Economic progressivism is cool, until non-white people want benefits


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Basically this is what I've been saying for a while.

It all seems like a good idea until people who dont look like you want the same benefits.

It explains everything from tax policy to welfare reform to mere infrastructure investment.

How the U.S. tax system disadvantages racial minorities

On Race and Taxes, Both Parties Insist Upon Speaking No Evil

I mean the NEW DEAL did not even help black people and was advanced as long as white supremacy could control the order of things

A History of Liberal White Racism

A History of Liberal White Racism, Cont.

The GI bill was racist as fukk:

'When Affirmative Action Was White': Uncivil Rights

A lot of post-civil war names and faces were pretty "socialist" leaning as well...look at Jefferson Davis:

The Radical Racist Socialism of the Deep South

The Racist Origins of Right to Work | Labor Notes

People like a lot of leftist economics...UNTIL non-white people have a chance to get those same benefits.

I don't fukk with Kevin Williamson or The National Review like that...but this encapsulates this:

The Whitest Privilege

Milton Friedman also said the same thing: :: Daniel W. Drezner :: Would the Scandinavian model fit the United States?

Robert Putnam's work on diverse societies shows this as well:

Robert D. Putnam - Wikipedia

The downside of diversity

States With Large Black Populations Are Stingier With Government Benefits

Welfare: A White Secret

Right to work policies were based on racism and rejection of the New Deal by Segregationists:

The Origins of Right-to-Work: Vance Muse, Anti-Semitism, and the Maintenance of Jim Crow Labor Relations | LAWCHA

You Hate "Right To Work" Laws More Than You Know. Here's Why

The Racist Origins of Right to Work | Labor Notes

States with more black people get less help from the federal government:

States With Large Black Populations Are Stingier With Government Benefits

A lot of socialist writing has revealed that it only tends to cater to white people:

Socialism for white people

Opinion | Who Turned My Blue State Red?

The uneasy history of socialism and race explains why Sanders appeals to so few minority voters

my solution? Blacks should support center to center-left policies that support a welfare safety net, but ultimately all gains have to come out of the hard work of a capitalist desire to be self sustaining. The state doesn't like you :pachaha:
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Spontaneous Mishaps and Hijinks
Jul 2, 2012
So we should give in to what the racists want? There's more than enough political support for these policies. Problem is that people like you align yourself with conservatives on these issues.
It’s a ploy to wean us from the Democratic Party. You have to let these white democrats know you’re not into playing their little games anymore.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
So we should give in to what the racists want? There's more than enough political support for these policies. Problem is that people like you align yourself with conservatives on these issues.
We are doing so either way... the idea is, the conservative brand of white supremacy will foster a stronger sense of community, which some believe(myself included) will be better for African Americans on the long run.
These policies have yet to work blacks, our median income is heading towards zero and liberals are calling it progress...

Can you explain why you consider progressive/liberal/leftist whites not to be racist?

The data strongly suggest neither side is for black advancement.


May 7, 2012
We are doing so either way... the idea is, the conservative brand of white supremacy will foster a stronger sense of community, which some believe(myself included) will be better for African Americans on the long run.
These policies have yet to work blacks, our median income is heading towards zero and liberals are calling it progress...

Can you explain why you consider progressive/liberal/leftist whites not to be racist?

The data strongly suggest neither side is for black advancement.

Breh, you need to learn how to ask questions that are directed/clear/concise. And stop making blanket statements/conclusions without any supporting evidence - you should know that 95% of the links Nap posted do nothing but create/attack strawman arguments. Before I respond, I wanted to ask you a question.

1. Do you acknowledge any distinction/difference between racist Democrats from the early 20th century and what would be considered the liberals/progressives of today?

We are doing so either way... the idea is, the conservative brand of white supremacy will foster a stronger sense of community, which some believe(myself included) will be better for African Americans on the long run.

I have no idea what you're trying to say

These policies have yet to work blacks, our median income is heading towards zero and liberals are calling it progress...

Please show me where a liberal has called declining median incomes "progress." In fact, it's a widely accepted premise across "liberals" from every wing that one of the fundamental problems with our national economic policies over the last few decades is that income has basically stagnated for the working class/poor.

Can you explain why you consider progressive/liberal/leftist whites not to be racist?
Because the economic policies that most liberals support have been shown to have better outcomes for poor/working/middle class Americans - of which the vast majority of black people belong.

The data strongly suggest neither side is for black advancement

Which data? The reason income/wages have stagnated is because we haven't actually implemented many of the policies that we know would help reverse those trends. Even when we had the opportunity to (Obama's first term for instance), it was "centrists" (who are in fact economic conservatives) that scared Obama into continuing along a more "cautious" route.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Stick to Trump impeachment. You have neither the training nor life experience to discuss this issue with any depth. In the off chance you do, it's obvious you're being disingenuous to the point of trolling.
Oh? :letmesee:

So why dont we address why its so hard to pass any of this progressive legislation? :sas1:

It can't be for lack of desire :kobeyoumad:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
1. Do you acknowledge any distinction/difference between racist Democrats from the early 20th century and what would be considered the liberals/progressives of today?
Because the economic policies that most liberals support have been shown to have better outcomes for poor/working/middle class Americans - of which the vast majority of black people belong.
I think we're conflating labor laws and regulations cuts.

Tell me if I'm wrong...
Which data? The reason income/wages have stagnated is because we haven't actually implemented many of the policies that we know would help reverse those trends. Even when we had the opportunity to (Obama's first term for instance), it was "centrists" (who are in fact economic conservatives) that scared Obama into continuing along a more "cautious" route.
They were stagnant at the tail end of the 70s and never recovered.

Now we can blame conservatives for that, but I'm not sure what your bigger point is.

And Centrist had to be a thing cause conservatives kept winning the arguments that people were fighting.

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
Sadly I do agree with you here to an extent as far as how racism is used by those who wish to see the state dismantled and drive folks to right leaning economic ideas. It’s insidious and disgusting.

However I disagree that the answer is centerism or not to hold fast to progressive economic ideas in spite of that. I know I make this point many times but it’s worth making again. Politicians that campaign on economic progressivism in large win as long as they can present it in a way that is hard to argue with and as a result the opposition ideas are successfully exposed as fukking everyone over like they are intended. Obama did this on the campaign trail (not talking about his actual presidency) that he had these white Walmart working in bumfukk Iowa voting for him.

The message works. You just need someone who can sell it. The racism is a stumbling block but it’s not impossible.

However centerism will make it worse because it inspires no one and in the context of modern politics it’s very much status quo. Secondly, many of the politicians who push this are the type of politicians everyone is sick of. The politician created by a third way think tank and sent out from Washington to try and sell themselves to people instead of it feeling organic and ergo, a “person of the people”. It’s fake and people dislike it. People hate them and they will lose to the right because people can sense the insincerity. As a result we get more far right nuttery. If they do win they do shyt like Mark Warner and et al did the other night where they vote for right wing ideas to be seen as “moderate” to their voters that end up doing he same shyt such as voting no against he admendment in the tax bill to not touch Medicare and social security. .