Dehaven talks about the time he and Jay-Z went to get coke and he ended up getting shot

Worl Boss 1Don

One Don if anno me ah Tesha Miller
May 3, 2012
Hospital dazed, reflectin' when my man laid up
On the uptown high block he got his side sprayed up


It was an ordinary weekend jay and I spent it in NY, with our families, and running around the city .
So after the weekend was over ,that Sunday , I decided that we should just pick up some work while we here in the city , before we go back to trenton .
That's not something I normally do , but fukk it . I wasn't considering that jay had on mad jewelry, and we was going up to 135th and broadway at night .
So we headed uptown and see this connect, I've did business with them before but I really hated the location. This apartment building was dark and dirty, but the work was good , I always called them before would we come .
Jay and I arrived there and I gave them money and watched them count it ,then they weighted out a couple hundred grams. I stuff the work down my pants and headed towards the door .
Jay walked out first , and I was right behind him, before I could get my whole foot out into the hallway, the door slammed . That was suspect to me , so I told jay to wait .

I walk to the front door and seen two nikkas getting ready to come in the building , so we walked out first , so what ever happen, it don't happen inside this fukkin building .
Boom ! The nikkas approached us , you know what it is , All I could do is look at the jewelry on jay neck, that they about to get him for everything !
The next thing that came up in my mind was , picturing his mother face if I had to tell her that Something happen to jay , she would have never been the same ! She would hated me .

Even My own mother would have been disappointed if I had let something happen to my little brother. I had to do something.
All this took place in my head within seconds , my reaction was , I snuffed homie with the gun on jay , that took the focus of jay but meanwhile the other perp put the gun in my lower back and let off a shot !! That's when I seen a flash , a flash of everything that mint something to me, I've seen it , that flash of near death experience. It's everything people talked about .

But I embraced it because I knew what came with the game . I was just mad at myself because for being careless

Jay took off in one direction, the one I punched took off in the other , which left me and the shooter fighting for the gun in his hands , I had turn around and grabbed it when he fired off .
I can't explain how the fight ended with me running away and him not shooting me anymore , but that was the case , he ran off .

I took off running up towards 135th and St. Nic and Jay was at the corner waiting on me . He ask have I been shot and said I didn't know , I was completely out of breath tho , I reach around my back and stuck my finger inside a bullet hole .

Jay ! I'm shot !! He said okay come on , and help me inside a store where the owner threw us out , told us he didn't need any heat in his store .

I laid outside on the ground looking up in the sky , and I could hear two girls in the window yelling to me asking if I was okay , and I'm saying no I'm shot ! One of them said hold on , I'm coming downstairs and I will take you to the hospital.

Before she got downstairs, jay had a cab pulled over already, I jump in ,and we told the cab driver take me to the nearest hospital which was st.lukes .

I was laying back in the cab telling jay how mad I was about the hole in my polo suit i just got , and the dumb move I just made I should have known better.

We pulled up to the hospital and I told Jay not to get out the car , go straight home , and I reach down in my pants and said take this ,
I still had the work , I felt like Tony in scareface when they tried to rob him and he killed there ass, and told his partner to get the coke to !! They got nothing !

I jump out the cab and walked into the emergency room , told them I was shot , they through me on the table and ask were was I hit , I told them my lower backside . The doctor pointed at the bullet piercing through my chest said thank god you are a thick for your age , I stayed three weeks in the hospital.
shyt was hectic up at the hospital wit girlfriends and baby mama's ,plus my lungs collapsed a few times . but I made it out and good health wit mad staples down my stomach !
But when I got home , Jay had that bread all the way up , I was proud of him for way he took over the business


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May 26, 2012
San Diego
Just regular dope game life.....aside from getting shot, but that area, and that time period, it's just the way the times were. If you ever really hustled, more then just a little weed, or a few xanax off your script to your friends, you've been through all that. Getting robbed, set up, ran up on, burned for work, all that comes with the life.


All Star
May 11, 2012
just googled parts of this passage. didnt see it anywhere.