Cure for AIDS has been patented since '97


Gul DuCat
Jul 14, 2012
Dog Shooting Squad Of Islamabad
I came across this video on youtube a few years ago

It talks about a suspicious patent on the official United States patent list. The patent very plainly states that it cures AIDS, you can look for yourself. here's some excerpts from the ACTUAL patent.

United States Patent 5,676,977
Antelman October 14, 1997

Method of curing AIDS with tetrasilver tetroxide molecular crystal devices

The device molecular crystal contains two mono and two trivalent silver ions capable of "firing" electrons capable of electrocuting the AIDS virus, pathogens and ISM. When administered into the bloodstream, the device electrons will be triggered by pathogens, a proliferating virus and ISM, and when fired will simultaneously trigger a redox chelation mechanism resulting in divalent silver moieties which chelate and bind active sites of the entities destroying them. The devices are completely non-toxic.

Thus an optimum of 40 PPM of the devices by weight of human blood was found to be sufficient to completely obliterate AIDS.

The actual destruction of pathogens, ISM and the AIDS virus is effectuated by injection of a suspension of these devices in distilled or deionized water with a non-reacting electrolyte directly, i.e. intravenously, into the bloodstream. A single injection is all that is required under these conditions. Accordingly, humans injected in this manner, upon being inspected after three weeks or more had elapsed and compared with similar humans that had been given placebos, were completely cured of AIDS. :whew:

United States Patent: 5676977

Then it goes on to talk about actual clinical trials, that link is the link to the actual US patent site, take the time to check it out before you say im crazy. This is not a conspiracy, this is a actual patent on the actual government patent site.
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May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
I've read several things about how viruses can be destroyed by literally tapping into their vibration frequency, matching it and destroying it that way ... or something like that...

Lets see how long this one takes to reach the masses........its non-toxic..........this was 2008 when this was written....

New Way to Kill Viruses: Shake Them to Death | LiveScience

New Way to Kill Viruses: Shake Them to Death

Michael Schirber
Date: 05 February 2008 Time: 04:27 AM ET

Scientists may one day be able to destroy viruses in the same way that opera singers presumably shatter wine glasses. New research mathematically determined the frequencies at which simple viruses could be shaken to death.

"The capsid of a virus is something like the shell of a turtle," said physicist Otto Sankey of Arizona State University. "If the shell can be compromised [by mechanical vibrations], the virus can be inactivated."

Recent experimental evidence has shown that laser pulses tuned to the right frequency can kill certain viruses. However, locating these so-called resonant frequencies is a bit of trial and error.

"Experiments must just try a wide variety of conditions and hope that conditions are found that can lead to success," Sankey told LiveScience
To expedite this search, Sankey and his student Eric Dykeman have developed a way to calculate the vibrational motion of every atom in a virus shell. From this, they can determine the lowest resonant frequencies.

As an example of their technique, the team modeled the satellite tobacco necrosis virus and found this small virus resonates strongly around 60 Gigahertz (where one Gigahertz is a billion cycles per second), as reported in the Jan. 14 issue of Physical Review Letters.
A virus' death knell

All objects have resonant frequencies at which they naturally oscillate. Pluck a guitar string and it will vibrate at a resonant frequency.

But resonating can get out of control. A famous example is the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, which warped and finally collapsed in 1940 due to a wind that rocked the bridge back and forth at one of its resonant frequencies.

Viruses are susceptible to the same kind of mechanical excitation. An experimental group led by K. T. Tsen from Arizona State University have recently shown that pulses of laser light can induce destructive vibrations in virus shells.

"The idea is that the time that the pulse is on is about a quarter of a period of a vibration," Sankey said. "Like pushing a child on a swing from rest, one impulsive push gets the virus shaking."

It is difficult to calculate what sort of push will kill a virus, since there can be millions of atoms in its shell structure. A direct computation of each atom's movements would take several hundred thousand Gigabytes of computer memory, Sankey explained.

He and Dykeman have found a method to calculate the resonant frequencies with much less memory.

In practice

The team plans to use their technique to study other, more complicated viruses. However, it is still a long way from using this to neutralize the viruses in infected people.

One challenge is that laser light cannot penetrate the skin very deeply. But Sankey imagines that a patient might be hooked up to a dialysis-like machine that cycles blood through a tube where it can be hit with a laser. Or perhaps, ultrasound can be used instead of lasers.

These treatments would presumably be safer for patients than many antiviral drugs that can have terrible side-effects. Normal cells should not be affected by the virus-killing lasers or sound waves because they have resonant frequencies much lower than those of viruses, Sankey said.

Moreover, it is unlikely that viruses will develop resistance to mechanical shaking, as they do to drugs.

"This is such a new field, and there are so few experiments, that the science has not yet had sufficient time to prove itself," Sankey said. "We remain hopeful but remain skeptical at the same time."


Gul DuCat
Jul 14, 2012
Dog Shooting Squad Of Islamabad
There is no cure for the Flu or any other virus, but someone there is a cure for AIDS?

it's possible the virus and the cure were both engineered by humans. in the video the speaker insinuates this, and even names a patent that is possibly for the virus itself. i havnt researched it at all, i just know the patent for the cure is real, and the description explicitely says its been tried and successfully used on people. all it takes is one injection. how yall think MAGIC JOHNSON IS STILL ALIVE??? simple, he got the cure.


Gul DuCat
Jul 14, 2012
Dog Shooting Squad Of Islamabad
Don't you think someone would expose this if that were the case?

People have tried to expose it, information is all over the internet about it. Whoever owns it shelved it and is not coming off it. I think since AIDS is affecting the black and gay communities most, the cure wont see the light of day.

Ive read the whole patent numerous times, and it plainly states it's been used to cure AIDS. Not in a theoretical sense either, it describes actual clinical trials.

Every time I bring this up to someone they look at me like :tinfoil: but this amounts to physical evidence.

Domingo Halliburton

Handmade in USA
May 8, 2012
Brooklyn Without Limits
People have tried to expose it, information is all over the internet about it. Whoever owns it shelved it and is not coming off it. I think since AIDS is affecting the black and gay communities most, the cure wont see the light of day.

Ive read the whole patent numerous times, and it plainly states it's been used to cure AIDS. Not in a theoretical sense either, it describes actual clinical trials.

Every time I bring this up to someone they look at me like :tinfoil: but this amounts to physical evidence.

haha, you guys will believe anything. did you post this to the conspiracy thread up top yet?