Blacks In The UK Entrenched In Racial Inequality, Living In Poverty, Job Discrimination (BBC REPORT)


Newly-wed :blessed:
May 16, 2013
Black and ethnic minority people in Britain still face "entrenched" race inequality in many areas, including education and health, a watchdog warns.

A review by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, which also looked at employment, housing, pay, and criminal justice, found an "alarming picture".

Black graduates earn on average 23.1% less than white ones, and more ethnic minorities are unemployed, it found.
The government said it was committed to "delivering real social reform".

'Different world'

David Isaac, the commission's chairman, said the report reveals a "very worrying combination of a post-Brexit rise in hate crime and long-term systemic unfairness and race inequality".
"We must redouble our efforts to tackle race inequality urgently or risk the divisions in our society growing and racial tensions increasing," he warned.
"If you are black or an ethnic minority in modern Britain, it can often still feel like you're living in a different world, never mind being part of a one nation society."
It underlines "just how entrenched and far-reaching race inequality remains", he said.
The commission, which carried out an analysis of existing evidence, said:

  • Black people in England are more than three times more likely to be a victim of homicide than those who are white
  • Unemployment rates were "significantly higher" for ethnic minorities
  • Black workers with degrees earn 23.1% less on average than white employees with the qualifications
  • Ethnic minority people were more likely to live in poverty than white people
  • Ethnic minorities are still "hugely under-represented" in positions of power - such as judges and police chiefs

Poorer white communities also face "continuing disadvantage", the report added.
The commission acknowledged there had been progress in some areas, citing an increase in the number of ethnic minority MPs and a rise in the proportion with a degree-level qualification across all ethnic groups.
But Mr Isaac said the government's strategy in recent years has been "piecemeal and stuttering".
He called for the government to introduce a comprehensive race equality plan "to build a fair society in which our origins do not determine our destinies".

'Real progress'

The commission recommended that responsibility for the strategy be brought under one secretary of state.
New targets to improve opportunities and outcomes for ethnic minority communities should be introduced, it added.
The government said "real progress" was being made - with black and ethnic minority employment rates at their highest levels for 15 years.
"But there is clearly more to do, which is why we are delivering a comprehensive race equality programme on employment, university places, apprenticeships, start-up loans and recruitment to the police and armed forces," a spokeswoman added.

Ethnic minorities face 'entrenched' racial inequality - watchdog - BBC News


Jun 22, 2014
Is that when they force companies to hire black people?
No, its when you realise that systemic inequalities don't allow for an equal playing field, under the same set of skills, even a century after government repression, and so you put emphasis on racial and gender experiences, which oft-times correlate to an increased risk of poverty, high chance of having gone to a poor school, less connections in the professional world etc.
In education, the impact is quite noticeable. The UK may not be as bad as the US when it comes to education inequality, but they're still substantial.


Newly-wed :blessed:
May 16, 2013
The UK has a higher number of INTERRACIAL MARRIAGE. The economic statistics are just as bad and in many areas worse than for blacks in America.

Black men marrying more white women in the UK doesn't mean they escape poverty. I think people call the UK paradise because interracial marriage is more common but the actual data shows they're just as deprived as blacks elsewhere unfortunately the systems in the USA like affirmative action don't exist there....

Them being able to marry white women hasnt' saved them from poverty...