Game Of Thrones S7 - Rumored Plot-Leak (SPOILERS) (RAYOR) (STAY OUT!)

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Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department


There has been a lot of speculation going on in regards to GoT S7, mostly due to set-pic leaks. No certainty right now of course, but apparently, these rumors are coming from a reddit that got most of S6 right, and they are partially verified through set-photos. I've read through them and to be frank, I don't know what to think right now (In regards to whether or not these are true, no judgement on the actual plotting/characterization until later under spoiler-warning).

This is a topic to discuss those spoilers as well as others! If you don't want to know them please leave right now! Final Warning!

POTENTIAL SPOILERS beyond this point :

MAJOR SPOILERS: The Entire Plot of ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 7 May Have Been Leaked on Reddit

By William Hicks | 6:57 pm, October 22, 2016

WARNING: This article contains potential spoilers from season 7 of Game of Thrones

For all you spoiler-heads out there who don’t mind ruining an entire season of Game of Thrones months before it even airs, you’ll love this one.

A brave Redditor named awayforthelads dumped what appears to be the entire plot of Season 7 onto the Freefolk subreddit. The subreddit has a long history of being the go-to place for Thrones leaks and last season was incredibly reliable at thoroughly spoiling almost every detail of Season 6.

As further proof of authenticity, awayforthelads has deleted his account, presumably to evade the wrath of HBO.

And actress Nathalie Emmanuel, who plays Daenerys Targaryen’s beautiful handmaiden Missandei, appears also to have confirmed the authenticity of the leak on Twitter:


Another Redditor faithfully compiled awayforthelads’ leaks and attempted to put them in chronological order. S/he also added annotations of leaks from the set which seemed to add evidence to the leaks’ authenticity.

Here are the plot details below (with set leaks as evidence) compiled from Reddit:

Epidsode 1.

The White Walkers are marching south on the Wall. Bran crosses the Wall back into Westeros and meets with Dolorous Edd the new Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch.

(Bran scene filming at Castle Black set.)

Sansa and Jon have an argument about what to do with the Northern houses who betrayed them by fighting with the Boltons. Sansa and Lyanna Mormont wants to give their lands to loyal supporters but Jon refuses to hold the Karstark and Umber children responsible. Jon does it his way and basically tells the other to deal with it because he’s not going to rule the North the way it’s always been.

(Jon, Sansa and Lyanna have been spotted on Winterfell set)

At the end of the episode Danaerys and co. arrive at Dragonstone (Stannis’ old seat and an island near King’s Landing). She goes into the old war room with the table map of Westeros and turns to Tyrion and says “Shall we begin?”

(“Team Dany” has been filming in Bilbao; a widely believed set for Dragonstone.)

Episode 2

Jon gets a raven from Danaerys telling all the Northern lords to meet her on Dragonstone to parlay. Jon and Davos decide to go to ask for some of the dragonglass stockpiled on Dragonstone.

Sansa is left in charge of Winterfell and leaves Ghost behind too.

Episode 3

Jon and Davos arrive on Dragonstone and meet Tyrion on the beach.

(Jon, Davos, Tyrion, Missandei have all been filming together in Bilbao, Spain — widely believed to be the set of Dragonstone.)

Tyrion brings them to meet Danaerys. Dany demands Jon bend the knee, which he refuses. Jon instead tells her about the White Walker threat but she doesn’t believe him. Davos tries to tell her about Jon’s resurrection, but Jon dismisses it. Tyrion steps in to say Jon’s a good guy and definitely not insane.

Dany respects Jon immediately, although Jon doesn’t return the sentiment.

Episode 4

Arya arives at Winterfell

(Arya has been spotted on set with other “Team Starks”)

Episode 5

Sam leaves Oldtown for Winterfell with Gilly and the baby.

Jorah reunites with Dany at Dragonstone after apparently healing his greyscale in Oldtown, at some point earlier in the season.

Jon receives a raven letting him know that Bran and Arya are at Winterfell.

Jamie and Bronn meet with Tyrion and Davos. Tyrion tries to persuade Jamie to get Cersei to surrender to Dany. Jamie ignores it.

Episode 6

Jon and Co, who apparently met up with Gendry and the Brotherhood without Banners earlier in the season sail towards Eastwatch-by-the-Sea (the easternmost Night’s Watch castle). They are looking to capture a white (the White Walker’s mindless zombies) in order to prove to the other lords of Westeros and Dany they exist and to gain support in fighting them.

Jon leads a small force which includes Beric, Thoros, Tormund, Jorah and Gendry. The team is attacked by the Night Kings army including a zombie polar bear which kills Thoros.

They get surrounded on a frozen lake, nearly about to be defeated when Dany arrives with her dragons. She flies most of the team back to safety but leaves Jon behind. Apparently the Night’s King is able to kill her dragon Viserion and ressurect it as his own zombie dragon mount.

Jon is almost killed by the encroaching hoards but then Benjen swoops in to save him. He sends the wounded Jon off on his horse before being Benjen is swarmed and presumably killed by the wights.

At some point in the episode Jon promises to Dany to lay down his title as King in the North if Dany helps them against the White Walkers.

Episode 7

Sansa sentences Littlefinger to death, which Arya carries out. Sometime earlier in the season Littlefinger attempted to pit Arya and Sansa against each other by using an old letter Sansa wrote under duress by the Lannisters to Robb Stark. Bran helps Sansa see through Littlefinger’s ploy.

Cersei wakes up in a bed soaked with blood, presumably from a miscarriage. At some point earlier in the season there is a plot thread where Cersei finds out she is pregnant with Jaime’s child.

Sam and Bran somehow figure out Jon’s parentage, that he is the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. His real name is “Aegon” and he was legitimized at birth (not a b*stard).

Jon and Dany have sex on a boat headed North.

The Wall falls at the end of the episode.. The Night King attacks the wall with zombie Viserion and is able to knock it down.

Major events of uncertain chronology

Dorne and Highgarden get sacked by the Lannisters early in the season. Jaime confronts Olena Tyrell at Highgaren. She tells Jaime everything about how she and Littlefinger poisoned Joffrey. Jaime allows her to drink poison and kill herself before being captured.

Euron Greyjoy attacks Dorne as well, killing two Sand Snakes and capturing Ellaria.

Euron’s Fleet destroy’s Yara Greyjoy’s and takes her prisoner. Theon escapes by jumping overboard and is rescued by other Iron Born.

Dany torches a few Westerosi lords with her dragons which include Sam Tarley’s father and brother.

Tyrion dissuades Dany from attacking King’s Landing directly with dragons for fear of killing lots of civilians.

Jorah and Sam meet in Old Town and find a cure for greyscale.

Arya encounters her old direwolf Nymeria on the way to Winterfell.

Jaime and Bronn and the Lannister army are ambushed (probably mid season) by Dany/Dothraki/dragons while marching back from Highgarden. They Lannister army is defeated and Jaime is almost killed by dragons, only to be saved by Bronn.

Dragon Pit Scene

Later in the season there will be a scene at a dragon pit with almost the entire cast of the show. There will be a parlay between Cersei and Dany, allowing them all to meet at said dragon pit.

Jon brings the wight he captured in order to show all the lords of the danger facing Westeros.

Cersei orders the Mountain to kill the wight which he cannot even after cutting it to bits. Jon explains only dragonglass can kill these zombies.

Cersei responds that she will certainly send help to Jon, but later in private she tells Jamie she was lying. She explains she welcomes the coming of the zombie horde so they can take out her enemies. Jamie is disgusted by this and leaves her to ride north.

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
More condensed :
The entire Game of Thrones season 7 plot has been leaked if you want to read it | GamesRadar+

Okay, here's an abridged version of the season 7 plot taken from this reddit post that has linked together all the leaks, set photos and info out there so far.

Episode 1

The White Walkers marching South towards the Wall.

Bran crosses the Wall, meets with Edd. (Bran was at the studio filming with other "Team Starks", though apparently he was filming a scene at the Castle Black that day.)

Episode 2

Jon receives a raven from Dany, she's summoning the lords of Westeros. Jon and Davos decide to go because they need the dragonglass from Dragonstone.

Jon leaves Sansa in charge of Winterfell.

Jon leaves Ghost at Winterfell, where he stays all season.

Episode 3

Jon and Davos arrive at Dragonstone. Tyrion meets them on the beach, and the Dothraki take their ship. (Jon, Davos, Tyrion, Missandei have all been filming together in Bilbao- widely believed to be the set of Dragonstone.)

Tyrion brings them to meet Dany, encountering Missandei and Grey Worm on the way. The "throne room" contains a number of Dothraki. (ALL have been spotted filming in Bilbao - widely believed to be the set of Dragonstone.)

Dany and Jon meet. Dany demands he bend the knee, which he refuses. Evidently, he discusses the WWs, but she doesn't believe him. Tyrion insists that Jon isn't crazy.

Davos tries to mention Jon's resurrection, but Jon dismisses it.

Dany respects Jon immediately, Jon to Dany maybe not as much?

Bran arrives at Winterfell. Meera returns home. (Bran has been spotted on set with other "Team Starks")

Episode 4

Arya arrives at Winterfell. (Arya has been spotted on set with other "Team Starks")

Episode 5

Sam leaves Oldtown for Winterfell with Gilly and baby Sam.

Jorah reunites with Dany at Dragonstone.

Jon receives a raven telling him that Bran and Arya are at Winterfell.

Jamie, Bronn, Tyrion and Davos have a secret meeting at some point where Tyrion tries to persuade them to surrender to Dany, which Jamie ignores. Unclear if this happens before or after Dany ambushes the Lannister army. (Footage has been captured of Peter Dinklage and Liam Cunningham filming together, appearing to be preparing a boat to leave the beach. This might be them preparing to leave for the meeting. Another boat-beach scene has been captured filming, again including Tyrion and Davos, but also Gendry!)

Gendry's in Kings Landing making weapons, and he is found by Davos. (Tyrion, Davos and Gendry have been filming together on a beach in Bilbao.)

Episode 6

The party travels to Eastwatch-by-the-Sea by boat. Davos stays behind while the others go wight hunting.

Jon leads a small force (himself, The Hound, Beric, Thoros, Tormund, Jorah and Gendry (WHY?!) to capture a wight. (Scene set to be filmed in Iceland in January includes 6 major characters.)

The team is attacked by the Night King's army, including a wight polar bear. The bear kills Thoros (apparently a slow death). (Thoros is confirmed to return for season 7.)

They are surrounded on an island on a frozen lake and are nearly overcome when Dany and her dragons show up. She flies most of the team back to Eastwatch, but Jon is left behind.

Jon is almost killed, but Coldhands/Benjen arrives and sends Jon off with his horse while continuing to fight the horde. Jon watches Benjen swarmed by undead as he rides, half dead, to safety.

Viserion is killed and raised as the Night King's mount.

Jon offers to lay down his title as KITN if Dany and her forces will help against the WWs. This scene is private.

Episode 7

Sansa sentences Littlefinger to death, which Arya carries out.

Cersei awakens in a bed soaked with blood. The general consensus is that she miscarries.

Sam and Bran figure out Jon's heritage. He is apparently a legitimised Targaryen named "Aegon".

Jon and Dany have sex for the first time on a boat headed North.

The Wall falls at the end of the episode. The Night King attacks the Wall with the reanimated Viserion. He now breathes blue flame.

A couple things from the reddit that neither article bothered posting, some interesting rumors in here :

Uncertain chronologically:

  • Cersei believes she is pregnant again with Jamie's child. She has Qyburn examine her. Cersei does not hesitate in telling Jamie. Likely happens within the first couple episodes. (I kind of hope she just has a tumour or something)

  • Arya uses Walder Frey's face to hold a banquet and poison his sons. Makes sure the women are dismissed, first. Will happen in the first couple episodes.

  • Dorne and High Garden get trashed within the first couple episodes by the Lannisters.

  • Euron kills 2 of the Sand Snakes, imprisons Ellaria and makes her watch as Tyene dies a slow death from poison. (Euron kills at least one of the Sandsnakes.)
The latest Belfast sightings, and an exclusive Game of Thrones season 7 spoiler report! | Watchers on the Wall | A Game of Thrones Community for Breaking News, Casting, and Commentary

  • Euron's fleet destroys Yara's and he takes her prisoner. Theon abandons her, jumps overboard and is rescued by some Iron Born. (Euron captures one of the Greyjoy siblings.)
The latest Belfast sightings, and an exclusive Game of Thrones season 7 spoiler report! | Watchers on the Wall | A Game of Thrones Community for Breaking News, Casting, and Commentary

  • Dany torches some Westerosi lords (including Sam's father and brother).

  • Tyrion persuades Dany that most of the people who would die in a direct dragon attack on Kings Landing would be innocent.

  • Jorah and Sam meet in Oldtown and find a way to cure his Greyscale.

  • Tyrion spends most of the season advising Dany.

  • Tyrion plans an attack on Casterly Rock involving a secret sewer entrance he used to use to sneak whores into the castle.

  • Arya encounters Nymeria on her way to Winterfell. Must happen within episodes 1-3, maybe early episode 4.

  • Tyrion has at least one scene trying to convince Jon that Dany is the best choice for Westeros. Unclear if this is before or after the scene where Jon actually meets her. Likely episode 3, possibly episode 4.

  • Jon and Theon meet, Jon telling Theon that if it wasn't for what he did for Sansa, he'd be dead. Likely happens episode 3, but could happen episode 4. (Jon and Theon will meet while Jon is travelling South of Winterfell.)
Dolorous Edd speaks; plus House Stark spoilers for season 7 | Watchers on the Wall | A Game of Thrones Community for Breaking News, Casting, and Commentary

  • Jamie travels to Highgarden and Olenna drinks poison. The claim is this happens when the Lannister armies sack High Garden. She admits to having killed Joffrey, and Jamie allows her to drink the poison. Jamie returns to King's Landing in time for the dragonpit meeting.

  • The Dothraki and Dany attack the Lannister army on their way back from the Reach. Jamie and Bron are both there. Despite the Lannister army having a giant anti-dragon spear gun designed by Qyburn, they are defeated. Bron saves Jamie from a dragon, and the two manage to escape. Likely episode 4 or 5. Jon remains at Dragonstone during this battle, as he is not aligned with her yet. (Might be the "ambush" scene we've heard about that includes a Lannister. Castings have required a large number of horses and extras who seem to fit the description of Dothraki.)
A new report brings Game of Thrones spoilers galore | Watchers on the Wall | A Game of Thrones Community for Breaking News, Casting, and Commentary

Game of Thrones casting in Malpartida brings fresh news! | Watchers on the Wall | A Game of Thrones Community for Breaking News, Casting, and Commentary

  • Jon isn't afraid of Drogon and pets him on Dany's return from the battle, which Drogon allows. This surprises Dany. Likely episode 4 or 5.

  • After Dany's attack on the Lannisters, Jon realises that what he needs to do is provide proof of the Undead Army. Likely episode 4 or 5.

  • Jorah doesn't care for Jon initially, but they warm up to each other pretty quickly. Includes a scene where Jon offers Longclaw back to Jorah, who refuses it.

  • Sam, Gilly and baby Sam leave Oldtown in episode 5 for Winterfell, but no claims that they actually make it there. Though he DID say "Sam and Bran figure out Jon's heritage" and that Gilly figures out Rhaegar's marriage status. Does this mean that Sam and Bran TOGETHER figure it out when Sam and Gilly reach Winterfell? Unclear.

  • Arya and Brienne spar, but Brienne is in attendance at the dragonpit scene. So either Brienne separates from the main group and returns to Winterfell (VERY quickly) AFTER the dragonpit meeting, or she doesn't join Jon and Davos initially to Dragonstone. She likely meets up with them at some point after they've left the Wall with the Wight. So the sparing likely happens in episode 4 or 5, and Brienne leaves Winterfell later.

  • Meeting at the dragonpit with basically everyone. They demonstrate the reality of the white walkers and it terrifies Cersei (apparently the Mountain chops up the wight and it keeps moving, Jon shows them the only way to kill it is with dragonglass). She tells them she will send forces to help defeat the undead, but admits to Jamie she was lying. She wants the undead to clear out as many of her enemies as possible. Disgusted, Jamie begins to ride North. Likely happens episode 7. (Daenerys, Davos and Brienne have been confirmed for filming at least one scene together. Assumed to be at the dragonpit, but location of scene is not actually confirmed.)
Game of Thrones Spoiler Report: A Surprising Meeting and New Location Details | Watchers on the Wall | A Game of Thrones Community for Breaking News, Casting, and Commentary

  • Tyrion takes a moment to talk to Cersei alone after the Dragonpit parlay.

  • There will be a flashback scene to Rhaegar and Lyanna's wedding.
Littlefinger tries to play Arya and Sansa against each other, using the letter Sansa wrote to Robb (at the behest of Cersei and Littlefinger) to swear fealty to Joffrey. Sansa figures out she's being played with Bran's help.

My personal thoughts :

Like I said, I'm not sure what to think. My gut tells me that this is on point...but there are some red flags.

The stuff with Jorah just feels so...saccharine for this show. He ACTUALLY meets up with Dany Khaleesi again? And he finds a cure with Sam?

How the fukk is Cersei supposed to get off that easily? bytch killed damn near everybody, shows up at the meeting like "Believe me, you have my full support against the WW....:scheme:" and they believe her?

Sandsnakes dying....please happen. Worst sub-plot ever.

Jon and Dany gettin' busy....:shaq: BTW, if true, he's Aegon Targaryren....#TargSet won....:umad:

Overall, it all sounds predictable to some this too easy? The past 2 seasons have been relatively easy though.

The dragon being resurrected as an Ice-Dragon...both fan-fictioney and bad-ass at the same time. I'd geek out. Of course, if this stuff sounds fan-fictioney...remember that the end product IS basically fan-fiction. They are out of GRRM material.