Halo MCC multiplayer beta preview


May 6, 2012
In recent weeks, we have been conducting extensive internal testing of an upcoming content update for Halo: The Master Chief Collection. Given the scale of the update, which includes changes to the matchmaking experience and party system, we are expanding testing to include select members of the Xbox One Preview program to ensure the official release is the best possible experience for all players.

The content update beta test is open to Xbox One owners within North America who have a copy of Halo: The Master Chief Collection and have opted-in for Xbox One beta testing as part of the Xbox One Preview program. This is an opt-in opportunity and the content update will only be made available to selected participants within the Xbox One Preview program, based on the highest levels of engagement with Halo: The Master Chief Collection. On Friday, January 23, participants selected will be prompted to download the content update automatically when the title is started.

To learn more about the content update beta test, please see the FAQ below.

Q: I’m a Preview Member, how I do sign up?

A: More details on the program and how to sign up are available with the Xbox Preview Dashboard app on your Xbox One.

Q: Why are you testing the content update in the Xbox One Preview program? Don’t you have internal playtesting for the very same purpose?

A: In recent weeks, 343 Industries has been conducting extensive internal testing of the upcoming content update. However, given the scale of the update, which includes changes to the Halo: The Master Chief Collection matchmaking experience and party system, we are opening it up to members of the Xbox One Preview program to provide additional testing in an “at home” environment to ensure the official release is the best possible experience for players.

Q: What is included in the content update you are testing in Xbox One Preview program?

A: This content update includes changes to the Halo: The Master Chief Collection matchmaking experience and party system. We will have more details to share as we get closer to the official release.

Q: Who will be eligible/invited to participate in this beta test of the next content update for Halo: The Master Chief Collection?

A: Xbox One owners within North America who have a copy of Halo: The Master Chief Collection and have opted-in for Xbox One beta testing as part of the Xbox One Preview program will be eligible to participate in this program.

Q: Why are only players within North America eligible to participate in this beta test?

A: Due to the beta testing session times, we are selecting players within North America to ensure optimal population.

Q: How are participants being selected for this beta test?

A: Xbox One owners within North America who are part of the Xbox One Preview program, have a copy of Halo: The Master Chief Collection with the highest levels of engagement are who we are targeting.

Q: When will the beta test of this content update take place?

A: Exact dates/times are subject to change, but the current plan is to test the content update during the evenings of Friday, January 23 through Monday, January 26. Specific session times will be shared with the selected participants.

Q: If I am selected to participate, how will I get access/download the content update? When will it be available?

A: On Friday, January 23 (exact time to be determined) participants selected will be prompted to download the content update automatically when Halo: The Master Chief Collection is started.

Q: If I’m selected to participate, am part of the Xbox One Preview program and have automatic downloads enabled…will I automatically get this update?

A: This is an opt-in opportunity and the content update will only be made available to selected participants within the Xbox One Preview program. On Friday, January 23 (exact time to be determined) participants selected will be prompted to download the content update automatically when Halo: The Master Chief Collection is started.

Q: If I’m selected to participate, how should I report a bug in the content update beta test?

A: If you run into any issues while checking out the beta update, be sure to use the Feedback app on the Xbox One (for Xbox One Preview program participants) to tell us about it. Hold the power button on your controller, then select "Give Feedback" to launch the Feedback app.

Q: What will be the anticipated file size of the content update for this beta test?

A: We are still determining the final file size of the content update, but participants should have 1-2GB of hard drive space available.

Q: Will I still be able to use multiplayer matchmaking against other players that don’t have this content update?

A: No, during the time of this beta test when this content update is installed, you will only be able to be matched with other players that also have the content update.

Q: After the beta test of this content update is over, will I be able to use multiplayer matchmaking against other players without this content update?

A: In the days after the conclusion of the beta test, we will issue a content update that will then allow matchmaking with all players, as it worked prior to the beta test.

Q: When will be the final public release of the content update to all owners of Halo: The Master Chief Collection?

A: We’re currently focused on gathering data and feedback from Xbox One Preview Program members and will have more details to share soon on the public release of this content update.


A beta after release?? :mjlol:

Edit: Over


Our hands-on time with the beta started out with a four-versus-four match of Slayer on the map Truth, which is based on classic Halo 2 multiplayer map Midship. The quick match gave us a chance to adjust to some of the new Spartan moves, like sliding and the ground pound. It also gave me my first chance to wield the Prophet's Bane, the Halo 5 take on the energy sword. The Prophet's Bane has an enhanced run speed and lunge distance, the developers told me. Most importantly, it still allows you to smack down enemies up close and personal. Next, we shifted over to Empire, a brand new map that takes place on a skyscraper, for another round of 4v4 slayer.

Finally, we got a chance to try our first match of the new Crossfire mode on the Breakout arena map.

In Crossfire, two teams of four fight to wipe out the opposing team before time runs out. Each player has one life per match. The first team to win five matches, takes the game.

The map we played on was inspired by real life competitive paintball fields, Lee said. To further amp up the action, Spartans have less shields in this mode, he said. Because the map is relatively small and slightly maze-like, the gameplay tended to be incredibly intense, especially when coupled with the new Spartan moves.


GameRevolution said:
In order to get time with the multiplayer suite(s, plural) available for fanatics in Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Microsoft invited us to try the game at an event space in the bay area where two groups of eight players could explore throwback maps and game modes before finally getting hands-on with Halo 5: Guardians for the first time. The demo represented what gamers will have access to on Xbox One later this Fall, should they purchase The Master Chief Collection and download the beta in December.

Quite literally, we played on three maps in three different modes and millions of gamers will have access to the same content via The Master Chief Collection when the Halo 5 beta begins next month. At that point, we’ll have three weeks to explore the ins and outs of a few unique environments and weapons as Halo 5 drastically plays with the franchise’s mechanics and controls.

Players will notice quite quickly that first-person shooter mechanics not far removed from Call of Dutyhave drawn the competitive game just a little closer to the kind of quick reflexes and accuracy normally associated with aiming down sights religiously. Both mobility and persistent zooming, if you will, have received a range of enhancements that greatly speed gameplay with a new boost ability adding to the player’s options for escape in a difficult situation.

From the main menu, we could select from three maps each offering three different game modes. Standard team death match or Team Slayer, as its known in the Halo universe, set us down in a Covenant-looking and circular arena with a central bridge leading to a beam sword. Limited power weapons waited in the outer reaches. This map focused the group of eight Spartans we had into head-to-head battles with assault rifles, DMR rifles, and Halo’s ever-popular pistol. Using the Smart Scope with the DMR meant headshots, and lots of them, though return fire now brings players back out of the scope as it did in previous Halo games. With the added accuracy availed to players with Smart Scope, it can be panic-inducing to lose that extra sight even as you’re dealing damage and wearing down an opponent’s shield.

I preferred to get up close and personal with the SMG weapons that lack range but make up for it in power and rapid, highly damaging rounds. Using the B button to boost in close often meant I drew fire from multiple opponents and died, rather expectedly. Halo fans will likely grasp this dodge maneuver quickly given that Halo 4 featured a similar perk. With everyone taking their jetpacks and unlimited sprint into combat it seems Halo 5: Guardians has a larger focus on mobility at this point in development.

In fact, switching to a four-vs-four round-based mode in a cool and dynamically drawn holographic arena meant that choosing weapons and picking an area to dominate allowed more success. Running forward and relying on boost or sprint to escape from danger often left me staring at a respawn screen, hoping I could offer verbal clues to my teammates who were still alive. Halo 5: Guardians doesn’t completely wipe the franchise’s core of dedicated multiplayer mechanics meant to define an even playing field, but it does play with it enough to feel truly different from past Halo games.

Unfortunately, I’m nervous that Halo 5: Guardians doesn’t do enough to differentiate itself from multiplayer contemporaries. Firefall’s jetpacks, massively multiplayer quests, and groups don’t approach Halo 5’s graphical prowess, but you may have more fun fighting computer opponents with a guild of friends. Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’s boosts, exoskeletal abilities, and reliance on aim-down-the-sights mechanics can feel like they yank the player around, but Halo 5 has some of that in its added mantle mechanics and persistent boost-dashing.

We’ll have more coverage of Halo 5: Guardians as it approaches launch, so look for more coverage of the game’s multiplayer beta when it starts in December.




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May 2, 2012
Houston to LA like I'm Robert Horry.
If less people have been playing Halo since the 3rd installation, wouldn't it make sense to go back to what they were doing right in Halo 3? :mindblown:

They are trying so hard to push these extra features(sprint,jetpack,etc.) when most ain't fukkin with it especially since you already have COD on the market. They were better when they were different. :camby:
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May 2, 2012
Houston to LA like I'm Robert Horry.
They want that CoD money.... just like everybody else :manny:

They were one if not the biggest gaming franchise without having to do all that though. They've regressed in sales since Halo 3. They are trying to be more like COD when it isn't even necessary. If anything it might be a detriment. I can't speak for anybody else, but I liked Halo because it was different than the Call of Duty gameplay. If I wanted perks, armor upgrades, etc. I'd play COD they do a much better job in that regard and I think that's how most gamers feel.

This isn't rocket science so why are they still doing things this way, just astounds me :mindblown:


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Why post such a shyty "preview" that even the site itself took down. Why not just wait till tonight when the real footage/impressions are released. Why keep pushing this narrative you tried to start yesterday that has since be dubunked?



May 6, 2012
Why post such a shyty "preview" that even the site itself took down. Why not just wait till tonight when the real footage/impressions are released. Why keep pushing this narrative you tried to start yesterday that has since be dubunked?

The site is down because of the embargo.

When videos and more previews are released, they will be added here.

Narrative I'm pushing?? :what:??
:smh: You're weird.


West Coast Legend
May 26, 2012
Let's wait and see guys, it still sounded different enought I mean power weapons, zero mentions of loadouts.

I they change the movement slightly for the better I ain't tripping, I have to admit I'm a little disappointed Halo doesn't need a revolution just a back to basics approach.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
The site is down because of the embargo.

When videos and more previews are released, they will be added here.

Narrative I'm pushing?? :what:??

Same thread you posted yesterday. You stole the "preview" from gaf. But ignored the fact that the general consensus on gaf is that the "preview" is full of shyt and the dude writing it has no idea what he's talking about.

Why bring that here? Especially when you know real footage and previews are coming in a couple hours.

Stop it breh, its disgusting :scusthov:


May 6, 2012
Same thread you posted yesterday. You stole the "preview" from gaf. But ignored the fact that the general consensus on gaf is that the "preview" is full of shyt and the dude writing it has no idea what he's talking about.

Why bring that here? Especially when you know real footage and previews are coming in a couple hours.

Stop it breh, its disgusting :scusthov:

You ight breh??


May 6, 2012
Yeah I'm fine. Just don't understand you. You're obviously a halo fan. Why go out of your way to bring this trash here and try your best to trash the game? What are you really trying to accomplish?
R u serious?

How is posting a preview with never before seen images of Halo 5 MP trashing the game??

If I wanted to "trash" it, someone else would do it.


May 1, 2012
:mjcry: man these dudes are clueless i swear :wow: i wish i could swat those faggits and get the fbi to trash all the shyt they worked on so far