Idea on how MCU can do the Civil War storyline


Flat Girther
May 2, 2012
Flint, Michigan
Very long read but interesting

If you were to poll the majority of comic book fans about which Marvel storyline they'd most want to see recreated on the big screen, the answer would overwhelmingly be for Marvel's epic Civil Warcrossover. Unfortunately, it's also been the one storyline that's been a virtual lock for the "never gonna happen" realm for a number of reasons.

Most journalists and fans, since the MCU's inception, have spent their time writing speculation pieces built around the Infinity Gauntlet storyline that Marvel has been threading through Phases 1 and 2, with Thanos as the big baddie behind the scenes pulling strings. Predictions as to what future movie the MCU might hold have focused solely on those films that can somehow fit into the current Thanos storyline, operating with the premise that it's the platform atop which the entire MCU is being built.

But I have grander visions - and I suspect Marvel does, too. In fact, I think Marvel Studios are clearing the way to make room for both the Infinity Gauntlet storyline and Civil War.

Now, I'm not saying this is 100% certain. In fact, it very likely won't work out this way. I have simply seen a lot of people saying it will NEVER happen without giving a fully thought-out, reasonable argument beyond the same few things we've all seen kicked about online. So I thought I'd offer a reasonable counterargument to show fans it's not as impossible to make this hypothetical a reality as it appears at first glance.

Yes, really. Here's why I think it's happening...and how they can pull it off.


Brother against brother
Comic book fans aren't necessarily synonymous with comic bookmovie fans in 2014, so I'm not going to assume everyone reading this already knows what Marvel's Civil War is. Allow me to give you a quick break-down of what it's all about. I'm oversimplifying things a bit for the sake of brevity, but it's enough to catch you up to speed.

The main Civil War series itself was limited to only seven issues (written by comic book legend Mark Millar) in 2006-07, but it spawned numerous crossovers and tie-ins that spanned the entirety of the massive Marvel universe, with far-reaching repercussions and fallout that reverberated throughout. It's one of the most pivotal stories in all of comics, and its effects are still seen in the Marvel universe today.

one of the most iconic scenes in comic book history.


This is why he's always the leader.
There are two things on the internet that spawn more rumors and speculation than anything else. One is the Hollywood celebrity culture, and the other is comic book movies. Hypotheses about everything from future MCU films to what minor Easter eggs mean abound. It's hard to separate fact from fiction when rumors regularly pop up, are modified, get shot down, and are replaced by another rumor in the span of 24 hours.

Still, there are a few things we know for certain about the future of the MCU, and I believe it makes a case for Civil War.


In an interview from this year's SDCC with Comic Book Resources, Kevin Feige confirmed what we'd all assumed for a while now: Marvel is definitely making room for three movies per year on its release slate. Perhaps not every year from now on, but it will happen:

Well, I think if you look at some of those dates that we've announced, we're going to three in a few of those years. Again, not because there's a number cruncher telling us to go to three, do more than two pictures a year, but because of the very reason just laid out: It is about managing those franchises, film to film, and when we have a team ready to go, why tell them to go away for four years just because we don't have a slot? We'd rather find a way to keep that going.
Why does this matter beyond us simply getting more superhero movies? Because Marvel's ultimate end game is not just about superheroes.


Marvel Cinematic Universe: Now with more space!

Sure, when people think of Marvel, their first thoughts are of Iron Man, Captain America, Spider-Man, maybe the X-Men. Superheroes and mutants are at the forefront of public perception, and that's completely understandable. But what many people forget is that the phrase "Marvel universe" means exactly that - it's not just a world Marvel has built, but a universe.

Among the capes and spandex on Planet Earth, Marvel has also built up a vast cosmic universe. Space operas, laserbeams, aliens, spaceships, and intergalactic battles factor into Marvel's comics as much as any earthbound antics. Crossovers between the two regularly occur, but the sci-fi element of Marvel can stand on its own, and this is something Marvel wanted to make emphatically clear to audiences, and did, with Guardians of the Galaxy.

Guardians of the Galaxy 2,Doctor Strange, Ms. Marvel, even The Inhumans, which we know ismoving forward into development.

And here's where the three movies a year thing becomes important: That is a hell of a lot of Marvel movies to put on screen in the next few years, and Marvel's model is that while each movie can be watched and enjoyed in and of itself, each movie builds in some small way off of or moves toward the larger picture. Right now, that main storyline is the aforementioned Infinity Gauntlet arc, and that story is currently unfolding in the Marvel Cosmic Universe. Think about it: Right now, we know of three Infinity Stones (or Gems) revealed, along with the Gauntlet, and all four pieces are in the Cosmic end of things. The Tesseract, along with the Gauntlet, are secured in Asgard. The Collector has the Aether from Thor: The Dark World housed in his collection in Knowhere (we'll assume it wasn't destroyed in the explosion), and the Orb from Guardians of the Galaxy is now in the hands of what's left of the Nova Corp. That means there are three more to find in the MCU, assuming the "One down, five to go" tally by The Collector in the mid-credits scene of Thor 2 is correct. It's all but certain that one of the remaining Stones will be the focus of Doctor Strange, and that the last two will also be found in space, not Earth.


The Aether in The Collector's possession...
As the Infinity Gauntlet storyline is moving from Earth to the Marvel Cosmic Universe, that means another main storyline needs to replace it for our heroes and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents of the (mostly) Earthbound half of the MCU. That story very much appears to be the grittier, far more human story that was central to Captain America: The Winter Soldier and is set to continue in Ant-Man (and was touched upon inIron Man 3). There are no gods and cosmic entities here, no magical rocks and mystic portals, only the shadowiness of a government that can no longer entirely be trusted and the growing threat of powers that fall into the wrong hands. And less obvious but no less important, two Avengers starting to diverge along very different paths.

On one side, a vulnerable Tony Stark whose unchecked experiments and actions have come back to haunt him in the form of superpowered villains, a paranoid Tony Stark who regularly suffers PTSD flashbacks from the destruction of New York, a more sober Tony Stark who destroys his suits in a decision to spend more time with Pepper...and also because he knows his suits can no longer be trusted not to be exploited.

On the other, a conflicted Steve Rogers who is quickly becoming disillusioned with his government and critical of the ways in which it polices its own people, a moral Steve Rogers who increasingly chafes at the idea of working for a government agency he can no longer trust, an independent Steve Rogers who looks to the measures being taken to protect the American people and sees them only as a source of fear, not freedom.

The seeds of their opposition have been there all along. What we all laughed off as a scene included just to build dramatic tension in The Avengers is actually the first clear evidence of the way in which their ideologies directly clash:

And we've recently learned that divide will only continue to get wider by the end of The Avengers: Age Of Ultron.


Flat Girther
May 2, 2012
Flint, Michigan

Marvel is making a bold statement with Age of Ultron. Not only will the stakes be higher than ever before, but Captain America will be forming his own, new team of Avengers. It won't be a major part of the movie, but one of Marvel's trademark post-credits scene, which makes complete sense to set it up and tease audiences for what is sure to be an important plot point for both Captain America 3 and The Avengers 3.

We don't know yet why Steve Rogers will form the new team, but there are two possible reasons: One is that Steve will be one of the few (if not only) original Avengers to survive the events of Age of Ultron. And while it's possible that one or two of the Avengers may die, it's improbable that enough of the Avengers will be permanently wiped out to the point that a completely new team will need to be rebuilt. It would alienate the audience, and it just doesn't make any sense from either a continuity standpoint or a marketing one.

The other, more plausible reason is that the divide between Iron Man and Captain America will become even greater during Age of Ultron, with the widespread destruction and its effects sowing complete discord among the current Avengers. So Steve, whether from necessity or a sense of duty, forms a new team to fight alongside him.

We also don't know which team Captain America will be assembling, or even if they'll keep the Avengers namesake at all. Cap has been affiliated with over a dozen teams in his long life, and it's also possible that Marvel will create a completely new team for Steve to lead, one that doesn't already exist in the comic books.


His greatest power is to inspire those around him
Still, my money's on that offshoot being the New Avengers, a team that could easily evolve into Captain America's Secret Avengers depending on subsequent events. Considering the stories that have transpired on screen already, it's reasonable to think that it might not just be Cap who disagrees with the decisions being made by those in power. Steve Rogers has a way of inspiring unwavering loyalty in those who follow him, and it's not a stretch to imagine characters like Falcon and Black Widow remaining staunchly loyal to him after the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier. And as we saw in that movie, Steve and his allies would have no trouble going underground to avoid detection if need be.

What's more, while it's not absolutely necessary to launch a New Avengers team on-screen, it's worth noting that Marvel not only has the rights to, but is also planning projects featuring most of the superheroes that were part of the New Avengers by the end of the first volume: Captain America (Bucky Barnes version), Mockingbird (appearing in Season 2 of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) , Luke Cage (Netflix series in development), Ms. Marvel (movie on the way), Spider-Man (property of Sony), Spider-Woman (recent comic series reboot andrumors of a movie), Wolverine (owned by Fox), and Ronin.

freezing Fox out of the toy tie-in and merchandise game for the X-Men, and then raised the bar with the news they'd reboot their entire lineup, but leave the X-Men behind. And in case that isn't proof enough that Marvel is absolutely dead-set on putting a chokehold on Fox, they're lowering the boom and killing Wolverine off this fall in the Death of Wolverine arc. Granted, we all know no one really ever dies forever in comics, but the face of the cinematic X-Men franchise can certainly remain dead in the comics until the movie rights eventually revert back to Marvel. Brutal, but brilliant.

Guardians of the Galaxy, a collaboration that worked out well for both parties, with SPI VFX Supervisor Pete Travers indicating it wouldn't be the last time the two worked together:

Our work on Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy was probably the quickest we've ever turned anything around for any of our clients—it was also some of the most artistically satisfying, because of our continuing collaboration with both Marvel and MPC, which deepens with every project. I also think this is one of Marvel's boldest projects, and it was really fun to work on.
Those are the words of a man whose parent company has plans to get very, very cozy with Marvel Studios over the next few years. And that's a savvy move on their part considering Sony's current situation.


Okay, so it wasn't always a smooth relationship


Flat Girther
May 2, 2012
Flint, Michigan

While everything seems rosy from the outside, the reality is that Sony is struggling right now. Viable blockbuster franchises are what keep major studios afloat in the landscape of Hollywood right now, and Sony has been slower than all the other studios at launching flagship franchises. The reality is that the only franchise Sony has going for it right now is The Amazing Spider-Man (the James Bond franchise simply doesn't churn out movies quickly enough or with enough tie-in opportunities). And while The Amazing Spider-Man 2 made solid box office returns, it was the least well-received of all the major superhero movies released this year. The affable Andrew Garfield does a great job as Spider-Man and has become a fan favorite, but the overall feeling fans seem to have for the movies themselves is "okay, but not great." In a climate where studios have to continually produce solid to great blockbusters in order to make money, that spells trouble for Sony.

Last year was a disappointing one for Sony, with blockbusters likeAfter Earth and White House Down completely bombing at the box office. So bad was the bleeding that Sony posted an $181 millionoperating loss for its second quarter. 2014 hasn't been much better, with RoboCop flaming out and upcoming The Equalizer still a major question mark until it hits theaters. And while Sony has announced plans to expand the Spider-Man universe, with Venom and Sinister Six movies in the works, the thus-far lukewarm fan reaction to the rebooted Spider-Man franchise doesn't fill one with confidence that either movie has the ability to launch another solid franchise for Sony.

The Amazing Spider-Man 3 on the condition that Sony lends out the character to Marvel for use in one of its upcoming films. In either scenario, Sony receives financial support from Marvel and gets the added bump of its Spider-Man now being firmly associated in audience's minds with the magic of Marvel. Marvel regains the ability to showcase its most iconic character in its movies again and receives its own bump in brand cohesiveness. And fans are happy with both studios because they found a way to give audiences exactly what they want. Everyone wins.

Two minor, but interesting things to note here are that Andrew Garfield would absolutely be down to appear in an Avengers movie. And there was also the time that this happened:


While the Chronicle director may be somewhat of a loose cannon in the industry, he's still very well-connected and it's worth noting that those tweets were quickly deleted, though this one remained:

Max Landis ✔ @Uptomyknees

innocuously make post, instantly get six furious emails, hurray for hollywood

Normally, a "furious" response to revealing or leaking something in the entertainment industry only happens when the leak happens to be true, or contains at least the seed of truth. This was also just after The Amazing Spider-Man 2 was released in theaters but had been in theaters long enough for Sony to read the writing on the wall. The existence of certain conversations - or at least their outcomes - were resting on how TASM2 did in theaters. And rest assured those conversations did happen at some point. Those sorts of conversationsalways happen. And nothing truly stays secret in the industry; people talk. It's not a stretch to think Sony might have been in quiet conversation with Marvel at that time and word got out.



After The Amazing Spider-Man 2 did okay-but-not-great at the box office, Sony suddenly made the decision to bump The Amazing Spider-Man 3 back from May 27th, 2016 all the way to 2018, and replace it with Sinister Six as its movie for 2016 with a release date of November 16th.

All of which means it will be four full years between Amazing Spider-Man movies, and that is death for a character's brand recognition, even if he is as popular as Spider-Man. And this shouldn't be a problem, considering Spider-Man's main nemeses will be showing up in 2016 with Spidey presumably battling his villains. Except...he might not be. Really. In a recent interview with The Toronto Sun, Garfield indicated that Spider-Man wouldn't really be a crucial pieceof the villain puzzle:

I know more than I’m allowed to say right now.

I can say I’m really excited about Drew Goddard, who’s going to be writing and directing The Sinister Six movie. And whether I’m involved in that or not is kind of immaterial.
Which is a really odd thing for him to say, honestly. If he means it in the sense that a script for a Sinister Six movie could be written and made viable as a villain standalone without Spider-Man, then yes, possibly that could be true, depending on the strength of the script. But Spider-Man not being involved in the Spider-Man Universe for four whole years is very much not immaterial. Andrew Garfield hanging up the Spider-suit for that long is madness. It's death from a marketing perspective, and Sony knows this.


So if we work with the assumption he will not appear in a Sony movie for the next few years (and I realize I'm making a leap here), but it's imperative that Spider-Man appears on screen at some point in those four years to keep the brand recognition going...where does that leave him?

It leaves him plenty of time to film scenes for Marvel, that's where.Captain America 3 is going to be bonkers, and, as directors Joe and Anthony Russo have indicated, they already have a title for the movie that's been kept heavily under wraps as savvy fans will immediately know what storyline its following the minute they learn the title. There aren't many titles in the Marvel pantheon that are iconic enough to have that immediate recognition, so it narrows down the contenders. The events of the third Captain America movie will of course be a direct reaction to the events of Age of Ultron. It's set to hit theaters on May 6th, 2016.

The Avengers 3, but it's safe to assume it will follow the Marvel model and be theaters in 2018, just as The Amazing Spider-Man 3 is set to do. That leaves Andrew Garfield with a wide-open schedule to film both, theoretically assuming he doesn't accept any outside projects with extensive filming - Martin Scorsese'sSilence is the only movie on his upcoming schedule, and it's already set to shoot this year. So in theory, a shooting schedule could be worked out that would enable him to appear in both Marvel movies while completing the third film in his own franchise with Sony.

The pieces are all in place for Civil War to work in the MCU. It's simply a matter of Sony and Marvel finding a way to work together on it. Considering Sony's current situation and their history of collaboration, stretching that partnership to include a major crossover between the two studios suddenly becomes something that seems like the next logical step rather than a pipe dream.


In the comic book universe, the public outcry for the Superhero Registration Act arose after a string of events that caused a high death toll and destruction, including a Hulk rampage across Las Vegas that killed 26 people (and let's not forget that Iron Man will break out his Hulkbuster armor in Age of Ultron) and an attack on Manhattan that was a direct retaliation for Nick Fury's covert ops mission in theSecret War series.

But the match that finally lit the fuse was when the young and reckless New Warriors, a relatively inexperienced superhero team that was also the focus of a reality show, decided to take on a group of supervillains in an attempt to bump ratings. The plan went awry, and the villain Nitro blew up multiple city blocks - including an elementary school that was at the center of the blast. Over 600 civilians died, with 60 of those being children. Of the superheroes, only Nitro himself and the Warrior Speedball surviving.

The image of superheroes completely plummeted after that, with public perception at a low point and outrage building. Thus the introduction and passing of the Superhero Registration Act legislation.

As I mentioned before, the beauty of what Marvel is doing on screen is that it owes its foundation to the comic books without having to be beholden to them. The actual events that cause the rift between superheroes and the public don't have to be the exact ones that started the war in the comic book world. There have been more than enough moments of widespread destruction in the MCU to achieve the same end result, first and foremost being the complete devastation of Manhattan at the hands of Loki in The Avengers, swaths of Washington, D.C. being destroyed in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and the President of the United States being kidnapped and almost assassinated in Iron Man 3. From what we know of the danger Ultron will pose for the Avengers, the death toll and fallout will dwarf even that of the Battle of Manhattan in scope.


There is no conceivable way the Avengers - or the world - will walk away from the events of Age of Ultron unscathed, no way they will not have to answer for what happened. The government will no longer be able to allow those with superpowers and abilities to run around completely unchecked after that.

So perhaps the government drafts this bill, and goes to Tony Stark with it, asks him, as the rockstar face of The Avengers, to support it. Stark, tired of the PTSD and the destruction, agrees and honestly believes its for the best. And the government then goes to Steve Rogers, Captain America himself, and asks the same. Rogers, tired of feeling shackled by the government and understanding the only way superheroes can stop a threat is if they are truly free, refuses. Perhaps the government officials tell him that his buddy, Iron Man, supports the bill. Or perhaps Tony goes him himself and tries to persuade him to see reason and back the legislation.

Would the Steve Rogers we know support the Act? Or oppose it?
But Captain America takes an inventory of his soul and realizes that in his heart, he can never support the Superhero Registration Act, while Iron Man knows he can no longer sit by and let these events keep happening without trying to regulate the destruction somehow, even if it's not the most ideal solution.

And maybe later Peter Parker, still reeling from the death of Gwen Stacy, decides to join Iron Man's side because he idealistically believes it will help to stop villains like Green Goblin and Electro from harming innocent people.

Whatever the case, the end result is that a clear line in the sand gets drawn. Some will stay with Iron Man. Some will side with Captain America and be part of his new team of Avengers. The conflict escalates in Captain America 3, and the Avengers 3 finally brings us to all-out war (though I am completely aware that the timeline may need to be lengthened a little bit).


If done right, it might be one of the most incredible stories we've ever seen played out on the big screen.

And if not done at all, it would be a tragedy.​,manual


Flat Girther
May 2, 2012
Flint, Michigan
Cliff notes

-Doesn't have to follow comics %100 faithully
-Seeds of Captian America and Iron Man having different opinions on the role of a super hero already planted in MCU (not in article but there are also seeds planted that the public thinks that heros need to be held accountable; think about the ending of Avengers and the discussion Redford was having with the council at the beginning of Cap 2)
-It's possible that Spiderman might join the MCU


All Star
Sep 15, 2012
I want Infinity Gauntlet in Avengers 3. Avengers, Ant Man, Doc Strange, GOTG vs Thanos. Don't overbook it by trying to add in the Civil War storyline :camby:


May 11, 2012
East ATL
They're gonna have to start looking for new actors to take over these roles soon. After Avengers 2 I expect someone to drop out. Either Cap or Stark


Hollywood North
May 6, 2012
Didnt they just come out this week and say they were no plans to introduce Civil War into the MCU though?