Coli Producers and Rappers....Who's Down To Make A Coli Mixtape Compilation For The Culture?

King Musa

Nov 18, 2016
South Florida
WE MADE IT.......IT'S LIT....

All the dudes who got skills on the mic and skills on some MPC, MPD, CDC pads and some Casio keyboards, step in here brehs. Who would be down for making a bunch of tracks just between dudes on this site? The rappers, producers, and possibly engineers come together just to make a Compilation tape of a bunch of our tracks....Doesn't have to be tracks in the same styles of production tho. Just a collection of some of the best this site has to offer in terms of music. :feedme:

Rappers you're essentially getting free beats for your tracks with free promotion on this site (The homie TEKBeats agreed to sticky the project in the booth), also free mixing courtesy of me and a couple others if you're interested or if you actually need it. :myman:

Edit: Clarifications and Quotas.

What's needed?

1. At least 3 Rappers (No more than 4 songs from each rapper)
2. At least 3 Producers (No more than 4 beats from each producer)
3. An Engineer
4. Reliable communication between all parties involved.

How's This All Gonna Work?

Rappers will be given tracks by the producers involved, and your job is to....Do your job, make some piff tracks with the material given, you're not going to be working overdrive, you'll probably only make four tracks at most. The Producer can still tag their material if they feel it's necessary (Only intro tags, no reoccurring tags). I for one, and some of the producers already on board will not be tagging beats so, you're good there.

How This Should Look? (Hypothetical)

Coli Culture Mixtape.

1. Rapper 1 - Track 1 (Produced by Producer 1)
2. Rapper 2 - Track 2 (Produced by Producer 2)
3. Rapper 3 - Track 3 (Produced by Producer 3)
4. Rapper 1 & Rapper 2 or/and 3 - Track 4 (Produced by Producer 1 & Producer 2 or/and 3)
5. Rapper 2 - Track 5 (Produced by Producer 3)
6. Rapper 3 - Track 6 (Produced by Producer 2)
7. Rapper 1 - Track 7 (Produced by Producer 1)
8. Rapper 2 & Rapper 1 or/and 3 - Track 8 (Producer by Producer 2 & Producer 1 or/and 3)
9. Rapper 3 - Track 9 (Produced by Producer 3)
10. Rapper 1 - Track 10 (Produced by Producer 1)
11. Rapper 2 - Track 11 (Produced by Producer 2)
12, Rapper 3 - Track 12 (Produced by Producer 3 & Producer 2 or/and 1)

Also.....Producers, There will be Producer interludes where you can just place a short beat snippet or track in between artists tracks....Like a commercial in between breaks.

So, who here is down? :patrice:This tape could come out A1 brehs....
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The Tape Crusader
Mar 9, 2015
Coli producers run the gamet from like, your futuristic beats, to outright trap, and then the shyt where we pretend it's still 1992.


I'm working on a lot of tapes, got one coming out tomorrow and one in Dec/Jan. But if someone figures out an interesting theme/idea then I'm always down for this kinda shyt, it's why I joined.

We could trade some samples and see who does what with 'em
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