If you ran a country what 1 thing would you do to make it better than the current 1 you live in?


SOHH Class of 2003 and CASUAL sports fan
May 4, 2012
My list is so long i couldnt pick just one but id's start by LEGALIZING all narcotics to the same standards as alcohol and and BANNING freedom of speech. Well not banning it but there would be some serious overhaul to freedom of speech. :birdman:. fukk your Bill of Rights :pacspit:


May 21, 2012
Actual universal health care. We shouldn't have to be paying shyt when we get sick. And we're all going to get sick eventually. It seems like every other country has this shyt except the US. Why? :why:

Something will also have to be done about law enforcement and the military as well, but that's a different topic altogether.

edit: shyt, there is so much that could be better. What about education for all (like free college) This is a hard question....
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Apr 3, 2014
Banning religion, legalizing marijuana and other drugs, and providing free self-defense classes to those who need it.
Healthcare where I live is heavily subsidized, public transport ranks amongst the world's best and guns are highly illegal.


Sep 10, 2014
Improving the healthcare system. We need to start the healthy living from day one on this earth.

I would fix the immigration system. You all may not like my views on immigration...so I'm going to leave that right here.

Stop sending money oversees and start investing it in our cities. Detroit needs some help. Gary Indiana....

Fix the education system. From elementary schools to high schools. Give these kids choices after high school because college is not the answer to everything. Kid would come to college in the fall, wild out, then had to go home because they were not prepared for it, then they have thousands of dollars in debt.

Expand the tech fields so kids after high school and random individuals can get various certifications in these fields and actually get jobs and become productive society members. Really target school in these big cities like Chicago, Detroit, etc. and overhaul them. Break them down into clusters so the focus can go back towards the class room and actually teach these kids. Instead of one big ass board watching over some 100 schools, break that shyt down so these schools can get that individualized attention. Actually pay teachers a really good salary, but make it easy to get rid of those bad teachers and students. If you are a disruptive student, I got a school for you also and it may be worst then the military. In the AA community, something is going on strange with our boys and our girls and it is going to be our downfall. I've never seen the level of disrespect between our sexes in a long time. May have to separate the sexes and teach them respect. Hold the parents or parent at higher levels of accountability. You can't come to my school and just go off. We booting you and your child out until you can come to us like an adult and we can work together to ensure your child gets a good education. As a parent, you lacking skills, what to get a better job then this CNA shyt they are throwing at the black girls with kids, I got something for you too. There is nothing wrong with being a CNA, but you can go into other area of healthcare that pay a decent wage.

Stop the high school to jail pipeline. If you go to jail...I have programs for you too. Give these guys a leg up when they come out and actually put them back in the workforce. We have to have a better system for Felons and I got a new system for probation officers. Due to my job, I've had to deal with probation officers and lets just say some are trying to get these dudes back into the system for the smallest things. I'm talking about non violent guys who are trying, but had no programs to help them cope with being released. Some officers violate for no reason. Trust me the police, courts, anything dealing with laws...I'm changing. I have a parent who is a retired cop and trust me, sometimes she would look at her officers like, really, you want to arrest a women for what minor traffic charge and she got all 6 of her kids in the back seat.........really? While we got shot fired over in this neighborhood, codes going around everywhere and you want to focus on this....OK.

Revamp the special education program and make it so that those kids no matter what level of their disability are able to be put in the workforce with job coaches, actual workshops that can teach them a skill or two and teach their parents about their benefits and ensure their benefits are being used for the right reasons.

Someway ban Teach from America from these class rooms and have folks stop going into the majority black schools for year or two to get their student loans discharged then going to the white school districts like, I taught in black neighborhood, so I have real work experience when actually you came to work in the black school and didn't do shyt, those kids whipped your ass every day and you went home and cried as you downed a bottle of wine and ate ice cream.

Stop drugs from coming in. A retired FBI agent told me how to stop the drug trade from coming into the cities. He said it is easy and legalization is not the answer to all drug issues.. However, if you can legalize weed in one state and the IRS made damn sure they found a way to get their cut...then we need to look into this.

Overhaul the medicare, medicaid, WIC, foodstamp,any public benefit programs. I have staff who have to deal with those case workers and those bytches think that money is theirs. They treat people lower than shyt. I'm overhauling all that shyt and they better pray they have jobs when I'm finished. I had a friend get caught of in the down turn of the economy. Went to see how much she could get in benefits and they lady told her well, if you had kids you could have gotten this today. My friend was like, I don't have any kids, so as a single women what can I get. She told my friend, well if you had kids you will get more.

I got other ideas also....but this post is long enough and I got to do payroll.


I started this gangsta sh-
Jan 31, 2014
I'd reinstate the Roman rule that once you held an elected office you can never hold another one.
This would prevent politicians from doing things as career moves and ensure that the political sector was merely for those wishing to help or change things, not profit and clog up the system.
No one would hold back because no one would be concerned with being re-elected, and there would be no cliques or cabinets or individuals with overwhelming influence because no one would be there that long.