Civil Disobedience in Brooklyn – Artists Mount 4-Ft Tall Bust of Edward Snowden in NYC Park Overnite

Scientific Playa

Oct 13, 2013

Civil Disobedience in Brooklyn – Artists Mount 4-Foot Tall Bust of Edward Snowden in NYC Park Overnight Michael Krieger | Posted Monday Apr 6, 2015 at 12:24 pm




In a creative expression of civil disobedience in New York City, artists installed a large bust of NSA whistleblower hero Edward Snowden in Fort Greene Park in Brooklyn.

This was no simple endeavor. The artists told Animal New York that it took the sculptor nearly 6 months to mold and complete the bust. With the weather finally cooperating, it was installed just before dawn today. Several news outlets have covered the story. First, the Washington Post notes that:

Three artists installed a bust of former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden in a Brooklyn park early this morning — fusing the sculpture on top of a memorial to Revolutionary War soldiers, according to Animal New York.

The bust is 4 feet tall and made out of a sculpting material that looks bronze, according to Animal New York, which says it documented the installation of the piece in Fort Greene Park on the condition that it hide the identity of those involved.

Naturally, the city wasn’t all too pleased at this artistic expression against the American surveillance state. NBC News New York reports that:

City workers were sent to remove a large bronze bust of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden after it was placed atop a statue in a Brooklyn park Monday morning.

Animal New York reports that three artists installed the 4-foot, 100-pound sculpture before dawn, fusing the figure to the stone monument with an adhesive. The website, which recorded the installation of the bust, says that the adhesive shouldn’t damage the original statue.

The group of artists told Animal that the bust cost thousands of dollars to make, and that they have made a mold so they can create more Snowden effigies once the one in the park is removed.

To get a little perspective of why the artists created the bust, and why they placed it where they did, check out the following video from Animal New York:

Now check out this Vine of city workers rushing to cover it up.