caught you red handed STANNING KILLER INSTINCT. You love Xbox One