Funkin Up Bridges(Brodus Clay Youshoot Preview)


#TSC #spooky
May 3, 2012
"If you're having a bad day and you're not sure about yourself and where you're going, go walk through Walmart." :leon:

Black White Sox Hat

May 6, 2012
It was pretty good.:ehh:He's a cool dude.

He had some funny ass Santino and Prince Albert stories
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Black White Sox Hat

May 6, 2012
So the debate is finally settled about his race? :ohhh:
Yeah he said he's mixed.And he said he would always fukk with Darren Young everytime he saw him and tell him there's only room for 1 light skinned dude in WWE.But they were cool.

He talked about being a bodyguard for Snoop and how Snoop doesn't sleep said he would stay up like 3 days straight.And whenever they were in a hotel he would get the room directly across from Snoops and he would keep his door open the whole time to make sure nobody went up to Snoops door.

Talked about Bill Demont who trained him and how he was basically like a old school football coach.And how his tough coaching techiniques didn't bother him at all because he was use to it from his football coaches when he played as offensive lineman.Also talked about how how Bill Demont called him a bum in his book.But when he saw Bill.Bill pulled him aside and told him about the book and how he was just pissed at him at the time he wrote it.He didn't take it to heart.Said thats just Bill.

Talked about how most of the roster was into comic books.And how if someone wasn't into them they thought something was wrong with them.And how Aj Lee knew more than anyone about them.And would have conversations about them like she was one of the boys.And how tomboyish she was.

He said the crew he always rode and traveled with was Santino,Heath Slater and Sandow.Said Sandow and Santino were always at each others throats arguing with each other 24/7.And he put over Heath big time.It seemed like Heath was probably his best friend.Atleast thats what i gathered.Said he's crazy and always would tell Brodus he's going to punch him in the face.

Said Santino would always fukk with him and ask him for a ghetto pass so Santino could say nikka.And Brodus would always tell him no.But Brodus left his phone at the airport in Toronto where Santino lives.So he called Santino to go get it for him.And Santino said he would but only if he gve him the ghetto pass.And he didn't want to but said ok.And how Santino was unbearable saying that shyt all the time afterwards.

Seemed like he had a crush on Naomi.Put her over alot.Was asked to rank the top 5 diva asses in the WWE.He said Naomi,Naomi,Naomi,Naomi,Naomi.

Never had a real conversation with Vince or Triple H.Said it was strictly business.They were just like bosses at any other job.

Talked using Earnet the Cat's theme.Talked about chilling with Earnest Cat Miller in ATL after he used his theme.Said he was cool as fukk and they worked out together and went to eat n shyt.

Said he would ride with Big E sometimes and always liked traveling with him because he was always so focused.And always got great training and workouts when with him.

He said Hornswoggle was the biggest a$$hole out of the whole roster.And how he would verbally berate people backstage all the time.Said he got in his only physical altercation with him.When he walked by Hornswoggle one day and Swoggle was like"Funk is on a roll huh?" And it pissed him off.So he walked over to him and slapped him hard as fukk in the balls.He really dislikes Swoggle talked shyt about him a few times.Said one time they were in Birmingham(i think in europe) and he forgot where they were and Hornswoggle told him they were in New Castle.So he got on the mic and was like"Whats up New Castle"And everyone booed the shyt out of him.Said Double A came up to him in the back and said Swoggle was trying to hamstring him.

Said Road Dogg rode for him till the end.Said he got all his charisma and shyt from him.Said he was a god on teaching charisma n shyt.

Said he don't have a Mom or Dad.Didn't get into why or anything.But said he always laughed on the inside when he said somebody call my momma cuz he didn't have one.

That's all for now will post more later if i think of some
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Apr 20, 2014
Was that drawing of AJ Lee really passed around the locker room?