Interracialism: A lesson in Social Engineering


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
This brother had a great video on this back in 2009-2010, but of course his video mysteriously was deleted by cacs behind the scenes.......:rudy:

Interracialism has become the new 'thing' being promoted and championed through the media. Should we all buy into it or should we question why all of a sudden Interracialism has become the new 'cure-all' for race based issues in America.

Interracialism: A lesson in Social Engineering

From K. Alonzo Hart M.Ed

Have you notice how lately many people are becoming less and less afraid of crossing over old racial stereotypes boundaries and lines that once divided American straight down the middle.And even further more have you notice how more and more people are not only crossing over those racial barriers , but many of them are beginning to engage in interracial relationships that often times lead into interracial dating,interracial marriage and yes even some time interracial casual sex.'

And i know a lot of people will think that that's a 'victory' That's a victory for America' America has truly arrived,when it comes to the issue of 'race.' However' lets examine this issue a bit further' You see in todays society' there had been an increase afford,A propaganda' campaign if you will' aimed at promoting the idea of interracialism' among Americans.'

Interracialism is an ideology based on the Brazilian idea of a racial 'democracy.'
This idea of a racial democracy was first proposed by Brazilian sociologist 'Gilberto 'Freyre' in his book 'The 'Masters' and the 'Slaves.'

Casa -Granda-Senzala.'
In a so called racial democracy miscegenation between the races or inbreeding or sex between the races was highly encourage in order
TO WHITEN THE BLACK POPULATION.' and to create a new racially ambiguous group of people who have absolutely no form of racial identity' or 'consciousness ' THAT CAN IN NO WAY THREATEN' OR CHALLENGE THE ESTABLISHED STATUS QUO.'

You see interracialism is in fact the b*stard child of Brazils FAILED SOCIAL EXPERIMENT CALL RACIAL 'DEMOCRACY.' A RACIAL DEMOCRACY= RACISM!...

How ever,this racial idea thats has kept white Brazilians in 'Power' and on top and black and mix race Brazilians in uttered'poverty' has now began to invade the social structure of the united states' in the form of interracialism.Interracialism is being sold to the masses through the mainstream media.'

And the accomplish this by using popular celebrities and personalities to make interracialism the new cool thing to do.'
To make it more 'palatable' for Americans to began to think about.' You know it reminds me of back in the day when wearing Nike air Jordans was the popular thing to do because all you saw was nike commercials all day long.'

Well today interracialism is being promoted through the mass media almost the exact same way that products are now being promoted in order to gain mass acceptance.' Interracialism preaches that race simply doesn't 'matter.'

Now on the surface this notion that race is somehow an 'illusion' or in visible has a noble feel to it,or we are all 'EQUAL' tone to it.' However beneath the surface of this ideology lies the truth about what interracialism as a socio political 'weapon' is all about.'

You see although interracialism proposes to solve such problems as the black womans man shortage issue or by wiping out all color lines and differences among the so- called lower class.
The so called upper class however will remain completely in tact' and unaffected by any such notion' of 'interracialism' They will remain unaffected and they will maintain the highest positions in society' for ever controlling all the 'MONEY' AND POWER POLITICS.'

The true purpose behind the propaganda that is now pushing the idea of intrracialism at breakneck speed on the American public through the mainstream media is the ultimate creation of what is referred to as a 'buffer demographic' or a 'buffer demographic group of people.'

This buffer group so to speak would exist and occupy the space that is between the white elite ruling class and those at the very bottom' you see the mix race demographic will occupy this buffer zone between the haves and the have-nots' the same way they do in south America.'

And by doing so they will by default help the white upper class maintain their 'POWER' WEALTH' AND PRIVILEGE by defecting any and all social demands for 'equality' from the lower class' that are directed towards the upper class.'

You see this kind of buffer group was designed long ago in south Africa' during the days of 'apartheid rule' these mix race group of people in south Africa that were between the haves and have -nots were called the Coloreds.

COLOREDS= BUFFER GROUP what we're dealing with here people is a socially engineer social political system of racial reclassification in America' designed to protect the upper-class' elite status of those in 'power.'

Now this new social racial reclassification is eerily similar to India's caste system,Brazil's racial democracy system' and south Africa's former race based apartheid system.'
If you look around the world,any nation where there is a large percentage of its population this is 'miscegenous' in nature or interracialized,so to speak'THE BLACK PEOPLE IN THOSE NATIONS OCCUPY THE ABSOLUTE LOWEST STATUS' AND ARE IN A PERMANENT STATE OF ABJECT POVERTY' POWERLESSNESS. '

In America today' there is no true middle group that has been able to act as a buffer zone between black and whites,as a result American blacks enjoy better ECONOMIC,POLITICAL,EDUCATIONAL,AND SOCIAL STATUS AND IT'S REPRESENTATION MORE SO THAN ANY OTHER BLACK POPULATION IN THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE'African Americans have been able to achieve and exile due largely in fact ' to a sense of BLACK PRIDE,POWER,AND CONSCIOUSNESS.' Interracialism is the 'antiphysis' to BLACK PRIDE'POWER' AND CONSCIOUSNESS.'


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
Black consciousness was targeted in the late 1960's and throughout the 1980's. Drugs were used and flooded into 'black' community' in order to neutralize the black power base in America' In the 1990's HIV was unleashed on to the black community.'

With the same intentions to neutralize and destroy black consciousness.' And now the new millennium' the social idea of the day' Interracialism is been used to destroy black identity and consciousness in America.'

Interracialism has almost nothing to do with an individual's right to choose who they want to date or marry' or have children with.'
Interracialism is a social agenda' it's a social ideology' It is socially engineered into a fabric of a particular nation or country in order to protect the status' of that country's wealthiest individuals.

Any mix race group of population group of people have no set racial agenda' they have no particular loyalty to a particular tribe,ethnic group,or racial classification.'

This is what makes them the perfect buffer demographic group' to be placed in that buffer zone between the have and the have nots.'And in the united states of America today those individuals of mixed race heritage will be used as the buffer group in America, to protect the wealthiest most elite group of people at the top.'

Now understanding this social slash political threat against the existence of the African-American ethnic group i America,we as black people in the western hemisphere must be very careful about which social agenda's and ideology we follow'because some of these social agenda's do not have the best interest of black people as a whole' in mind.'

Therefor there must be a re-emergence and a re-assertion of black consciousness' in the African-American community.' Peace'From K. Alonzo Hart M.Ed
