King of Jordan arrests own brothers for links to Saudi Arabia as regional tensions grow


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

King of Jordan arrests own brothers for links to Saudi Arabia as regional tensions grow

King of Jordan arrests own brothers for links to Saudi Arabia as regional tensions grow
THE KING of Jordan has arrested his own brothers and cousin for suspected cooperation with Saudi Arabia, regional media has reported.
By Dan Falvey
PUBLISHED: 06:17, Sat, Dec 30, 2017 | UPDATED: 06:52, Sat, Dec 30, 2017


Jordan's King has had his brothers and cousin arrested for speaking to Saudi Arabia
Jordan, which is usually seen as being a neutral state in the Middle East, is reported to have detained the three men at their homes after the individuals allegedly spoke to Saudi and Emirati leaders.

Tensions across the region have risen in recent months with countries showing scepticism towards the aims of Saudi Arabia’s new Crown Prince, Mohammad bin Salman.

Regional news site Al-sura reported that King Abdullah arrested his brothers and cousin, Prince Faisal bin Hussein, Prince Ali bin Hussein and Prince Talal bin Muhammad after his intelligence services claimed they had been in contact with Saudi and Emirati leaders.

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Despite the media reports, the Jordanian military has played down claims the men were placed under house arrest.

Instead, they have insisted that the brothers and cousin retired early as part of military changes to the Jordanian Army.

The men have not been seen since their alleged house arrest.

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According to reports, the Saudi-led coalition launched several airstrikes on Houthi positions across war-affected Yemen after Houthi rebels fired a ballistic missile at Riyadh that was intercepted near the Saudi Arabian capital


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A still image taken from a video distributed by Yemen's pro-Houthi Al Masirah television station shows what it says was the launch by Houthi forces of a ballistic missile aimed at Riyadh's King Khaled Airport

Jordan, like many other countries in the Middle East, is said to suspect Saudi Arabia of planning to become a regional superpower.

Marcus Chevenix, Middle East analyst at TS Lombard, said the diplomatic relationships in the region had become “unpredictable”.

He said: “I really struggle to predict what's going to happen next.

“This is the first time for a very long time that there hasn't been an external arbiter in the Middle East who basically defines everyone's diplomatic relationships.


Jordan's King with his brothers and cousin

Jordan and Saudi Arabia have had good relations in the past
“For a long time it was America and Russia, then it was just America and now there's no one."

Attempts by Saudi Arabia to dominate the region have led to many Middle East allies questioning how much they can trust the state.

The country’s continued tensions with Iran has also been a cause of concern for allies who fear being dragged into the proxy war being fought between Saudi and Iran in Yemen.

Dr Simon Mabon, an expert of Middle Eastern politics at Lancaster University, warned: “At a broader regional level there’s a great deal of uncertainty that’s really blowing across the Middle East right now.”

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Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
Al Sauds trying to checkmate the fukk out of the Hashemites

Abdullah sees the writing on the wall

You give up Jerusalem, you give up Hashemite legitimacy, you give up the Palestinian state which means Jordan is finished

If I was KING Abdullah I'd have the shooters on deck because it is that serious


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Al Sauds trying to checkmate the fukk out of the Hashemites

Abdullah sees the writing on the wall

You give up Jerusalem, you give up Hashemite legitimacy, you give up the Palestinian state which means Jordan is finished

If I was KING Abdullah I'd have the shooters on deck because it is that serious
go deeper :lupe:


Drugs and Kalashnikovs
May 2, 2012
W/S 416
go deeper :lupe:

Remember that the Hashemites (descendants of the Prophet) ran the Holy Cities AND had claims to custodianship for Jerusalem only a century ago

Al Sauds, a desert tribe with no aristocratic or religious legitimacy or authority chased them out of the Arabian peninsula, based on tribal alliances particular with the upstart Wahabbi clerics (who saw the Hashemites and their Ottoman backers as corrupt and corrosive to the Ummah)

Also recall the uncomfortable fact that Jordan is just a part of the problem and solution to the Middle East conflict. King Hussein thought the peace deal he signed in 94 guaranteed his states survival (declinking Jordan from Palestine) but it just delayed the inevitable

Jordan was part of the mandate, and has a 70% Palestinian population. That shyt IS Palestine

Until now the Hashemites have controlled the Islamic holy sites.

Once Jerusalem is off the table, there is no logic to an independent Palestinian state. So those millions of Palestinians are either gonna look left to Israel to include them in their country (:heh:) or they will look to the east and take what they can salvage of the old mandate

Palestinians already rose up once against the Jordanian state, didn't end well though

So it's not just the Palestinians that the Saudis are throwing under the bus, but Jordan with it. Frankly from their perspective it seems they are more than willing to sacrifice the Levant to protect the Gulf

Logically and practically the only real solution to the Middle East Conflict is a Palestinian state in Jordan, continued Hashemite control of the Islamic sites, and autonomy for Palestinians in Israel (including Gaza, WB etc), with civic rights tied to Jordan but with Israel maintaining physical control

If Abdullah wants to avoid being the last King of the comedy that is Jordan, it's either him or MBS, no two ways about it

While Egypt is clearly best positioned in a cultural and military sense to be the leader of the Arab world, there is NO ONE who can rival the Hashemite religious authority

Its why the Saudis have always kept an eye on Jordan