New Webseries Blue Collar Hustle (SEASON 2 AVAILABLE NOW)

May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
2016 has been a year of both turmoil and entertainment. As the injustices and atrocities that the African American community has suffered for over a Century come to the forefront in all of its graphic violence, the mainstream representation of young black people looking to carve out new cinematic identities has experienced a renaissance. Ava Duverney, Kenya Barris, Issa Rae, Misha Green, Nate Parker, and Donald Glover have all been instrumental in the overhaul of what it means to be a black creative within mainstream film and television. At different times during the year I have been pleased and in awe of their stories and representations of the modern black experience.
I did however, find myself feeling as if a certain segment of the African American community has gone underrepresented. As many of you know, I have written many articles, reviews, and critiques on treatment of modern day black males in mainstream media. And though many of these representations have been nuanced and multi-dimensional, they have also fallen into one specific trope; that of the unemployed black male struggling to adequately take care of house and home. Of the mainstream representations of black males on both network and cable television, only two have portrayed black men in successful stages of employment. The Lebron James produced Survivor's Remorse, which excellently portrays a black man named Reggie Vaughn (played by Ronreaco Lee) as he attempts to further the wealth, influence, and legacy of his NBA player cousin. The second, Black-ish, portrays Anthony Anderson as the Howard University graduate Andre Johnson, who works as an advertising executive while providing for his lovely wife and four children. Both of these television shows portray intelligent, hard working black men who always find a way provide for their families, they are both also in their late 30's-early 40's. I found myself asking who was going to tell the story of the younger, mid to late 20's Black men who are working to advance within the American workforce? These stories of black men, some with degrees, some with only the determination to make more of themselves than what society at large expects of them?

I decided to stop wondering and actually tell the story myself or at least my version of such.

Enter The Blue Collar Hustle

@LinusCaldwell @True Blue Moon @Illeye buckmatic @mobbinfms @SoulController @JoelB @General Mills @MoonGoddess @CinnaSlim @Milk N Cookies @Realdealholy @MartyMcFly @fillerguy @-DMP- @wire28 @hustlemania @Azul @awkwardblackgirl @Colicat @ExodusNirvana @Trillmatic318 @Rastafarian42 @Black Reign @cfountain @Phoenix_Knightly23 @GoldenGlove @Stacker Pentecost @BXKingPin82 @Brooklynzson @Soundbwoy @Walt @We Major @Paradise @UpAndComing @Wild self @Originalman @Conz
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Aug 10, 2012
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga

Genre- Blue Collar Hustle will be comedic in nature with moments of drama, commonly referred to as a "dramedy" ( I.e. Survivors Remorse, Black-ish) The show will deal with young African Americans living in the Atlanta suburb of Stone Mountain as they navigate through both the joys and perils of young adulthood while striving to become something more. Each character has their own goal, which represents the purest form of themselves. Quan is a musician looking for stardom. Ajani is a writer/creative looking for validation. Anaya is a stage actor looking for respect. Anthony is an artist looking for an outlet. All of them have come into orbit with one another to discover the path that leads them to artistic salvation.

Theme- The thesis of the show is black progress. Each one of these characters are looking to progress, as black men and women, in a society that has told them that their dreams are stereotypes. Every young black person nowadays is a rapper/actor/entertainer, is what they have been told. Fear holds them from their dreams. Fear of rejection, fear of not being deemed "responsible". Fear of failure. What happens when these young black individuals get to the point where they are tired of being afraid?

Format- Each episode will run 15 minutes (series premiere may run 20 minutes) the first season will tentatively be 6 episodes and will end with the main storyline of completing Quan's album being concluded. The show will be broadcast through YouTube. Written, Executive Produced, and possibly directed by Alonge Hawes. Produced by The League Entertainment Group.

Structure- Each episode will begin with a quote from a famous black author/actor/figure. The quote will either foreshadow or directly reference the episode's theme. Each episode will end with a song from Quan's (as Que-Brick) album A Souldier Story. Songs played will also have thematic resonance with the episode. The characters of Ajani, Anthony, and Quan will make up 75-80% of plot points, with 20% dedicated to the character of Anaya and a recurring role for Asha. Tentative plans are for Anaya to be in 3 of the 6 episodes. Asha in 4 of 6. Ajani, Quan, and Anthony to be in all 6.
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From The Eastside with Love
Nov 21, 2012
@Ziggiy and I arranged for him to come on my podcast this weekend to talk about his upcoming project. If you have any questions you would like him to answer on the show please drop it here. Also check out his work on my site from podcast episodes to reviews of albums, shows and outlooks

May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga

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Ajani likes his job, where he has spent years working himself up to a managerial position. At the beginning of the arc, he is overworked and has become disillusioned with his career choice. All of his life Ajani has wanted to do something, anything creative. He is a gifted writer with an easy going personality and rational thought process. He believes that his dedication to being a responsible adult has robbed him of the opportunity to make a true mark on the world. He is very pro-black and attempts to cooperate positive black imagery in what he does. Ajani's journey begins when he meets Quan after transferring to a new department location as a manager. He is initially unimpressed with Quan's claims of being a Hip Hop artist until he listens to an unfinished version of Quan's album. Instantly impressed and inspired, Ajani seeks to become Quan's manager and help him on his quest for stardom, with the hopes of reawakening his own dormant creative aspirations.

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Quan enjoys his job, but it is only a means to provide for his daughter and studio time. His true passion is his music and he has been tirelessly working on an album that he feels will be a showcase for his talents. Quan is ladies man, but his daughter will always have his heart and Hip Hop will always have his soul. Quan takes the advice of both Ajani and Anthony seriously, however he still finds himself getting into interesting situations, mostly involving women. Carefree but deliberate. Pliable yet hardheaded. Quan is a walking contradiction, which just might be the key to making him a star.

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Anthony neither enjoys nor hates his job. He does it because he's good at it. If he finds a different job that he's also good at with better perks then he wouldn't hesitate to take that opportunity. Anthony's true goal is to one day work in designing arts, and once he accumulates enough money to do so he has visions of creating his own company. He is often emboldened to give his opinion, whether it was asked for or not, because he is almost always right, which infuriates many but amuses Ajani, who views him as a younger brother. Anthony is very loyal to Ajani but will not hesitate to to subject him to the same matter-of-fact viewpoint he bestows upon others.

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Anaya is a woman on a mission. Hell bent on achieving her degree in Theater Arts, Anaya will not allow anything to stand in her way; not a man (even HER man), not her disapproving parents, and not an unplanned pregnancy which led to the birth of the daughter she shares with Ajani. Though she loves Ajani and admires his work ethic, dedication to their family, and sense of black pride; she continually has to remind him that she has dreams other than being a mother and future wife. Her lifeblood is theater, and she will make to Broadway through ANY means necessary.

ASHA LUNA Uploads/549C9538-C77E-4356-BAAB-FD9AA639C87C_zpsmljdthlr.jpg.html] [/URL]

A young woman who catches Quan's eye. Mostly because he can't seem to catch HER. A modeling hopeful who works part time with Ajani, Anthony, and Quan. Asha isn't the hardest worker, which often vexes Ajani and their banter is compared to that of the squabbles of siblings.

JOSE TORRES Uploads/0A440E1E-B22F-462E-AADA-F04938063AFA_zpsbecsvpbt.jpg.html] [/URL]

A long time friend of Quan’s who owns the home studio that he records at. Jose encourages Quan and is always in the studio with him vibing to the music. Jose ends up coming through for Quan in a critical time of need.
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May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga

Ajani Garvey- Ajani (He Who Fights For Possession) Nigerian. The name Ajani is important for the main character as he is fighting for possession of his life, dreams, and aspirations. After years of being the responsible adult and putting aside his creative inclinations, he feels as if he needs to take a chance in believing in himself and taking his destiny into his own hands.

Garvey is a homage to Marcus Garvey, who was a Pan-Africanist and early leader for African American civil and economic rights. This speaks to Ajani's sense of black pride and heritage.

Quan Banneker- Quan (Soldier) Vietnamese. The name Quan is important as it relates to the main character's soldiering on with his dreams of becoming a music star despite the various forms of adversity he faces. Though a joker with a devil may care attitude, Quan takes his music and art very seriously and feels he has the potential to be great.

Banneker is a homage to Benjamin Banneker, who was a pioneer of astronomy and wrote several almanacs. This speaks to Quan's dream of being a Star.

Anthony Lee- Anthony (Highly Praiseworthy) English. The name Anthony is important for the main character as he thinks very highly of himself and his abilities. Even when others fail to see sense in what he is saying he usually always is proven to be right in the end.

Lee is a homage to Spike Lee. A pioneering African American film director/writer/actor.

Anaya Bassett- Anaya (Look Up To God) Nigerian. The name Anaya is important as it relates to Anaya comically looking up and speaking to God whenever she is highly annoyed or angry. It helps calm her in stressful situations.

Bassett is a homage to Angela Bassett. An Academy Award nominated African American actress.

Asha Luna- Asha (Lively Girl) Swahili. The name Asha is important because it reinforces the characters lively, brash personality.

Luna is a homage to Donyale Luna. The first black woman to appear on the cover of Vogue magazine.

Jose Torres- Jose (May God Give Increase) Spanish. The name Jose is important because through this character, Quan is given shelter and salvation in the home studio that Jose owns, in effect increasing his blessing to make music. Jose Torres is also homage to Jose “Chegui” Torres, the third Puerto Rican, and first of African descent, to win a boxing championship.

@Conz @dora_da_destroyer @Prynce @Qohelet @satam55 @Urbanmiracle @tru_m.a.c @blazn101 @ridedolo @Zero @Billy Ocean @BmoreGorilla
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