I HATE Being An Investment Banker (Life Rant)


Newly-wed :blessed:
May 16, 2013
This is a rant so pardon my incoherence

I'm sitting outside my office building on a break I have to write this because my life fukking sucks right now. I work at an investment bank, a very big one (JP,UBS etc)

I have a BSc, MSci and I'm CFA level two educated. I recently got hired as an associate in January. I was previously an analyst where I had little exposure and now I have my own work and serious contact with clients the reality of this is all hitting.

I left my old finance job to work in the family business for 18 months and honestly nothing will compare to working for yourself but I needed to get back to work. Working for family good but was only to help out.

Investment Banking is the worst job ive ever had. I've worked in call centres during college, retail, being a waiter but no job has made has been as ridiculous as IB.

1. It's not diverse. All the IB firms do all this affirmative action and equal opportunity big talk to make it SEEM like they're diverse but it's B.S check the directory of every main IB firm. There's like 4 black people per 100 whites.

They like EVERYONE but blacks. The tipping point was this week. I've been working with a black charity which helps place black kids in Wall Street bank internships. These kids are smart, have experience and we spend months prepping them interviews. Only one of them secured a role.

Mean while I have this new intern shadowing me today he is dumb as a brick and lacks basic common sense and he is somehow there.

I've been observing that in every division there's the same pattern (2 black men, 2 black women and that's it). I'm pretty certain they're only there to fill a quota. :beli: and legalities

You spend your days working with literally people like Don Sterling ALL my clients I'm working with on deals are ALL senile and old and you can tell the ones who don't wanna be doing business with a black dude

Last week I had to go Vienna for a day to meet a new client and you should have seen his face when I walked in :beli:

To top it all off I interviewed a black girl from another division who was great a few weeks ago and our M.D said she wouldn't be a good 'fit' meanwhile they hired some random blonde chick :dahell:

The only good thing about people a black investment banker is the money but how much is it really worth though. Yes, I earn a lot but at what cost ?!

Oh and I finally get why people like @Poitier and @marcuz hate bed wenches so much. Black women are literally not rated AT ALL as in AT ALL by our clients (CFO's CEOs etc) while all the white VPs get to travel our black female VP rarely gets to travel ever. They don't see her as a 'face' for the firm.

I just think people need to stop pretending n saying the 'black boys need to study and go college''we just need to work 10 times harder'

All that 'you gotta work twice as hard' shyt our parents told us was LIES. :wow:

It's nothing to do with your degree, your presentation these people are always gonna operate the one at a time rule


I hate being an investment banker and Ill advise all black males to run away from this life path.

wanna go back to family business but pay isn't enough :to: I miss being my own boss :sadcam:

This life is a lie breh's I went through college did all the things people claim black men should do and I'm still no better off :banderas:


Dec 3, 2013
The private sector is ruthless when it comes to African Americans or minorities in general.

I cosign with you on the female dynamic. There's no kick for the black male who's a superior. If its a black female and she's attractive, the subordinates can at least say "Oh man she's hot" or something to that edge. But as a black/minority man, they can't do anything but submit to you, and to them that is fundamentally wrong because society has taught them so.

LA Fisher

Oct 4, 2013
Outside @lovelydays window
Breh I'm going to tell you what my aunt told me before she died of breast cancer at 45. She asked me was I happy with my job and I said no. She told me If I died today I'd die single, with a job I hate and dark skin. I was blown away. Breh whatever makes you happy is what you should be doing for the rest of your life. You got a pretty lady and an Audi (me too BTW #audiboys) You should follow your heart.