How Will Hyperloop Type Transportation Change Dating/Relationships, Jobs/Housing/Commutes, Leisure?


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
I hear a lot of people say they will not drive further than an hour to smash. I assume, unless you are in a close committed relationship, you are not typically going to be driving over an hour or 2 hours to date or smash, like you would in your local metro area.

Enter Hyperloop Type technologies that can go between cities at like 300, 400, 500 mph.



Places you wouldn't dare go just to date are suddenly just as close as driving from the downtown to an edge suburb, not including the process of boarding a plane Oh and it's relatively affordable. Potentially what would take you 3 hours to drive one way ($25 in gas) is a 1 hour 10 min trip by hyperloop one way ($10-$15 ticket).

Just in case you would rather have your car with you.....Enter Arrivo...


So how will dating, relationships change under new transportation technologies.

Can you imagine the years, just before automobiles became more prolific. Areas that would only be visited once or twice a year, were now being driven to every weekend......Many of our grandparents and great grandparents found love because of the automobile, low key, high key, and middle C.

If we got off of sex for a moment :dame:, that same car that allowed your great grands to exchange bodily fluids is the same car that opened up job opportunities from further distances away. So how will this technology that is being developed right now impact job and housing? and leisure/entertainment?

:lupe: Dating/Relationships?
:jbhmm: Jobs/Housing/Commuting?
:ohhh: Entertainment/Leisure?

Let me stress...... this is not pie in sky, which is delicious with french vanilla :eat:.....both technologies have funding, on-site research, and various government support. We talking less than 10 years, there will be up and running at least small scale operations, depending on different factors. Just before or soon after, don't be surprised if a short 40 mile route is being built between two nearby large metros.......DC to Baltimore?
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