Men as a whole need to stop giving women so much attention


The Movement
Aug 16, 2015
We give them power over us by thirsting after them so much and by making fun of guys who dont go after women or attract them because by doing this you put them on a pedestal and blow thier heads up like they are what validates a man or makes a man a man. You here them say they dont need a man all the time like we are not worth anything to them

You should still try and talk to women if you find her attractive and think shes cool etc go for it but we give them to much control I think in general when it comes to whos wanted more than the other

Like they say its easy for a women to have sex but not a man how about we change that around . They take advantage of what we give them without effort and I think if we as whole started to be more strict in how we deal with them socially things could change.

We throw ourselves at them even if it is just for sex and nothing more ,but they wouldnt do the same unless you were a very very attractive guy , high social status ,or had money. The only time they change is when they are old and guys dont chase after them as much anymore cause the prettier and younger ones are there to replace them now
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Bunchy Carter

I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
May 19, 2014
Triple O.G. Bunchy Carter
Your avi looks like:
We give them power over us by thirsting after them so much and by making fun of guys who dont go after women or attract them because by doing this you put them on a pedestal and blow thier heads up like they are what validates a man or makes a man a man. You here them say they dont need a man all the time like we are not worth anything to them

You should still try and talk to women if you find her attractive and think shes cool etc go for it but we give them to much control I think in general when it comes to whos wanted more than the other

Like they say its easy for a women to have sex but not a man how about we change that around . They take advantage of what we give them without effort and I think if we as whole started to be more strict in how we deal with them socially things could change.

We throw ourselves at them even if it is just for sex and nothing more ,but they wouldnt do the same unless you were a very very attractive guy , high social status ,or had money. The only time they change is when they are old and guys dont chase after them as much anymore cause the prettier and younger ones are there to replace them now

Your avi looks like this dude:




The Movement
Aug 16, 2015

Seek therapy

For what not thirsting or worshiping women . I think men who stay chasing women are the ones who need a self esteem boost sence they craves acceptance so much. Real talk i think the dudes who stay going at women 24 7 are the losers who need therapy. Act like they never had sex before or that bad sex doesnt exist

says every nikka that has YET to approach ANY female in his entire life.


Im not a virgin , do i get hella p*ssy no but its doesnt make or break me and i dont need it to function in life like most dudes here. Im not afraid to approach a woman but I wont give her control over the situation i would make her put herself in a position where I would have to start a conversation with her

Bunchy Carter

I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
May 19, 2014
Triple O.G. Bunchy Carter
For what not thirsting or worshiping women . I think men who stay chasing women are the ones who need a self esteem boost sence they craves acceptance so much. Real talk i think the dudes who stay going at women 24 7 are the losers who need therapy. Act like they never had sex before or that bad sex doesnt exist

Im not a virgin , do i get hella p*ssy no but its doesnt make or break me and i dont need it to function in life like most dudes her. Im not afraid to approach a woman but I wont give her control over the situation i would make her put herself in a position where I would have to start a conversation with her

/thread. This sums up this whole topic:mjlol:


Jul 24, 2015
The ones that simp are usually the ones who don't have any power themselves. The ones who are career driven and end up with a good future have no problems getting women. Better yourself and the women will follow. Don't worry about what they're doing they are probably ratchet and you don't want them. Work on yourself and the quality of women that approach you will rise. The simps nikkas I've seen couldn't pull the classy women I know, because they are not in the same league. Truth be told a woman that respects herself don't want some nikka with no goals simping for her. Let those ratchet girls be with ratchet nikkas. Focus on the real prize my friend.
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