6 hours ago
Whoever you are, wherever you are in the world, and whatever pain you may be suffering....this song is for you. This song is for #MikeBrown and the people of #Ferguson. It is for #HadiyaPendleton and the people of #Chicago. It is for the lives being destroyed in #Gaza. It is for people all over the world who need help and healing. This song is a wakeup call! We are all in this together believe it or not.....we all cry the same tears and bleed the same blood. Life is an incredible gift that everyone deserves! Please help spread the message and post this song hashtagging anything happening in the world that matters to you. Thank you #onelove #policebrutality #guncontrol #blackonblackcrime #war #humantrafficking #poverty #globalwarming #oppression #peace #education #love #solidarity #unity #humanrace #future #weareone #wecanchange http://m.soundcloud.com/elleveezy/elle-varner-onelove
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