I can't fly out of Newark airport unappreciation, I done fukked 3 TSA agents and 1 Starbucks worker


I never see my nut
May 2, 2012
I recently came back from a getaway with a shorty to Chicago flying out of terminal C. The 3 chics i knew from way back when and I had sex with and did them dirty and they been blocked or was looking for me but I had given them a fake name and google voice number... so fast forward to today they now working for TSA at Newark International. One of them escort on the side (my JBO nikkaz might know who from that escort thread) and the other almost had my kid but we went to the chop shop. The other entering the police academy and the chic that worked at Starbucks I stole her phone and ran thru her pocketbook stole money and IPOD when she went to the bathroom at the hotel. So now I'm with shorty and we in the security line to put our stuff on the moving belt to get scanned and I see one of them ( the escort chic) on another line patting down someone so I'm like "fukk" so i put on the hoodie over my head and still had the sun glasses on. Shorty I'm with said I look like the Travon Martin Bin laden (my beard). I get to the metal detector and the TSA officer was like "sir you have to take the glasses and hoodie off", so I look to the left and see if shorty still patting down passengers but nah she had moved and was putting on some new blue latex gloves so i took the items off. So shorty looking at me like :patrice: and the TSA officer looking at me and he directed me to walk through the metal detector. I walk thru, got my shyt and was putting back on my Adidas shelltops and my hoodie. My shorty came thru the metal detector too and asked if we could get some coffee. Im like "sure, lets get some, I don't do hot coffee but ill do a iced white chocolate mocha" So we walking and for some reason I thought bout the Starbucks chic and wondered if she still worked there, she was only working there to make some money for college (Rutgers) but she should of graduated bout 2 yrs ago. Im now smiling and shorty ask why I'm smiling so I wiped the smile off my face and said "nothing, just glad to be going to Chitown with you" .As we walking I see this bigbooty chic with a green apron behind the counter washing out a blender but she had on glasses so i didnt recognize her but i was like :whoo: cause she need to not be working at Starbucks but instead working on a pole. I go place my order to the other Starbucks worker and I'm standing being my shorty telling the cashier my real name to put on the ice coffee cup but I see the big booty Starbucks worker looking at me like :wtb:...so now I realize its whatsherface but she didnt say nothing, chic I'm with looking at her like:usure: "i know this bytch aint looking at me like that". I said "fukk me " and wished I never gotten coffee. Coming back I see the police acedmy shorty waiting on a shuttle i think but she didnt see me.So going forward this will be my dilema going thru ERW airport :snoop:
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