Bon Appetit vol.2: How to further eat properluh (but only if you Greenerside pimpin')

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Sohh... whats up Rec Roomers. Tomorrow is Redskins vs Cowboys day so I should help out with the feast :yes: As most of you know, this community is at times lame as fukk. Made a real nikka not wanna share his goodies with this place. But, I'm a man of the people, I should not let horrible business decisions determine if I allow YOU to eat like I do. So, Bon Appetit :handshake:

As mentioned in another thread, I pay $40 a month for internet. That's it. Download whatever, whenever, stream whatever, whenever, even watch Live TV in a quality that is no different than broadcast cable (Tru Story) To eat this well, you will need an XB1 or a PC. Only shutins hook up PC's to TV's so I'm addressing all the cool people out there who be booking bytches, hitting fade away 3pters, can roll a jay while driving. Of course there are a few exceptions to the rules, and those true playaz already know who they are. They know I'm bo-janglin. Anywayz... The Feast, right, the feast :blessed:

Since we can't pay for PS Vue, I figured we shouldn't have to pay for shyt. SOHH... to start off with regular TV aka Fox, NBC, CBS, ABC, My9/20/whatever (which plays the same shows as adult swim at night) and all in HD normal broadcast quality.. and for free? Go to the store in the dashboard, go to apps, download TV FOR WINDOWS. Then this is the hard part.. you gotta press A and then it starts :wow: Press select for full screen, the bumpers/triggers change the channel, start shows a TV guide. The stations are based in Philly so while you can't catch up on your local news, you can watch all the major shows, and on sundays Football still comes on Fox and CBS. Sunday Night Football on NBC. Every once in a while the stream will have a hiccup, just change the channel and back with the bumpers and it works again. I used to have to back up the app and restart it to get a stream to work but I haven't had to do that really since the latest patch.

This is the surface, I will dig deeper later today after I finish up a couple errands. My future post will cover, any pay per view, any sport LIVE or on replay. A recap on how to share content with your friends be it games or movies/etc. And if anyone feels they have a unknown way of eating via Xbox or maybe 4K on PS4 Pro? Share the wealth... people starving outcheaaaaaaaa :banderas:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Sorry about not dropping the info when I said I would, been busy since its thanksgiving n shyt.
Quick lil gem.. when watching TV, navigate to the top right corner. There you will see 3 dots (...) which leads to either settings or the option to "Watch in Web browser"

When you do that, it will play without the hiccup issues that happen when watching via the app
If you can't reach the ... area, just keep trying, its weird, but it'll work after a couple of tries :handshake:

PS5 Pro

DC looking a 1/2 seed right about nuh
Feb 28, 2013
The Original Rec Room Gang
Lets continue, shall we :eat:

For my next trick, I will nudge you in the direction of freedom. No need to pay for PSvue, or NBA League pass, or pay for MMA or WWE events. All that, free, HD, fukk whatcha heard if you haven't heard the same.
Now I could just start dropping links, but I have a problem with that. Over the years, I've noticed that whatever people post?
Those sites, eventually get taken down. AndI hear people say that is true for all sites.. its just, I been using these two sites for the last 5 or sohh years.. and the one thing I made sure of was to not post it here. So, with that said. If you can't find it yourself, PM and I'll lead :salute:

So, how do you watch this stuff, for free, on XB1? Ok, For everything I just talked about above.. Reddit will have quality links for all of that. What you do on your XB1 via the web browser is go to say NFLstreams on reddit ok..
... Favorite (save) that page.
... Favorites can then be pinned to your dashboard.
... Now whenever you wanna watch NFL games, from your dash you can speak (you can also rename the pin to whatever you want) to your xbox and the page loads up. Find a link, stream in HD. Works for all I wrote above.

Besides the live streams, I found a sight that post HD replays about 3hrs after the games. IF that is more your speed, holla.
My dash has NBA Live, NBA Replays, NFL Live, NFL Replays. All voice actived, I'm about to watch my Wizards right after this post.

Also, before you ask me for links, google is your friend people. Just write something like "stream tv shows online" and sites should pop up. ITs really that easy. Every TV show gets posted online immediately after it airs. So if you don't catch it live, somewhere has it on replay in HD ready for you.

I have cut the cord ladies and gentleman, I pay $40 a month for errrrrthang :win: