BrainWashing And Subliminal Messaging


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth

1.Intensive, forcible indoctrination, usually political or religious,(((aimed at destroying a person's basic convictions and attitudes and replacing them with an alternative set of fixed beliefs.)))

((((2.The application of a concentrated means of persuasion, such as an advertising campaign or repeated suggestion, in order to develop a specific belief or motivation.))))))


Systematic effort to destroy an individual's former loyalties and beliefs and to substitute loyalty to a new ideology or power. It has been used by religious cults as well as by radical political groups. The techniques of brainwashing usually involve isolation from former associates and sources of information; an exacting regimen calling for absolute obedience and humility; strong social pressures and rewards for cooperation; physical and psychological punishments for noncooperation, including social ostracism and criticism, deprivation of food, sleep, and social contacts, bondage, and torture; and constant reinforcement. Its effects are sometimes reversed through deprogramming, which combines confrontation and intensive psychotherapy.

When we see the numerous amounts of Hollywood movies,television sitcoms, and ect, with a collective aim at displaying WHITES as the image of success and beauty, and we see on the other hand Hollywood putting out images and movies, ect, ect about african-americans in broke up homes, drug dealers,abusers,and violent, and we see this everyday, then this is a form of brainwashing/subliminal messaging, to get one to thinking that ONLY WHITE AMERICA CAN OFFER YOU THE HOPE OF HAPPINESS! Its been done for many years and has caused the friction we see in the african-american community today.

Lets look at how our black men and black women are affected adversely by this tactic of WHITE AMERICA! First we have the movies,commercials,t.v shows,and Internet as the main form of sending out the brainwashing subliminal messages to our youth and young adults who are experiencing the changes of life on the run.

1. The brainwashing starts the first time a child or young adult views the television show, radio feed,movie or other media feed, and it broadcasts a White Male or White Female as successful,i.e never shows whites in negative perspective unless its in a War movie where they make it seem they're always fighting for a cause,and then vice-versa, they show a Black Male and Black female as always unsuccessful,i.e we're always placed in movies that have us on TRIAL,in some sort of fight for our lives, they show us as undisciplined, and have us shed as fighting amongst each other after we are defeated in some way by the white man.

Next they have the ad campaigns,i.e commercials, magazines(always propped up in grocery stores and of course our libraries and bookstores), where they place White Blond Haired and Blue Eyed Males and Females, or Europeans with the same typical features, and have them always front-covered, and never a african-american or our features. So when we as young african-american men and women, both young and old(mostly geared at young teenagers and young adults) view these messages and severe WHITE GLORY advertising, we become fixiated on the belief that that is the way to look and mate with so as to have that same success or lifestyle!! Its been a systematical tear-down of our belief and pride of our african qualities and features, and they have subjugated our minds to a lie that black is bad.


Old School New School Need To Learn Though
Oct 12, 2014
The Truth
2. Next the actions we start to attempt on ourselves and to one another as african-americans is where the brainwashing and subliminal messaging takes full effect. We know that we already have our minds polluted with White is this and that, and black is this and that, so we already have a White v.s Black Mentality that sets in, in our everyday lives. We now begin to compare ourselves and our personal looks to those of White people or Non-Blacks, and that's where we have this:

1)Our black women over the years have practiced much with trying to bleach their hair different colors than its original color, because of the long blond hair/rich textured black silky european styled hair, that has been broadcast to them. Our women also experiment with putting on skin creames that attempt to make themselves lighter or more dry as whites skin are naturally. Our Black men have practiced trying to entice themselves to the opposite sex by trying to do the same bleaching of hair at times and getting it more rich in texture instead of its original african cultured form!

2) The Eyes: This is the part that has had our african-american community looking very stupid at times and VERY WHITEWASHED because of this Brainwashing. We have a problem where CONTACT LENSES and the changing of the color of our EYES has been an MASSIVE participation in by YOUNG AND OLD ALIKE. You should KNOW:YOUR NORMAL BROWNISH/DARK BROWN EYES ARE BEAUTIFUL!
Folks are WEARING BLUE,RED,GREEN,HAZEL,AND ALL SORTS OF CRAZY COLORED CONTACT LENSES TO COVER UP THEIR NATURAL BEAUTY, with this being again a action derived from what we have viewed through the media AS BEAUTIFUL. WRONG. Contact lenses should be used for CORRECTIVE EYESIGHT. Not to try and emulate a WHITE/EUROPEAN FEATURE. LOVE YOUR OWN FEATURES, GET PRIDE IN HOW YOU LOOK SO YOU WILL NOT LOOK DOWN ON YOURSELF AND ANOTHER Black man or woman. These actions of shedding your african qualities and features is very RAMPANT throughout the community, and it all stems from WHITE AMERICAS Brainwashing/subliminal messaging advertising, because our youth are not seeing the equal share of their TRUE beauty in the MEDIA of which has taken over as the voice unfortunately for MANY. So that's why our young and old view it as credible, WHEN IN FACT ITS VERY FALSE.

3. Now we get into why black men and women run away from their black counterparts to WHITES and other non blacks, which the above-mentioned evidence TIES RIGHT INTO THIS MENTALITY OF HATE FOR THEIR AFRICAN FEATURES AND CULTURE,basically WhiteWashed.

After we have been subjected to all of this brainwashing, and we start to change our appearances and personalities, we now want to be accepted by the hollywood god-like image that has been so pumped into the MIND. So we have our black males wanting to be with the typical white/non-black ((FEATURED)) females and our black females wanting to be with the typical white/non-black ((FEATURED)) males, and it becomes the FALSE SAVIOR for our people, and implies to them that BLACK IS NOT COMPATIBLE, JUST BASIC BRAINWASHING GENOCIDE OF A MIND,CULTURE AND RACE IF CONTINUED. HAVE PRIDE FOR YOURSELF AND HOW YOU LOOK AND who you are. WHITE IS NOT THE PURE GODLY IMAGE THAT IS DISPLAYED, ITS A TRAP.

Mr. Negative

Conspiracy Weirdo
Aug 10, 2012
A Mississippi Cotton Field
yep. constant TV is bad for you. It's really the most dangerous thing on the face of the earth.

I tell people that the easiest way to make a lie become true in the human mind is to have more than one person tell you the lie until your subconscious frames it as credible.

Television, radio and the internet are basically you watching "individuals" lying to you 16 hours a day.

The above is an example of that at work.

inferiority machines.


Jun 22, 2012
In the sky
yep. constant TV is bad for you. It's really the most dangerous thing on the face of the earth.

I tell people that the easiest way to make a lie become true in the human mind is to have more than one person tell you the lie until your subconscious frames it as credible.

Television, radio and the internet are basically you watching "individuals" lying to you 16 hours a day.

The above is an example of that at work.

inferiority machines.
constantly disseminating narratives to shape your paradigm, and constantly attempting to shape your taste.