@Kidstranglehold, Mod of the Colored section of the coli, I'm not Pro-black because I'm Lightskined


Jan 17, 2013
And this is why I'll NEVER take none of you "militants" seriously.:rolleyes:

Saying "what am I going to do about." Yet YOUR suppose to be "pro-black" yet shytting on darker complexion...

As for what IM doing me and others are trying to organize people in my town to resist the hasidics from buying out our town. What are YOU doing?

PS: Aren't you yourself a light bright? Yeah I went there
I'm not even mixed, I'm a light skinned black nikka, my views don't matter

Why am I a militant, and why is that a bad thing

Why are more Darkskin nikkas c00ns in the mainstream than those that are light skinned in the mainstream?

why do you have colorism problems

Why is this guy mod of the colored section

No Sleep

May 5, 2012
Souf Caro
This the same nikka that called Tariq asking for advice about his c00n daddy, uncle or some shyt.

Bawon Samedi

Good bye Coli
Mar 28, 2014
Good bye Coli(2014-2020)
Alright I'm back from my test and its time for me to bash some heads in for the fun of it. @Wenzel Dashington having the emotion melt down decided that he would run from this thread and try to run some lame ass smear campaign that failed. I'm not gonna let that fly. I would have respected him more if he ACTUALLY addressed my points in that thread. :yawn:

But first to address his points:
  1. No one said your mixed.:heh:
  2. Because some of yall act like these black Youtubers are yall FATHERS.:heh:
  3. I admitted that there are many light skin pro-blacks in the media like Jesse Williams and I even was defending Jesse Williams in of those threads about him. But this IS NOT about whether there are more light skin pro black nikkas.
  4. I don't have a colorism problem. But YES I will bring it up!
  5. Because I can be and there's nothing you CAN DO ABOUT IT. :heh:
Anyways moving on... Like I said I'm going to post the full convo, since @Wenzel Dashington decided to cherrypick...

Okay I OFFICIALLY question Tariq. Here he says if "crispy" DID mean dark skin then theres nothing Tommys supporters can do about it....

So he's basically saying he doesnt give af whether crispy is offensive. This is why I dont trust these pro black YouTubers. Yall can neg me all yall want to.


^^In the above post I OFFICIALLY QUESTION Tariq's motives because while many of his supporters(including me to an EXTENT) defended that his term of the word "crispy"

@35:45 Tariq Nasheed HIMSELF stated that if he did mean for "crispy" to mean dark then there wouldn't be a damn thing anyone could do about it.:ohmy::ohmy::ohmy::ohmy:

Again this being Tariq Nasheed(who I respect btw) who is considered "pro-black!" By insulting someone for being darker skinned that is an OXYMORON to being pro-black!

Like seriously if a racist cac were to wear this shirt then what would ANY of you including Tariq say?:heh:

Seriously, people need to STOP insulting our intelligence with this shyt. Anyways, @Wenzel Dashington with his usual annoying spams then posted this.
Well what are you going to do about it? He's likely to continue doing stuff for blacks while you and many others are going to complain and do nothing for blacks.

Of course @Wenzel Dashington being the sheep that he is attacks ANYONE that dares to criticize Tariq. He says no one is doing anything(which MOST FAKE militants say to distract from none of them doing anything even on a small level) while NOT knowing the personal lives of any posters.

And on that SAME EXACT page @Wenzel Dashington ALSO POSTED THIS!


It was a reply to @Matt504 who TOO was questioning Tariq's use of the term "crispy." But according to our fake hotep militant @Wenzel Dashington it is PERFECTLY okay for pro-black "intellectuals" to clown and alienate part of their audience. Remember these are our "militants" everyone. This is why I am noticing that black people have a bad "follow the preacher" thinking where constructive criticism is NOT allowed and everything the preacher says is right.

People like @Wenzel Dashington is in that group. You can NOT insult people like Tariq, because people like Tariq SPOON FEED people like @Wenzel Dashington information. People like @Wenzel Dashington is dependent on people like Tariq. Which is also why @Wenzel Dashington is trying to clown the Root, because we at the Root DO NOT NEED to be spoon fed but instead go after the information OURSELVES(same for the HL... I have to admit it myself).

All in all to people like @Wenzel Dashington it doesn't matter if you say some of the grimiest shyt to dark skin people AS LONG as you are spoon feeding them info it all alright...:no:

Moving on, I posted to the post in the OP to(YES) GET UNDER @Wenzel Dashington skin.
And this is why I'll NEVER take none of you "militants" seriously.:rolleyes:

Saying "what am I going to do about." Yet YOUR suppose to be "pro-black" yet shytting on darker complexion...

As for what IM doing me and others are trying to organize people in my town to resist the hasidics from buying out our town. What are YOU doing?

PS: Aren't you yourself a light bright? Yeah I went there

Again...YEAH I went there. And instead of @Wenzel Dashington fighting me like a man he runs and creates this thread. Reason why I said that is because him being a light bright for THE MOST PART will not understand the negative undertone of "crispy." We can argue that "crispy" only means ashy and hell even I to an extend agree, but let a WHITE person say that then all yall lames would be calling him a racist cac. Let @the cac mamba DARE say "crispy" and his ass would get fried on here and then banned. YEAH I WENT THERE.

@Wenzel Dashington feeling hurt then posts this:
Bro you shouldn't go there, at least don't come for me, I didn't take shots at you, you are complaining, and doing nothing, compared to a man that is doing more for blacks than currently anyone in the world to be really real. And your organizing what now?

Lets be really real, alot of us are not putting in any SIGNIFICANT WORK, and if we were we wouldn't be on the coli as a full time mod. So it baffles me when I see nikkas on here talking shyt about people doing work out here no matter what their views are.

You don't see me shytting on any black person out here putting in work for us. I don't even shyt on kanye, he put alot of nikkas on, while the fashion industry is shytting on Kanye, Virgil is one of the hottest designers in the game right now, Just Don designs for Jordan Brand even his fukking barber has a moderately stable streetwear line. He even tried to put on that fakkit Ian conner, but he was so much of a fukkboy he fukked himself.

nikkas criticizing nikkas putting in work from the comfort of their keyboards is always some fakkit c00n shyt, so you all can miss me with that bullshyt

:salute:Proud fukking Golden God Militant, I bang on fakkits of any race or creed especially you crackers out here

@KidStranglehold Bringing colorism into this like I aint more of a nikka than you, this is the guy yall chose to name your mod of the Negro section of the coli after?

Ironically he's the one who argues it doesn't matter if dark skin nikkas get clowned but then whines about colorism. :rolleyes:

Moving on... I then post this destroying most of his arguments.

I will always say apologetically that dumb ass hoteps are just as dangerous as c00ns, because they definitely have this "follow the preacher" mentality whether they want to admit it or not. And whoever CRITICIZE their idols(father figures) are now "c00ns." Notice in ALL my response I did not personally attack Tariq. Matter fact I always respected Tariq especially here!

Tariq Nasheed deep in Haiti

So lets ask @Wenzel Dashington the fake hotep militant this important question... Is it "colorism" if dark skin nikkas are getting clowned or you golden boys?
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Apr 24, 2015
nvm lemme just let ya'll do this back and forth :francis:
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