Mac Casper
@adonnis - pull up, there's refreshments
Serious people only.
You will be getting a crash-course in MARKETING, promotions, MUSIC BUSINESS, product launch, etc.
You will be tasked with taking part in the launch of the next white "culture vulture" type rapper. Think between the lines of Riff-Raff and Mac Miller,
Artist has high market value, has been featured on a reality TV in a leading role with just as much MTV facetime as Riff-Raff
Artist is around the same age as Mac Miller and has been working and committed for just as long
Artist has advanced artistic vision, he even excels at making a universal variety of rap music like Macklemore
This will be a fun and interactive experience, you will have serious opportunity on the ground floor of a growing brand
You will be getting a crash-course in MARKETING, promotions, MUSIC BUSINESS, product launch, etc.
You will be tasked with taking part in the launch of the next white "culture vulture" type rapper. Think between the lines of Riff-Raff and Mac Miller,
Artist has high market value, has been featured on a reality TV in a leading role with just as much MTV facetime as Riff-Raff
Artist is around the same age as Mac Miller and has been working and committed for just as long
Artist has advanced artistic vision, he even excels at making a universal variety of rap music like Macklemore
This will be a fun and interactive experience, you will have serious opportunity on the ground floor of a growing brand