Grade My Site...EDIT: Site Updated But Still A Work In Progress...

Ronnie Macho

Dec 26, 2013
Tryna build my site up...think I'm gonna add a forum...oh yeah download my new single "Red Lobster" Produced By One Hunid!!!...Video On The Way!!!...

Kavin The 1

EDIT: Site has been updated...still a work in progress but the main objective which is to sell music is setup on the and download if you will...much appreciated...:salute:
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Ronnie Macho

Dec 26, 2013
What is your long term goal with the site? That would allow a better analysis

To sell my music, add a forum with sub-forums, showcase my videos...I wanna add a pop up for adding email subscriptions and give away free
downloads for each person that signs up to my mailing list...just ideas like that. I initially wanted to model it after WSHH with just my videos...all in all the long term goal is to keep the site running and to make revenue from web traffic and selling music and other related products...


Mar 4, 2015
To sell my music, add a forum with sub-forums, showcase my videos...I wanna add a pop up for adding email subscriptions and give away free
downloads for each person that signs up to my mailing list...just ideas like that. I initially wanted to model it after WSHH with just my videos...all in all the long term goal is to keep the site running and to make revenue from web traffic and selling music and other related products...

If that is your idea then :manny:

I would (personally) scrap it and start a different route. I hate those kinds of opinions though (the one I just gave last sentence) without solutions so here is what I would suggest:

First, it sounds like you have an idea of two different platforms: The first platform is that you want to sell your music. The second platform is that you want to add forums etc. for people to chat and make money off of ad revune (users + advertisement views = revenue)

If I am moving forward with that assumption, here is what I would suggest. Build a site that is completely unique for people like you. Not Youtube, not WSHH, but a community of artists trying to break into the industry or share their music etc. Come up with forums and subforums (maybe where people can vote on other people's videos, give suggestions, etc.) and build a community around breaking into the industry. The way that forums work (monetarily) is that they get people to continue to come back and share their opinion. Having a website devoted to one artist (you), who quite honestly isn't big enough to support enough conversation and interest YET that would keep people coming back and participating enough to build any genuine ad interest, is probably the wrong route.

However, your site could be the #1 place for ALL talent to come and share their work, get critiques, get reviews and suggestions, build relationships, collab, etc. etc. and that would create a unique spot on the internet, which would allow you to make money from advertisements.

Second, I would work on your brand on other platforms. If you aren't poppin on IG, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook..., then what is going to make people want to clamor on your personal website and buy your music? Put yourself into your desired consumer's shoes. Have you EVER gone to an unheard of artist's page, subscribed to their newsletter, purchased their song, if you have never heard of them? Have you ever searched for new artists, found their website, and then spent hours upon hours there? The answer is probably not. What makes you different? (No offense by the way :whoa: just trying to provide a logical outside perspective)

If you are going to have your own website (which is fine) Make it unique, interesting and put a BUNCH of thought into it. If I found your page organically, I would see all the's not bad, but it's not great yet. Don't rush it. Take your time and be meticulous. First impressions are the only thing you have. And :salute: for putting yourself out there. I hope nothing I've said comes off as harsh or condescending.

Ronnie Macho

Dec 26, 2013
If that is your idea then :manny:

I would (personally) scrap it and start a different route. I hate those kinds of opinions though (the one I just gave last sentence) without solutions so here is what I would suggest:

First, it sounds like you have an idea of two different platforms: The first platform is that you want to sell your music. The second platform is that you want to add forums etc. for people to chat and make money off of ad revune (users + advertisement views = revenue)

If I am moving forward with that assumption, here is what I would suggest. Build a site that is completely unique for people like you. Not Youtube, not WSHH, but a community of artists trying to break into the industry or share their music etc. Come up with forums and subforums (maybe where people can vote on other people's videos, give suggestions, etc.) and build a community around breaking into the industry. The way that forums work (monetarily) is that they get people to continue to come back and share their opinion. Having a website devoted to one artist (you), who quite honestly isn't big enough to support enough conversation and interest YET that would keep people coming back and participating enough to build any genuine ad interest, is probably the wrong route.

However, your site could be the #1 place for ALL talent to come and share their work, get critiques, get reviews and suggestions, build relationships, collab, etc. etc. and that would create a unique spot on the internet, which would allow you to make money from advertisements.

Second, I would work on your brand on other platforms. If you aren't poppin on IG, Snapchat, Twitter, Facebook..., then what is going to make people want to clamor on your personal website and buy your music? Put yourself into your desired consumer's shoes. Have you EVER gone to an unheard of artist's page, subscribed to their newsletter, purchased their song, if you have never heard of them? Have you ever searched for new artists, found their website, and then spent hours upon hours there? The answer is probably not. What makes you different? (No offense by the way :whoa: just trying to provide a logical outside perspective)

If you are going to have your own website (which is fine) Make it unique, interesting and put a BUNCH of thought into it. If I found your page organically, I would see all the's not bad, but it's not great yet. Don't rush it. Take your time and be meticulous. First impressions are the only thing you have. And :salute: for putting yourself out there. I hope nothing I've said comes off as harsh or condescending.

Man...thanks for the great feedback man...much of what you brother proposed to me years ago...he went off to make a site and what not dedicated to models I think...I think I wanna give it a "" feel or vibe to it as far as covering other artists like you social media presence is basura...I suck at social media and social things think I could build a following thru public performances but there aren't any places in DC to perform at unless you wanna perform for other artists at hole in the wall takes a while to work a I test marketed a song that I got good feedback on...gonna work that until it pops...working on a video for it're right about first impressions...I've had to make many first impressions...but it is what it is...:manny:...thanks man...your feedback was real and constructive not destructive...I really appreciate that!!!...:salute:


Jul 1, 2012
Seems too much like a store. You should add a bio about yourself, touring and booking info. Some nice photos of yourself would be good too.