Demonic Lizard Killed in Jamaica (Spoiler Alert)


May 2, 2012
Let me start by :damn::damn::damn::damn::mjcry::mjcry:

A Stony Hill resident is now breathing a sigh of relief, after a scary encounter with a large reptile that wandered into her house late last night.

The woman, who works long hours, was horrified when she spotted a 7 inch brown reptile lying in her doorway, as she turned the knob of her front door.

“At first I backed away calmly as it was dark and I could hardly see it, and I was afraid to pass it and flick on the lights,” she said

“I thought it was my roommate playing tricks, so I went to my neighbour's house to ask if she would come and have a look at it,” she added.

The usually brave female next door neighbour, who thought it was a simple croaking gecko, was absolutely horrified when she shined her flash-light and saw that it was a big fat reptile-like creature.

“Bowy neighbour me cyan cross it, what the heck is that,” said the neighbour, who exclaimed that her skin crawled after seeing the critter.

The woman and her neighbour sought assistance from another neighbour, this time a man, who had been awoken by the two women who had been creating quite a raucous.

" I first flicked on the lights, then I gave it a bit of a nudge with a broom to try to get it out of the house however, instead of running outside, it hid under the living room couch,” said the male neighbour, who admitted that he too was a little afraid of the lizard-like creature.

After getting the reptile out from under the couch, the reptile ran onto the veranda concealing itself under an appliance, detailed the male neighbour.

Asking the two females to watch the reptile on the veranda, the male neighbour went home to grab his cutlass.

The neighbour recounts using the cutlass and the broom to nudge at the beast, first taking a jab off its very long tail, which continued to wiggle with life as it was severed from the reptile.

He then cut off the reptiles head, disconnecting it from the rest of the body using his cutlass to scrape it on to a plastic container.

After the ordeal the neighbour’s all gathered to look at the reptile, with one neighbour grabbing her camera to take photos.

According to the neighbours, though the reptile was severed into three distinct pieces it was still alive.

The neighbour’s reported to Loop News that the reptile’s eyes were still open after being cut up and that it opened its mouth wide several times, as it seemed to be "taking its last breaths"; they even went on to surmise that it might have been poisonous.

“As we came up close to him to examine him he eyeballed us, and opened his mouth wide and hissed, “said the woman whose home the reptile was found in.

“ It looked like a cross between a fish, a lizard and a snake," added the woman.

The male neighbour chimed in adding that, "I do see a few big lizards , especially up in the hills here , but [this] is the closest and most worrying I've ever seen, I never know them things live in the bush up here.”

"It scared the hell out of us, my heart was just going, “exclaimed the female neighbour.

According to checks done by Loop News, based on the photos submitted, the reptile found inside the home was a Jamaica galliwasp, which is endemic to the island.

Galliwasps are a group of anguid lizards, there are six endemic species in Jamaica with one regarded as possibly extinct - The blue-tailed galliwasp.

Mongooses are the natural predators of the galliwasps.


Jul 19, 2014
3 inch flying roaches :mjcry:


Dec 5, 2012
Let me start by :damn::damn::damn::damn::mjcry::mjcry:

A Stony Hill resident is now breathing a sigh of relief, after a scary encounter with a large reptile that wandered into her house late last night.

The woman, who works long hours, was horrified when she spotted a 7 inch brown reptile lying in her doorway, as she turned the knob of her front door.

“At first I backed away calmly as it was dark and I could hardly see it, and I was afraid to pass it and flick on the lights,” she said

“I thought it was my roommate playing tricks, so I went to my neighbour's house to ask if she would come and have a look at it,” she added.

The usually brave female next door neighbour, who thought it was a simple croaking gecko, was absolutely horrified when she shined her flash-light and saw that it was a big fat reptile-like creature.

“Bowy neighbour me cyan cross it, what the heck is that,” said the neighbour, who exclaimed that her skin crawled after seeing the critter.

The woman and her neighbour sought assistance from another neighbour, this time a man, who had been awoken by the two women who had been creating quite a raucous.

" I first flicked on the lights, then I gave it a bit of a nudge with a broom to try to get it out of the house however, instead of running outside, it hid under the living room couch,” said the male neighbour, who admitted that he too was a little afraid of the lizard-like creature.

After getting the reptile out from under the couch, the reptile ran onto the veranda concealing itself under an appliance, detailed the male neighbour.

Asking the two females to watch the reptile on the veranda, the male neighbour went home to grab his cutlass.

The neighbour recounts using the cutlass and the broom to nudge at the beast, first taking a jab off its very long tail, which continued to wiggle with life as it was severed from the reptile.

He then cut off the reptiles head, disconnecting it from the rest of the body using his cutlass to scrape it on to a plastic container.

After the ordeal the neighbour’s all gathered to look at the reptile, with one neighbour grabbing her camera to take photos.

According to the neighbours, though the reptile was severed into three distinct pieces it was still alive.

The neighbour’s reported to Loop News that the reptile’s eyes were still open after being cut up and that it opened its mouth wide several times, as it seemed to be "taking its last breaths"; they even went on to surmise that it might have been poisonous.

“As we came up close to him to examine him he eyeballed us, and opened his mouth wide and hissed, “said the woman whose home the reptile was found in.

“ It looked like a cross between a fish, a lizard and a snake," added the woman.

The male neighbour chimed in adding that, "I do see a few big lizards , especially up in the hills here , but [this] is the closest and most worrying I've ever seen, I never know them things live in the bush up here.”

"It scared the hell out of us, my heart was just going, “exclaimed the female neighbour.

According to checks done by Loop News, based on the photos submitted, the reptile found inside the home was a Jamaica galliwasp, which is endemic to the island.

Galliwasps are a group of anguid lizards, there are six endemic species in Jamaica with one regarded as possibly extinct - The blue-tailed galliwasp.

Mongooses are the natural predators of the galliwasps.