There will be 4 rounds, the team with the most points at the end wins.
When you have control of the board, you have 3 strikes before the team gets a chance for the steal. Top answer is 25 points and the rest are 10.
FAST MONEY: Choose one member of your team and questions will be PMd. Must get 150 to win whole game.
To determine who gets control of the board, the team who answers the number 1 answer or a higher placed answer than the other team.
"a male and female and they have to guess the highest answer for control of the question but only those two can guess. Then the one with the highest answer can decide whether to "pass" or "play" - suggested by @YaThreadFloppedB!
"The question that is being answered should be quoted so we can see who answered first. Sort of like a buzzer I guess." - suggested by @Dwolf
When you have control of the board, you have 3 strikes before the team gets a chance for the steal. Top answer is 25 points and the rest are 10.
FAST MONEY: Choose one member of your team and questions will be PMd. Must get 150 to win whole game.
To determine who gets control of the board, the team who answers the number 1 answer or a higher placed answer than the other team.
"a male and female and they have to guess the highest answer for control of the question but only those two can guess. Then the one with the highest answer can decide whether to "pass" or "play" - suggested by @YaThreadFloppedB!
"The question that is being answered should be quoted so we can see who answered first. Sort of like a buzzer I guess." - suggested by @Dwolf
Game will start at 8:00 pm EST for those interested.
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