I posted a thread about a game that was programmed by a black man here: http://www.thecoli.com/threads/new-metroidvania-game-valdis-story-abyssal-city.163053/
And here is a game being made by a black man that is being kickstarted: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fourbitfriday/catacomb-kids-a-very-roguelike-platformer
It's called Catacomb Kids and it's a roguelike platformer, so it looks like fans or Spelunky or Rogue Legacy might like this.
Here's his website: http://fourbitfriday.com/
Here's the website for the game: http://www.ckgame.net/
Here's a tumblr for the game: http://catakids.tumblr.com/
Itch.io link: http://fourbitfriday.itch.io/catacombkids
Steam link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/315840
The developer streams development of the game on Mondays
And here is a game being made by a black man that is being kickstarted: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/fourbitfriday/catacomb-kids-a-very-roguelike-platformer
It's called Catacomb Kids and it's a roguelike platformer, so it looks like fans or Spelunky or Rogue Legacy might like this.
Here's his website: http://fourbitfriday.com/
Here's the website for the game: http://www.ckgame.net/
Here's a tumblr for the game: http://catakids.tumblr.com/
Itch.io link: http://fourbitfriday.itch.io/catacombkids
Steam link: http://store.steampowered.com/app/315840
The developer streams development of the game on Mondays
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