Jimmy two times, you might wanna reconsider!!!

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Did you LOVE the last Spider-Man game You played? Let's be real here, Spider-Man is unproven and street fighter 5 has been deemed not better than street fighter 4 by the majority. So what exclusives and experiences can Microsoft offer moving forward? Well, Sony has announced they'll have a smaller presence at E3 this year. I guess they caught wind that Microsoft is extending their press conference to a record 2hrs long :dame:

Can't do that and not have something to show off during the extra time. They did invest in a bunch of new 1st party studios :ohhh:

Microsoft’s Xbox E3 2018 Press Conference is Two Hours Long


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Jimmy Two-Times™

Coli Mods Catch Me If U Can Forgive Me Imma Ridah™
Jan 17, 2013
Peckham™ Come Get Me!
The last Spider-Mayne game I played was Spider-Mayn II on PS2 which was 10/10. It was awesome. This looks like a step in the right direction and I'm a big Marvel guy so this has me excited which is rare for me.

E3's only a week away, so I'll decide then.

Right now though I'm more leaning towards PS4 Pro, but I can be swayed if Microsoft announce true exclusives.

I'm not too into graphical resolution because it is a gimmick that wears off after a while and one that I don't care much for. I'd rather these devs focus on gameplay like Nintendo than 4K HDR 60fps nonsense. If a game is produced well you shouldn't notice any of that.

I love Skeet Fighter V and Spider-Mayn looks awesome also they are both exclusives for PS4 so that's why I'm going to get that -- most likely.

It's not that X1X is trash for multiplatform games it just isn't better than PC. I have been able to do 4K 60fps+ (even unlocked to run smoother). Like I said before I bootleg multiplatform games on PC that are single player experiences/games I don't care for going online. Like today for example, instead of spending £20 quid of Skreet Fighter 30th Collection which just came out I can download it here: for free. So it's not necessarily an option simply between two consoles it is more so one which has a better online for the games that I do want to go online with like SFV, MKX and FIFA and since SFV isn't on X1X I'll get a PS4 Pro unless it gets announced for Microsoft this year.

My decision is really riding on whether SFV comes to X1X, or whether PS4 Pro gets updated to rival X1X, otherwise I'll just get a PS4 Pro next week along with a Switch.

Grand Conde

Feb 11, 2013
The last Spider-Mayne game I played was Spider-Mayn II on PS2 which was 10/10. It was awesome. This looks like a step in the right direction and I'm a big Marvel guy so this has me excited which is rare for me.

E3's only a week away, so I'll decide then.

Right now though I'm more leaning towards PS4 Pro, but I can be swayed if Microsoft announce true exclusives.

I'm not too into graphical resolution because it is a gimmick that wears off after a while and one that I don't care much for. I'd rather these devs focus on gameplay like Nintendo than 4K HDR 60fps nonsense. If a game is produced well you shouldn't notice any of that.

I love Skeet Fighter V and Spider-Mayn looks awesome also they are both exclusives for PS4 so that's why I'm going to get that -- most likely.

It's not that X1X is trash for multiplatform games it just isn't better than PC. I have been able to do 4K 60fps+ (even unlocked to run smoother). Like I said before I bootleg multiplatform games on PC that are single player experiences/games I don't care for going online. Like today for example, instead of spending £20 quid of Skreet Fighter 30th Collection which just came out I can download it here: for free. So it's not necessarily an option simply between two consoles it is more so one which has a better online for the games that I do want to go online with like SFV, MKX and FIFA and since SFV isn't on X1X I'll get a PS4 Pro unless it gets announced for Microsoft this year.

My decision is really riding on whether SFV comes to X1X, or whether PS4 Pro gets updated to rival X1X, otherwise I'll just get a PS4 Pro next week along with a Switch.

Breh E3 isn't going to make the slightest difference to anything, you really are dumb as fukk to believe anything Court says. :deadmanny:

And no, SF5 is never coming to the X-Box, I've no idea why you think it would.

Jimmy Two-Times™

Coli Mods Catch Me If U Can Forgive Me Imma Ridah™
Jan 17, 2013
Peckham™ Come Get Me!
Breh E3 isn't going to make the slightest difference to anything, you really are dumb as fukk to believe anything Court says. :deadmanny:

And no, SF5 is never coming to the X-Box, I've no idea why you think it would.
You sound miserable.

and who is "Court"?

They said GTA was never coming to Xbox either, what's your point. Sony does not own Capcom, you weirdo.

I have a day job and can afford whatever I like, if I wanted to buy every game under the Sun I would but I am not a impulse buy 12 year old, I am an adult that can wait two weeks to decide for *myself.

Kamikaze Revy

Bwana ni mwokozi wangu
Sep 4, 2012
Outer Heaven
Might as well. State of Glitches run better on the S than the most powerful console ever:troll:
I’ve dumped hours upon hours into State of Decay 2 on my OG XB1 and my XB1X and have only experience on disconnect and no other glitches. Frame rate drops every now and then but nothing major. Overall I think the problems people are reporting have been a bit exaggerated.