Interview with the last Ottoman Black Eunuch


May 7, 2012
Hayrettin Effendi, the last Black Eunuch of Turkey
Black Men, August 2000


During many centuries, a children's traffic, generally known under the name
"blood tax", has been practiced from countries and areas under Ottoman
domination in Europe, Asia and Africa, towards the palaces of the Ottoman
sultans in Constantinople (Istanbul). Black and white children were victims of
this slavery. The little girls were meant for filling the harems as cohabitants
or to become servants. The boys served in the Ottoman army or the
administration, were used as slavish or domestic labor. Some of them were
employed as pages to the palace or eunuchs in the sultan's harems.

The first Black eunuchs were employed in the Ottoman empire since 1485. The
sultans made them come from Ethiopia and the Lake Chad area. Until the end of
the 15th century, the white eunuchs were the only ones to keep the sultan's
cohabitants in the harems. In 1587, one Black received the tittle of Eunuchs'
Chief. Known under the name Kizlar Agasi, he had the rank of pacha, was the
hallebarders's palace commandant. He ruled numerous high ranking "functionaries"
of the empire and had important religious functions. He was the imperial mosque
keeper and the devout foundations of Mecca and Medina. He remained on good terms
with the sultan and was the most feared of the country. When he retired, he
withdrew to Egypt where he had a golden existence.

Nowadays, still, in Istanbul the Turkish capital, it's possible to visit the
building which sheltered the Black eunuchs sultan's palace apartments. They were
six hundred to live here all together! Africa, their original birth place,
remained present in their imagination. So on certain walls of the bedrooms we
can see African landscapes that some of them have painted.


In 1998 the publication of a book in Turkish, Meyyale, by Dr. Hifzi Topuz, bring
some precious lightings on the daily life of the last Black eunuchs of the
Ottoman empire at the 20th century.

Those ones became free since 1918, the year has been claimed the MESUTIET, the
banning of slavery in Turkey.

The 8th chapter of Hifzi Topuz's book is consecrated to harem's eunuchs. The
Turkish author recalled without any kindness about the suffering of those men:
from the wrench from their families and African native areas to the painful
castration operation to which only 10% of the children survived, to their
transfer to Turkey.

In the 60's, we could still, in Istanbul streets meet the last Black eunuchs,
particularly in Bostanji district. Generally, the eunuchs were dumb about their
past. They died with their secrets.

Nevertheless, Hayrettin Effendi, the last eunuch of Resat, the last Ottoman
sultan, decided to tell all the story of his life to a district friend, one year
before dying, in 1976.70 years after his kidnapping in Ethiopia.

Hayrettin was a smart man. Very tall, kind and generous, he lived in a house
with a garden, with a Circassian woman that he loved and respected profoundly.
Hayrettin was a gala from Ethiopia. His story is the one of the Ottoman palace's
Black eunuchs and remained anonymous for centuries. His testimony revealed the
eunuch's suffering. It's the look of a man very lucid on the human nature's
perversity of this time. It's a rousing call to humanity for such atrocities not
to happen no more. A message of hope.

Hayrettin Effendi's testimony, last sultan's last eunuch. From the Turkish book,
MEYYALE, by Hifzi Topuz, Istanbul, Editions Remzi Kitabevi, p.69-72.
(Thanks to Ozan who translated orally this text and all the chapter about the
Black eunuchs and Mrs. Oya Göker who made us know about this work from its
publication in Turkey.)

"I remember my childhood like if it was yesterday. I'm from Habesistan. I'm a
Galla. My name was Gülnata. We were living in a little village. We were very
happy. I was 7 or 8 years. I was playing with some children same age than me on
the village's place. We always had the same game. We were running one after the
others. Then one day, some horsemen came. They didn't look like the men from our
place. Their faces were lighter. They were armed. They caught us.

One of them closed my mouth and I almost suffocated. My eyes went out of their
socket. They took all my friends and I away. I didn't understand their language.
It's after that I've known they were talking Arabic. Arrived in a village, they
put us in a yard. There were other children like us. They talked the same
language than us. They sobbed. We didn't understood why they have kidnapped us.
We shared the same sorrow. We stayed three days without drinking' and Eaton'.

We were afraid. Few days later, we have been castrated (In Massoua, peninsula of
Ethiopian coast occupied by the Turkish). During numerous years, I never forget
the pain and the tortures endured. Two weeks after the castration, we began to
get better. They drove us in the ports. There were some boys and girls like us.
We didn't talk both the same language but we shared the same lot. All the boys
were castrated. There were a good relationship between us. Then they embarked us
on a boat. We were delighted to have escaped from the monsters. But where did
they bring us? We thought they gonna throw us in the ocean. We didn't know
anything. We were totally uncertain. Our villages, our brothers, our sisters,
our mothers were far behind. Will it be possible to see them again one day?
Some of us cried all the time. We were afraid to be drowned. We were seeing the
sea for the first time and we were afraid. We were all gathered on the boat. We
looked at the waves. Which other misfortune was waiting for us?

.(During the crossing, the slave boat has been stopped and examined by an
English patrol and the Arabs slave traders arrested. All of them drove to Aden
port in Yemen. NDR) The children began to shout with joy believing that we can
return to our villages. Our joy won't last. The interpreter made us know that
it's going be difficult to bring us back to our villages.

Slavery was abolished. We were free.(To Aden) They made us go out of the boat.We
have been driven to the market place. The English commandant made a speech
translated in Arabic. We didn't understand anything. After it had been
translated in Habesh. As the slave trade was forbidden, they are going to give
us to families of officers and functionaries they trust..The officers were
Ottomans and the functionaries sanjaks. (One Ottoman officer, Yakup, in mission
to Aden took him and came back with him to Istanbul. NDR)

.It was winter. It was the first time that I saw the snow. I was cold. Yakup
offered me to somebody famous in Istanbul. I was disappointed. I loved Yakup
like my father. He offered me to the Cerkez Mehmet Pasa. Can somebody offer a
human as a gift? I understood after that it can happen.In 1918 with the
MESUTIET they freed us.We bought this house with a friend, lady of the palace.
We cope with it. It's our destiny."

Beshir Agha(a famous black eunuch) has a biography about him, can't post the link for some reason but google it


May 7, 2012


Built in the late 16th century, the unit features a tiled main room with a fireplace, a bath(hamam), a coffee kitchen and service rooms. The fireplace in the main room is covered with 18th century Baroque European tiles. The compound includes on its upper floor tiled rooms with fireplace and the School of Princes, which was under the responsibility of the Chief Harem Eunuch. The school space is a double-fronted hall with a centrally domed and vaulted ceiling. The upper level is decorated with 17th century classic Ottoman tiles whereas baroque style tiles ornament the floor level. These were commissioned in the 18th century by Beshir Agha (Beşir Ağa), the Chief Eunuch of Sultan Mahmut I. The baroque detailed plaster fireplace dates also from the same period.


The Harem and the Black Eunuchs
You take a rushed tour with fifty or more other tourists around the Topkapi and Dolmabahçe Palaces. In 16th century Topkapi you file around a rabbit warren of courtyards, beautifully tiled rooms, baths, and dank, dark and musty corridors. In 19th century Dolmabahçe you see enormous dowdy drawing rooms, all ready, apparently for visitors for tea. The harem is almost as big as the palace itself. When, in 1909 the Young Turks expelled Sultan Abdul Hamid and opened up his harem to the world, they found over nine hundred women who had been bought in the slave markets of the Ottoman Empire. Most had never ever seen the Sultan, let alone become his concubine. Messages were sent around what was left of the Empire for brothers and fathers to come and fetch their sisters and daughters.

Harems started as a way for Ottoman warriors to “protect” their women when away from home for long periods, and eunuchs would act as guards. The system was adopted by the Sultanate, and every member of the harem was a slave, thus every Sultan was the son of a slave, in the same way that every member of the Janissary guard was a slave, at least until the 17th century. Slaves, whose lives depended on the Sultan, would be easier to control than free Muslim women, who by law had certain rights.

The Sultan should be happy with a variety of partners chosen from the prettiest and healthiest slavegirls of all the Empire, and, as long as all was functioning well with him, they would provide a reserve of possible male heirs. Sundry heirs would be eliminated. Mehmet II, Conqueror of Constantinople, recommended: “Whichever of my sons inherits the Sultan’s throne, it behooves him to kill his brothers in the interest of the world order [the Ottoman Empire]. Most of the jurists have approved this procedure. Let action be taken accordingly”. Of course, this was done in order to prevent wars of succession, such as took place in Austria and Spain. Mehmet executed his two brothers; Selim I had two brothers, three sons and four nephews strangled. On the accession of Mehmet III in 1597 nineteen of the new Sultan’s brothers were taken out of the harem, circumcised and strangled with a silken handkerchief. In the history of the Ottoman Empire some 80 princes were killed, usually strangled with a bowstring, in order not to spill the sacred Ottoman blood. Such apparent callousness as Richard III’s murder of his brother, two nephews and sundry counselors was relatively commonplace.

We know little about life in the Harem. Only in the 19th century were girls giving some kind of formal education. Before that they learnt certain skills such as embroidery, coffee making, and the organization of a community of up to a thousand women would bring out the management skills of some, but few learnt the complex Ottoman script, and there was no real education, at least until the harem’s final throes in the second half of the 19th century. Occasional outings, veiled of course, and attended by eunuchs. The greatest regular pleasure was probably the bath. Naturally lesbianism existed, but all cucumbers had to be sliced before they could enter. An occasional Lothario might try to pass a billet doux and might suffer the whip of the eunuchs. Few had the luck of Pierre Loti, or at least the fictional Loti, whose affair with Azyiadé, member of a harem, told in the novel of the same name, evoked the mystery and romance of the veiled women of the harem to the readers of Western Europe at the end of the 19th century.

Once the concubine had produced a male heir she had served her purpose and would not be visited again, and she would devote the rest of her life to the furthering of her son’s future possibilities. Some who failed to attract the attention of the Sultan were married off to civil servants; others were relegated to the Eski Saray, the Old Palace, and gathered cobwebs until they died, alone, forlorn and forgotten.

But not all were. In the late 16th and right through the 17th, centuries the Queen Mother, the Sultan Validé, and occasionally a concubine herself, rose to prominence. Suleiman the Magnificent, or the Lawgiver, as her is known in Turkish, under whose reign from 1520 to 1566 the Ottoman Empire was at its most extensive, almost reaching Vienna, did the almost unthinkable and actually fell in love with a Russian slavegirl, Hurrem, or Roxelana, who gave him a son. He even enjoyed discussing affairs of state with her. But she was only the second Sultana, and Gülbehar, Rose of Spring, had already produced a son, and there was a strict precedence in the harem. The two women fought. Rose of Spring scratched Roxelana’s face. Roxelana refused to visit Suleiman because of this disfigurement. This won him Suleiman over, and Rose of Spring and son Mustafa were transferred to the provinces. The Queen Mother died, Roxelana now ladied it over the harem and demanded Suleiman marry her. Despite the general astonishment, the festivities were sumptuous, and now the Harem was at the centre of power. Roxelana persuaded Suleiman that his friend the Grand Vizier, the chief minister, was menace to his power and had him strangled, and then, nine years later, she had Mustafa, his son by Rose of Spring, also strangled, so her son, Selim, could be next Sultan.

Thus began the period of the Reign of the Women, the Kadinlar Sultanati, when, for some 150 years, the Harem ruled the Empire, and a continual battle was waged between the Sultan Validé, the Chief Kadin, or wife, and often the Chief Black Eunuch. As N. M. Penzer, in The Harem, writes, “While the Sultans were indulging in orgies of drink or vice, according to their taste, it was the women who crept to the secret grilled window of the Divan, listened to State secrets, and played their cards accordingly” (p.186).

My friend George Junne is studying the black eunuchs of the harem. They were often Abyssinian slaves who had been emasculated by removal of penis and testicles. But at least on one noted occasion the operation was botched, as just one testicle was removed. Despite the absence of a penis, it was still possible to produce sperm and impregnate, and on this occasion, this actually happened. A European traveler to Egypt reported seeing a eunuch being taken back to Istanbul in chains to be punished, as a dark child had been born in the harem.

African eunuchs were noted in the Byzantine Empire and their roles continued under the Ottomans. The White European eunuchs were first in charge of the harem and the religious foundations, the vaqfs, and the Sultan himself. The Black African eunuchs had been planning to usurp the powers of the White eunuchs but had to wait until the death of the powerful Chief White Eunuch, Gazanfer Aga (d. 1587). Beginning in the late 1570s, the Black eunuchs made their move, taking over the power and roles of their European counterparts. Chief Black Eunuch Mehmed Aga (c. 1587-1590) consolidated the position to the extent that those African eunuch slaves following him in office became the third most powerful men in the Ottoman Empire after the Sultan and the Viziers.

From 1587 until the end of the Empire, over 70 Africans advanced to the status of Chief Black Eunuch. Because he and the other 200 to 400 other Black eunuchs were the closest physically to the sultan and his family, and because they supervised the education of the Sultan’s sons as well as handling the Sultan’s and family’s personal treasury, the eunuchs exerted a lot of influence over the Empire. On a couple of occasions, they were involved in running the Empire. The amount of money the Chief Black Eunuchs controlled would run into the tens of millions of dollars today.

During the 1800s the city of Athens was under the direct control and supervision of the Chief Black Eunuch. They were also responsible for the eunuchs working at the mosques at Mecca and Medina. Further, they were responsible for relics of the Prophet kept in the Topkapi Palace. Some built mosques in Istanbul and elsewhere and also, provided funds to convert churches into mosques. They also built fountains, many of them still in use today.

After the creation of the Republic of Turkey, several of the last of the Black eunuchs purchased houses together around the city. Many people can still remember them in the coffee houses of Pera in the 1970s.

My thanks to George Junne

We all over the place


May 7, 2012
He was Oromo, of course. :wowkobe:

Edit: Just read, didn't know it was :sandcacjpls:'s that captured him. Yeah, it wouldn't surprise me if they still did this shyt today.

Yeah I'm pretty sure they do, they just mostly go to saudi/dubai I'd assume?

Ethiopia needs to get strong again and dish out vengeance on all who have wronged her :wow:


Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Yeah I'm pretty sure they do, they just mostly go to saudi/dubai I'd assume?

Ethiopia needs to get strong again and dish out vengeance on all who have wronged her :wow:

This climate change shyt has double meaning for me. Gotta kill their oil influence off completely so they can fall the fukk off. :demon:


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining

Interesting...... had no idea...

Cool stuff op.
They had no chill back in those days.

This is why history is so can learn from those harsh realities..... and hopefully not repeat
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