In what ways do you expect rights of minorities to be infringed upon under this new administration?

Sep 12, 2013
I have gotten into countless debates with anti-Trumpers on this forum and yet the moment I ask this very question it's like they don't want to debate anymore and I'm left hanging.

The most vocal of the anti-Trumpers claim that they are genuinely afraid for the lives of black americans, latino americans, gay americans, muslim americans, etc. moving forward and yet they never explain why. Can you tell me how exactly a vote for Trump was a vote against racial equality? Do you suspect that there is new legislation coming that may deny these groups their civil rights?

I'm looking for an honest discussion here. If you're just gonna pop in and use words like "ignorant", "racist", "cac", "c00n", "supremacist", "idiot"... then you aren't helping. In fact you may be part of the reason that Trump was elected.

Looking for a serious discussion. I'm willing to admit I'm wrong if you are.

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
Okay so consider the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. If the Congress proposes a bill right now that repeals most of that, which many Republicans believe in repealing parts of both, and Trump appoints 2-3 Supreme court judges who will uphold it, then there is a huge problem.

The desegregation of schools mandated in the Civil Rights Act is already in jeopardy and going before the Supreme Court soon anyway. Also voter ID laws vastly restrict the Black ability to vote. It's easy to say "just go get an ID" but that is not always an easy situation for Black people. If your license is suspended, should you be disenfranchised? That's absolute nonsense.

As far as Muslims, Trump floated a mass registration program for them which is a huge violation of their civil rights. Remember the NDAA and PATRIOT Act surveillance state allows for indefinite detention of U.S. citizens, and that infrastructure was created under Bush and Obama. Now that Trump is in control of that state, what is stopping him from indefinitely detaining vast amounts of Muslims under the NDAA? He already said he was going to make them register.

Finally for Latinos, the SB1070 law in Arizona which is so obviously unconstitutional and oppressive is probably going to be a national law now with Arpaio being considered for the DHS chair. The law states that if you are suspected of being an illegal immigrant, you must be able to prove it, and you can be detained on this basis if the officers have a "reasonable suspicion" . This is obviously a law that only targets Hispanics as there would be almost no reasonable suspicion to detain a White person. Look for this law to become national under Trump.
Sep 12, 2013
Okay so consider the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. If the Congress proposes a bill right now that repeals most of that, which many Republicans believe in repealing parts of both, and Trump appoints 2-3 Supreme court judges who will uphold it, then there is a huge problem.

The desegregation of schools mandated in the Civil Rights Act is already in jeopardy and going before the Supreme Court soon anyway. Also voter ID laws vastly restrict the Black ability to vote. It's easy to say "just go get an ID" but that is not always an easy situation for Black people. If your license is suspended, should you be disenfranchised? That's absolute nonsense.

How come? I'm genuinely curious.

As far as Muslims, Trump floated a mass registration program for them which is a huge violation of their civil rights. Remember the NDAA and PATRIOT Act surveillance state allows for indefinite detention of U.S. citizens, and that infrastructure was created under Bush and Obama. Now that Trump is in control of that state, what is stopping him from indefinitely detaining vast amounts of Muslims under the NDAA? He already said he was going to make them register

I thought he was just talking about new muslims entering the country.

Finally for Latinos, the SB1070 law in Arizona which is so obviously unconstitutional and oppressive is probably going to be a national law now with Arpaio being considered for the DHS chair. The law states that if you are suspected of being an illegal immigrant, you must be able to prove it, and you can be detained on this basis if the officers have a "reasonable suspicion" . This is obviously a law that only targets Hispanics as there would be almost no reasonable suspicion to detain a White person. Look for this law to become national under Trump.

Well that sounds terrible, but I am to believe that only illegal immigrants would be effected correct?

Do you suspect there are many illegal white immigrants residing in the country?

Dameon Farrow

Jan 19, 2014
Are you black or some other minority?

If so how do you see this effecting you personally?

And can you think of anything else?
He has emboldened a dangerous subset of white nationalism that he is very very slow to say anything about. He brought it up during that 60 Minutes interview but it was like pulling teeth. And he lied and said he hadn't heard anything about their behavior. He just appointed a Breitbart executive to serve under him and advise him. The Klan endorsed him and is planning to march in celebration of his win.

Now, looking at all this and knowing the history of white extremist thugs and how they have handled minorities in the past added in with the fact that they have felt oh so boo hoo hoo disenfranchised under an Obama presidency(which is the biggest bunch of bs in history) and want some 'payback', I have a question for you. Would you be perplexed if I viewed this whole thread as insulting as hell to anybody with a brain?

It's already effecting me personally(by the way white supremacist love to run this 'personally' bs to vindicate racism but I'll bite) because people I know and love have had to endure nonsense at the hands of these bigots who feel emboldened since Trump's win. And it's always some cowardly bs. Always going after females. Always leaving notes. Talking crazy and saying folks should go back to Africa. That they simply siphon shyt from white people and don't contribute anything to society. With the history these thugs have when they are riled up, black people and minorities in general should be very cautious. They could attack at any time for any reason. Deny history and suffer.

@Kill Dat Noize you want folks to be reactive instead of proactive. You're a funny guy.

OP is the type of white supremacist to say that all the hate crimes reported in the media are false because none of them happened five blocks from their house.

Low quality bigoted posting....but that's becoming the norm around here.:scust:

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
How come? I'm genuinely curious.

I thought he was just talking about new muslims entering the country.

Well that sounds terrible, but I am to believe that only illegal immigrants would be effected correct?

Do you suspect there are many illegal white immigrants residing in the country?

To your first point, in some states 50% of Blacks and Hispanics do not even have drivers licenses, which are often the only available state issued photo ID. Most Americans in general don't even have a Passport. Blacks are especially targeted by police for license infractions and as a result in a key state like Wisconsin that decided this election, almost 20% of Blacks had suspended licenses. The Justice Department estimated in 2012 that 25% of Black people at voting age have no ID, compared to just 8% of Whites. Where as there are numerous new voter ID laws, there is no evidence to suggest there is any voter fraud which the laws are created to prevent.

For your second point about Muslims :

That includes American Citizens breh.

Finally, sure Illegals would be effected, but that would also give the gov the right to detain anybody who LOOKS like their suspicious. That means if I lost my wallet and I was a Mexican, and I couldn't immediately prove my citizenship, I could be detained. That is called living in fear breh, that's not constitutional or even ethical. Worst of all it is extremely racist. The cops would have the right to point out any Mexican looking person like come here, let me see your papers. It's not the way American freedom should work.
Sep 12, 2013
He has emboldened a dangerous subset of white nationalism that he is very very slow to say anything about. He brought it up during that 60 Minutes interview but it was like pulling teeth. And he lied and said he hadn't heard anything about their behavior. He just appointed a Breitbart executive to serve under him and advise him. The Klan endorsed him and is planning to march in celebration of his win.

Now, looking at all this and knowing the history of white extremist thugs and how they have handled minorities in the past added in with the fact that they have felt oh so boo hoo hoo disenfranchised under an Obama presidency(which is the biggest bunch of bs in history) and want some 'payback', I have a question for you. Would you be perplexed if I viewed this whole thread as insulting as hell to anybody with a brain?

It's already effecting me personally(by the way white supremacist love to run this 'personally' bs to vindicate racism but I'll bite) because people I know and love have had to endure nonsense at the hands of these bigots who feel emboldened since Trump's win. And it's always some cowardly bs. Always going after females. Always leaving notes. Talking crazy and saying folks should go back to Africa. That they simply siphon shyt from white people and don't contribute anything to society. With the history these thugs have when they are riled up, black people and minorities in general should be very cautious. They could attack at any time for any reason. Deny history and suffer.

@Kill Dat Noize you want folks to be reactive instead of proactive. You're a funny guy.

OP is the type of white supremacist to say that all the hate crimes reported in the media are false because none of them happened five blocks from their house.

Low quality bigoted posting....but that's becoming the norm around here.:scust:

There are bad people out there, some of them vote Trump. That wasn't going to change if he didn't get elected. It's not like Trump is advocating for violence against minorities and preaching white power. The fact that so many people equate it with such might be the reason we are in this mess. He's not Hitler, he's not David Duke and we are not returning to Nazi Germany.

For every instance you can provide of a trump supporter inflicting violence and hatred towards somebody else, I bet I can provide an instance of someone doing the same thing on the other side. You may not want to admit it but there are sick, intolerant people on both sides here.


All Star
Jun 17, 2012
Tampa, FL
Any charismatic Republican was going to be labeled racist by the so called anti-Trumpers. It's how the left operates in this country.
Sep 12, 2013
To your first point, in some states 50% of Blacks and Hispanics do not even have drivers licenses, which are often the only available state issued photo ID. Most Americans in general don't even have a Passport. Blacks are especially targeted by police for license infractions and as a result in a key state like Wisconsin that decided this election, almost 20% of Blacks had suspended licenses. The Justice Department estimated in 2012 that 25% of Black people at voting age have no ID, compared to just 8% of Whites. Where as there are numerous new voter ID laws, there is no evidence to suggest there is any voter fraud which the laws are created to prevent.

I was asking why is it so difficult for them to obtain ID.

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
I was asking why is it so difficult for them to obtain ID.

I get it but try not to ignore the rest of what I said :mjlol:

Anyway, it's hard because a lot of times if they have fines or suspensions they cant afford to pay them off. It's simple economics. Remember most Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, how can someone whose dead broke be thinking about ID?

Address the rest?

Asked later, as he signed autographs, how such a database would be different from Jews having to register in Nazi Germany, Mr. Trump repeatedly said, “You tell me,” until he stopped responding to the question.