There are tons of these out there, but I thought this was one of the more interesting ones I've seen because the questions are more concerned with your opinions on current events than most. Post your results brehs.
You want government out of people's personal lives, but desire more government control over people's economic activities. This puts you midway between President Barack Obama and former Governor Gary Johnson.
There is no political party that represents your views. The Green Party does run many candidates with similar views, but the overall Green Party platform is much more socialistic than you are. There are some Democratic Party office holders in this region, but most are south of you on the Nolan Chart. Possibly the closest party to your views is the new Modern Whig Party, but they are just getting started.
A mix of Democratic, Green, and Libertarian politicians in office would provide the balance of freedom and social justice you desire. The ratio between these depends on how high up your dot is on the chart.
Sounds about like me.
Didn't know there was a Modern Whig Party.
Current Results
Moderate - sm0ke, sicc2def
Smaller government centrist - VMR, Odyssey
Liberal-leaning centrist - Yogi, |r|e|a|d|, Card Holder
Conservative-leaning centrist -
Bigger government centrist -
Social Liberal - acri1, NZA, Futuristic Eskimo, num123, Broletariat, Jello Biafra, KEEPITTRILLA
Economic Liberal - Tommy Fits, Broke Wave, BarNone, VictorVonDoom, Benny P, 88m3
Radical Liberal - Madvillain
Economic Conservative -
Social Conservative -
Radical Conservative -
Right-Leaning Libertarian - Meta Reign, Slystallion, Dada
Left-Leaning Libertarian -
Radical Libertarian - DEAD7
Communitarian -
Authoritarian -

You want government out of people's personal lives, but desire more government control over people's economic activities. This puts you midway between President Barack Obama and former Governor Gary Johnson.
There is no political party that represents your views. The Green Party does run many candidates with similar views, but the overall Green Party platform is much more socialistic than you are. There are some Democratic Party office holders in this region, but most are south of you on the Nolan Chart. Possibly the closest party to your views is the new Modern Whig Party, but they are just getting started.
A mix of Democratic, Green, and Libertarian politicians in office would provide the balance of freedom and social justice you desire. The ratio between these depends on how high up your dot is on the chart.
Sounds about like me.

Didn't know there was a Modern Whig Party.

Current Results
Moderate - sm0ke, sicc2def
Smaller government centrist - VMR, Odyssey
Liberal-leaning centrist - Yogi, |r|e|a|d|, Card Holder
Conservative-leaning centrist -
Bigger government centrist -
Social Liberal - acri1, NZA, Futuristic Eskimo, num123, Broletariat, Jello Biafra, KEEPITTRILLA
Economic Liberal - Tommy Fits, Broke Wave, BarNone, VictorVonDoom, Benny P, 88m3
Radical Liberal - Madvillain
Economic Conservative -
Social Conservative -
Radical Conservative -
Right-Leaning Libertarian - Meta Reign, Slystallion, Dada
Left-Leaning Libertarian -
Radical Libertarian - DEAD7
Communitarian -
Authoritarian -
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