'I Am So Sick of White Guys' coloring book authored by white guys


Frozen Flames Goddess
Jul 19, 2012
Goddess power

Jim Corbett wants to help political democrats and progressives cope with the current times by coloring.

The Yorktown, N.Y. native, now based in Seattle, has co-authored an adult coloring book, “I Am So Sick of White Guys,” which offers a message about white privilege and unchecked power.

The 61-page book contains images of political humor that take aim at controversial policies and politicians.

Instead of unicorns and snowmen, readers can color images of Donald Trump and illustrations that represent freedom of speech, Russian collusion theories, the Ku Klux Klan and football civil rights action.

“It came completely out of me screaming at my TV, and the way the GOP is taking the country off in a totally different direction,” says Corbett.

He is, by the way, a white guy.

“I’m just a concerned citizen,” says the law librarian, in a phone interview.

Corbett and Tim Jones (another white guy) wrote the text; the 27 illustrations were done by veteran artist (and African-American) Steve Hartley. The coloring book is available online at Amazon for $10; Corbett says 10 percent of the profits from sales are being donated to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

“For us, this is a humorous coping mechanism. I am very frustrated and sad," Corbett says. "But we want to make sure people understand this is not a vehicle of intolerance or hate. We are not trying to get people to hate white guys. We need people to have good copingmechanisms.”

He’s had firsthand experience with agitated white guys: Corbett went to Marist College in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. with conservativecommentator Bill O’Reilly.

“I knew who he was; he was a loud-mouth even back then and went professional with it. Nobody could empty a room quicker than him.”

Corbett says the angry white guys don’t realize their advantages .

"You may have lost a battle here or there, but it’s not institutional racism or sexism that you have to deal with.

“Look, I’m a white guy; there’s a lot of white guys like me and this idea of white privilege is a real thing," he says.

For example, he remembered getting in trouble as a young man and having his parents show up to smooth things over with police.

“I have been a beneficiary of white privilege and gotten in trouble for stupid things. If the same thing had happened to a couple of black kids it would have been different.”

He's convinced people are confused about American symbols and their meaning.

For example, the much publicizedprotests by football players, started by Colin Kaepernick, off kneeling during the National Anthem as a protest against police brutality.

"The flag is merely a symbol of what we revere and one of those things is free speech," says Corbett. "In football, they are using a really visible way to get across that more than 800 unarmed people have been killed this year by police; it is outrageous."

He wants to tell people that there is enough to to go around in order to achieve the American Dream.

"It’s not a zero-sum game. With more people, it doesn't mean there are fewer rights but that everyone should be sharing in the pie and opportunity. That’s the American Dream."

Corbett says he contributed to Democratic candidate Doug Jones in Alabama and the win shows promise. “I’m thrilled that he won; there’s hope.”

He knows the book won't necessarily sit well with conservatives but hopes to open minds.

"Be open to hearing other perspectives or opinion. And don’t be so defensive," he says.

'I Am So Sick of White Guys' coloring book authored by — wait for it — white guys


Jun 20, 2013
it’s important as white people to understand white privilege in terms of how white people are inherently treated better just because our race and how black people are disadvantaged by what we benefit from. and to understand it to give context to why whites and black people largely see things different on various topics.

BUT white liberals and people like the men in that book suffer from cognitive dissonance. this guy is 66 and was alive during some of the worst race riots and national police brutality cases. i highly doubt he was critiquing those conditions and treatment of AAs that led to how AAs are still facing oppression. i bet he voted for Bill Clinton who was locking black men up for sport. not to mention he’s only highlighting the rich white men of today sitting in the white house. also, he’s protecting white women and playing into the white feminist victim crap amd false narrative that white women cant be oppressors and complicit in white supremacy and it’s only white men. he knows what he’s doing.

my take on him is he’s some old ass white dude who’s only speaking on this shyt cause he dislikes trump and the current white house and his take is disengenious at best. i wish these used to be conservatives now liberal ‘russua collusion’ online detectives like Louise Mensch, John Schindler etc people would stop the bullshyt and acting like white supremacy and white privilege is some new shyt that just became a thing with the new administration. their views aren’t because they genuinely give a shyt.. they’re just using AA’s struggles in white supremacists & white nationalists country for their own agenda against trump.

fukk trump but these types of people aren’t noble or whatever either.

you got all these neo/libs, conservatives turned libs etc talking about racism now to be trendy and shyttiing on trump for his blatant white supremacists views but they aren’t really against said views, they just want someone who’s more sly with it.


Jun 20, 2013
Crackas can profit off anything

and dumb ass white guilt libs and feminists will eat this up. yet black people been saying this shyt for years. for free.

i can see it now white feminists passing this around like “yes! check your privilege!:blessed:

meanwhile this Jim Corbett fellows sons or daughter prob caking at a nice job he only landed cause daddy knew the owner or supervisor and the only other 1 or 2 black people there had to have 10+ years of experience, started off making less etc

it’s going to take more for us whites than some white privilege talk to get to changing some shyt. we past all that. white liberals and leftists been on that shyt too long and nothing really changing for the people were so called “allies” of. i don’t really know what it is we can do exactly to dismantle the system of white supremacy but clearly this white guilt “ohhh fukk white people” jargon from white people is just some smoke and mirrors and if we really care we gotta think up some shyt. whites are great at thinking up reasons and ways to oppress so no excuse why us supposed “woke” whites or allies can’t brainstorm some shyt up on how to help free the oppressed from our creation
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Sonic Boom of the South

Louisiana, Army War Vet, Jackson State Univ Alum,
May 1, 2012
Rosenbreg's, Rosenberg's...1825, Tulane
and dumb ass white guilt libs and feminists will eat this up. yet black people been saying this shyt for years. for free.

i can see it now white feminists passing this around like “yes! check your privilege!:blessed:

meanwhile this Jim Corbett fellows sons or daughter prob caking at a nice job he only landed cause daddy knew the owner or supervisor and the only other 1 or 2 black people there had to have 10+ years of experience, started off making less etc
shyt is smart too

instead of being angry make It the running Joke
the same way they make the white father the hapless goof ball

Pure trolling